On 04/08/2020 17:34, Jordan Rupprecht via lldb-commits wrote:
> Thanks, that explains it! Namely this part:
> if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
>     # llvm.org/pr22274 <http://llvm.org/pr22274>: need a pexpect
> replacement for windows
>     class PExpectTest(object):
>         pass
> else:
>     import pexpect
>     class PExpectTest(TestBase):
> For this change to reland, I'll need to make it always inherit from
> TestBase, but suppressed in some other way (maybe seeing if decorators
> like @skipIfWindows can be applied to whole test classes)

I believe that should be possible for @skipIfWindows (though not for
some of our other decorators).

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