lemo marked 2 inline comments as done.
lemo added inline comments.

Comment at: 
+        for module in self.target.modules:
+            self.assertTrue(module.IsValid())
labath wrote:
> lemo wrote:
> > labath wrote:
> > > Could we strengthen these assertions a bit. Given that this is static 
> > > data you are loading, I don't see why you couldn't hard-code the names of 
> > > the modules you should expect.
> > Done.
> > 
> > Just curious, do we have any support for golden output files? (it would be 
> > great for tests like this)
> If you're feeling adventurous, you can try rewriting this as a lit test. You 
> should be able to just do a `lldb -c my-core -o "image list"` and FileCheck 
> the output.
Thanks for the tip, I'll keep this in mind for the future.


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