mgorny added a comment.

In D98822#2658252 <>, @labath wrote:

> In D98822#2646052 <>, @mgorny wrote:
>> It includes refactoring clone/fork/vfork event monitoring into a single 
>> function. Right now, only forks are supported — the handler creates a local 
>> `NativeProcessLinux` instance (@labath, any suggestions how to make this 
>> less hacky?), duplicates parent's breakpoints into it (just like the child 
>> gets parent's memory) and uses it to clear these breakpoints and detach the 
>> child process.
> I don't find this particularly hacky. However, I have doubts about the 
> breakpoint clearing aspect. If we add that now, I think it will be tricky to 
> move that process to the client in the future (how will the client know 
> whether the breakpoints were auto-removed?) Given that  breakpoints in forked 
> process have been borked since forever, I don't see harm in keeping that 
> broken for a little while longer. Even a client with extremely limited of 
> multiple processes (like the one we had in mind) should not have a problem 
> with sending the appropriate `z` packets before it detaches. This patch could 
> still come first (it's great that you've separated that out) -- it just needs 
> to ensure that there are no breakpoints in the child path which would need 
> clearing.

Actually, that's not a problem at all. If client doesn't indicate `fork-events` 
support via `qSupported`, we handle breakpoints server-side. If it does, we 
deliver `fork` stop reason and then the client is responsible for dealing with 

> Btw, have you by any chance looked at how gdb determines which clone()s 
> constitute a new thread?

If I read the code correctly, GDB always assumes `PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE` is a new 
thread, and does not support spawning processes via it.


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