clayborg requested changes to this revision.
clayborg added a comment.

This change seems fine to me. It allows each debugger to have a different exit 
status and each debugger can grab one. Seems like this should belong in 
lldb_private::CommandInterpreter and lldb::SBCommandInterpreter instead of in 
lldb_private::Debugger and lldb::SBDebugger

Comment at: include/lldb/API/SBDebugger.h:225-226
+  /// Returns the exit code that the user has set from the prompt.
+  int GetExitCode();
How do you know if the quit command has been called? I mean, we can return zero 
when "quit" hasn't been called yet, but it might be nice to know by changing 
the signature a bit:
int GetExitCode(bool &exited);

**exited** would be set to true if the quit command has been called, false 
otherwise if the command interpreter is still running?

Also "GetExitCode()" might be better and more clear as being named 
"GetQuitStatus()" or "GetQuitCommandStatus()" to be more clear this the result 
of the "quit" command?

This seems like this belongs more on the SBCommandInterpreter since it is the 
result of the "quit" command. Maybe something like:

class SBCommandInterpreter {
  bool QuitHasBeenCalled();
  int GetQuitStatus();

Then the user can call "SBCommandInterpreter::QuitHasBeenCalled()" first and 
follow it with SBCommandInterpreter::GetQuitStatus() to get the status? So I 
this should be moved to SBCommandInterpreter.h

Comment at: include/lldb/Core/Debugger.h:331-334
+  void SetExitCode(int i) { m_exit_code = i; }
+  int GetExitCode() const { return m_exit_code; }
move to command interpreter.

Comment at: include/lldb/Core/Debugger.h:411-412
   llvm::once_flag m_clear_once;
+  // The exit code the user has requested for the current debugger process.
+  int m_exit_code = 0;
move to command interpreter

Comment at: source/API/SBDebugger.cpp:1084-1087
+int SBDebugger::GetExitCode() {
+  return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetExitCode() : 0);
move to SBCommandInterpreter

Comment at: source/Commands/CommandObjectQuit.cpp:101
+    }
+    m_interpreter.GetDebugger().SetExitCode(exit_code);
+  }

Comment at: tools/driver/Driver.cpp:1162
+  int exit_code = m_debugger.GetExitCode();
Get exit from command interpreter

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