labath added a comment.

I was under the impression I've convinced you of this direction, but your 
questions make it sound like you're going back to the "standalone" breakpad 
file idea (which I am not fond of). I'll try to explain again what I'm doing 
here. This is going to be somewhat repetitive (for which I apologise), but I am 
trying to explain this from a slightly different angle this time.

The sections I'm creating here aren't the kind of sections that will be loaded 
in memory. They're non-loadable sections (like the sections without SHF_ALLOC 
flag in elf), whose only purpose is to carry data around. Similar to how 
.debug_info is a non-loadable section that carries DWARF data. In this code, 
I'm not trying to infer anything about the layout of the described executable 
file from the data in the breakpad file. I am only presenting a view **of** the 
data in the breakpad file, so that this connection can happen in 
SymbolFileBreakpad. So, ObjectFileBreakpad will create a section whose contents 
will be _literally_

  PUBLIC 1010 0 function1
  PUBLIC 1020 0 function2

Then, SymbolFileBreakpad will take this section, parse it (like SymbolFileDWARF 
parses .debug_info), cross-reference the information with the real object, and 
create appropriate symbols. This happens in D56173 
<>. I am currently working on other patches 
which take the line records from the breakpad file and create line tables. So 
here, ObjectFileBreakpad will provide a "FUNC" section (because in breakpad 
files line records are attached to the preceding FUNC record), similar to how 
ObjectFileELF provides .debug_line. Then SymbolFileBreakpad parses and presents 
it to LLDB (like SymbolFileDWARF parses .debug_line).

In this sense, a breakpad file should be similar to a symbol-only ELF file (the 
kind you produce with `strip --only-keep-debug`) -- this one also doesn't 
contain any loadable sections, and is merely a container for the symbol data.

When I speak about "discontinuity" in this patch, it means discontinuity in the 
descriptions themselves, not in the data being described. So a breakpad file 

  FUNC 1000 10 0 function1
  FILE 0 /tmp/foo.c
  FUNC 1010 10 0 function2

is discontinuous because the two FUNC records are not next to each other even 
though the functions themselves are positioned one after the other. (I don't 
know why would anyone produce files like these, but the breakpad format 
 explicitly allows that).

Also note that neither of these ObjectFileBreakpad nor SymbolFileBreakpad 
creates any loadable sections. I don't think that is necessary, as that can be 
done elsewhere (and better). I just use whatever sections are present in the 
main object file of the module. In practice this will either be a real loadable 
object file (elf/macho/coff), or a placeholder object file that is created when 
opening a minidump file. I think this makes sense for several reasons:

- determining the limits of the loadable section from the breakpad info is 
hard. There will always be some loaded data (various file headers, etc.) before 
the first symbol described by the breakpad file. And we won't also cannot be 
sure of the upper limit of the section if the last symbol is a PUBLIC symbol 
(as they don't have size). On the other hand, creating this from the minidump 
info is easy, as it knows the exact ranges (coming from /proc/pid/maps) and 
- better composability: having ObjectFileBreakpad be standalone will not allow 
us to get rid of the placeholder object files, as those will be still needed in 
cases when we don't have even the breakpad info. So we will need two branches 
in ObjectFileBreakpad (for when we have an object file vs. when we don't), and 
then placeholder files on top of that. Making breakpad files not be standalone 
let's us get rid of one of the branches in ObjectFileBreakpad
- Overall, I think object files should be as standalone as possible. They 
should not infer anything based on the information in other object files or 
elsewhere. They should just present the data that's present in the file itself 
and nothing more. Combining of data from should be done at a different level.

If this still hasn't convinced you :), and you think the standalone breakpad 
file is the better way to go, then I'd like to understand what are the 
advantages you see there, because right now I don't see any. In previous 
comments you were worried about being able to use a breakpad file without the 
matching exe file. If that isn't clear from the above, then I can reiterate 
that I do intend to support that flow. In fact, it is my primary use case. The 
only difference is I intend to achieve it via a combination of placeholder 
object files plus symbol information from breakpad files, rather than breakpad 
(object) files alone.


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