On Fri, 22 Jun 2018 at 18:42, Jim Ingham <jing...@apple.com> wrote:
> > On Jun 22, 2018, at 4:05 AM, Pavel Labath <lab...@google.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 at 23:21, Jim Ingham <jing...@apple.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> It is not uncommon that you would be parsing the DWARF for module A and 
> >> find a type that is only known as a forward declaration.  In that case, 
> >> lldb will look through the other Modules' debug info for a real 
> >> definition, parse that and import it into module A.  So you would need to 
> >> suspend one task, start another and wait on its completion.
> >>
> >
> > Taking a step back, I was wondering what are the situations when we do
> > this kind of cross-module debug info importing? I was under the
> > impression that we don't do this kind importing precisely because the
> > module can be shared between multiple targets (and we don't want
> > information from a module which is not loaded in a given target to
> > leak into it just because we happen to have a different target with
> > that module around). I think these kinds of things came up during the
> > discussions about why lldb behaves poorly under -fno-standalone-debug.
> >
> > Am I misunderstanding something here? Because if this is true (parsing
> > debug info in a given module does not access other modules), then
> > maybe we could solve this by just taking some kind of a module lock
> > when parsing debug info in the given module.
> We only do this when we are parsing DWARF on behalf of the expression 
> parser's AST context.  That context is not shared among targets, so it 
> doesn't cause the sort of problems you are worried about.  The target AST 
> context looks in itself for definitions and then dispatches to the module's 
> AST contexts to look for, parse and import into itself definitions it doesn't 
> know or hasn't completed yet.  I don't remember whether we pause mid-stream 
> to find unknown types in this case, or do it as a cleanup.  I haven't looked 
> at that code in years.  Greg probably remembers it better than I do.
> Note, it is in fact a longstanding bug that, if you are in a frame of a 
> module that only has a forward declaration of type Foo, which exists in full 
> in another module, "expr" will helpfully print the full type, but "frame var" 
> will not.  That's tricky to solve for the reasons you specify.  The target 
> would need to keep a per-module side table of types that augment the ones in 
> the modules and use that somehow.  It's not clear how to make this work, and 
> the bug has languished for most of the life of lldb...  But it is not good 
> for the debugger to have two ways to print values - both of which are in 
> common usage because the "frame variable" path is how all GUI debuggers 
> present local variables - which give different answers for the same value.  
> So I still think the bug is important, and I don't want to make this more 
> difficult.  OTOH, however we solve it, the target-inferred extra types can't 
> go into the Module based AST contexts for the reasons you outline, so it 
> seems like a good assumption that if you are parsing module A, that can't 
> cause you to parse module B.  But we might have to introduce some more 
> distinctions between how we ingest DWARF for the scratch AST contexts and for 
> the module AST contexts.

Thanks for the detailed explanation!

I think this sounds like a promising direction then. Having a
per-module lock for a per-module AST context should be much more
understandable than some kind of multithreaded deadlock-free lazy
evaluation system.
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