teemperor added a comment.

In D103454#2793219 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D103454#2793219>, @werat wrote:

> Is this code used for auto-generated docs? Could be have this documentation 
> in C++ definitions (lldb/API/SBType.h) as well? I usually just read the C++ 
> source code, but I can imagine having the same docs in two places might be 
> not the best idea...

Jepp, documenting this stuff in the C++ headers seems like a good idea. My 
current idea is that when the Python docs are done that I'll just copy them to 
the C++ headers (and add/remove the C++<->Python specific parts)

And I agree, having them in two places isn't great, but apparently the 
technology is barely there to even document the current SWIG interfaces itself 
(enums and overloaded functions are just really broken with Python), so I don't 
think we can do some form of single source publishing here (at least without 
writing our own tools[1]). The good thing is that the SB API is stable so once 
this is done we should hopefully rarely have to update the different versions 
of the docs. In any case, I think this is more of a discussion for the mailing 

[1] Given how much pain it is to work with SWIG, I think the idea of "let's 
just make our own SWIG" is actually really popular around here. Maybe one day 
we'll reach the point where someone has enough, takes a week off and returns 
with the SWIG clone we all deserve :)

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