OmarEmaraDev created this revision.
OmarEmaraDev added a reviewer: clayborg.
Herald added a reviewer: teemperor.
OmarEmaraDev requested review of this revision.
Herald added a project: LLDB.
Herald added a subscriber: lldb-commits.

This patch adds initial support for forms and dialogs for the LLDB GUI.
The current supported form elements are Text, Integer, Boolean, and

A new window delegate FormWindowDelegate was added to represent the
dialog window that contains the form. The window takes a FormDelegate as
an input.

FormDelegate is an abstract class than have a default implementation for
the drawing and char handing methods, while it require the
FormDelegateSubmit method to be defined, which contains the main dialog
submitting routine and can set error message as needed. In constructor
of the FormDelegate, the necessary fields are added using the provided
factory methods for fields. The returned field delegate can be used to
retrieve the information that the fields contains.

A field is defined by a FieldDelegate and implements the char handing
and drawing as needed.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


Index: lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp
--- lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp
@@ -392,6 +392,12 @@
   void Box(chtype v_char = ACS_VLINE, chtype h_char = ACS_HLINE) {
     ::box(m_window, v_char, h_char);
+  void VerticalLine(int n, chtype v_char = ACS_VLINE) {
+    ::wvline(m_window, v_char, n);
+  }
+  void HorizontalLine(int n, chtype h_char = ACS_HLINE) {
+    ::whline(m_window, h_char, n);
+  }
   void Clear() { ::wclear(m_window); }
   void Erase() { ::werase(m_window); }
   Rect GetBounds() const {
@@ -423,14 +429,19 @@
     ::wbkgd(m_window, COLOR_PAIR(color_pair_idx));
-  void PutCStringTruncated(int right_pad, const char *s, int len = -1) {
-    int bytes_left = GetWidth() - GetCursorX();
+  void PutCStringTruncatedWidth(int right_pad, const char *s, int width,
+                                int len = -1) {
+    int bytes_left = width - GetCursorX();
     if (bytes_left > right_pad) {
       bytes_left -= right_pad;
       ::waddnstr(m_window, s, len < 0 ? bytes_left : std::min(bytes_left, len));
+  void PutCStringTruncated(int right_pad, const char *s, int len = -1) {
+    PutCStringTruncatedWidth(right_pad, s, GetWidth(), len);
+  }
   void MoveWindow(const Point &origin) {
     const bool moving_window = origin != GetParentOrigin();
     if (m_is_subwin && moving_window) {
@@ -674,6 +685,35 @@
+  void DrawBox(const Rect &bounds, chtype v_char = ACS_VLINE,
+               chtype h_char = ACS_HLINE) {
+    MoveCursor(bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y);
+    VerticalLine(bounds.size.height);
+    HorizontalLine(bounds.size.width);
+    PutChar(ACS_ULCORNER);
+    MoveCursor(bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width - 1, bounds.origin.y);
+    VerticalLine(bounds.size.height);
+    PutChar(ACS_URCORNER);
+    MoveCursor(bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height - 1);
+    HorizontalLine(bounds.size.width);
+    PutChar(ACS_LLCORNER);
+    MoveCursor(bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width - 1,
+               bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height - 1);
+    PutChar(ACS_LRCORNER);
+  }
+  void DrawTitledBox(const Rect &bounds, const char *title,
+                     chtype v_char = ACS_VLINE, chtype h_char = ACS_HLINE) {
+    DrawBox(bounds, v_char, h_char);
+    MoveCursor(bounds.origin.x + 2, bounds.origin.y);
+    PutChar('[');
+    PutCString(title);
+    PutChar(']');
+  }
   virtual void Draw(bool force) {
     if (m_delegate_sp && m_delegate_sp->WindowDelegateDraw(*this, force))
@@ -869,6 +909,540 @@
   const Window &operator=(const Window &) = delete;
+// Forms
+class FieldDelegate {
+  virtual ~FieldDelegate() = default;
+  virtual Rect FieldDelegateGetBounds() = 0;
+  virtual void FieldDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool is_active) = 0;
+  virtual HandleCharResult FieldDelegateHandleChar(int key) {
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+typedef std::shared_ptr<FieldDelegate> FieldDelegateSP;
+class TextFieldDelegate : public FieldDelegate {
+  TextFieldDelegate(const char *label, int width, Point origin,
+                    const char *content)
+      : m_label(label), m_width(width), m_origin(origin), m_content(content),
+        m_cursor_position(0), m_first_visibile_char(0) {
+    assert(m_width > 2);
+  }
+  // Get the bounding box of the field. The text field has a height of 3, 2
+  // lines for borders and 1 for the content.
+  Rect FieldDelegateGetBounds() override {
+    return Rect(m_origin, Size(m_width, 3));
+  }
+  // Get the start X position of the content in window space, without the
+  // borders.
+  int GetX() { return m_origin.x + 1; }
+  // Get the start Y position of the content in window space, without the
+  // borders.
+  int GetY() { return m_origin.y + 1; }
+  // Get the effective width of the field, without the borders.
+  int GetEffectiveWidth() { return m_width - 2; }
+  // Get the cursor position in window space.
+  int GetCursorWindowXPosition() {
+    return GetX() + m_cursor_position - m_first_visibile_char;
+  }
+  int GetContentLength() { return (int)m_content.length(); }
+  void FieldDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool is_active) override {
+    // Draw label box.
+    window.DrawTitledBox(FieldDelegateGetBounds(), m_label.c_str());
+    // Draw content.
+    window.MoveCursor(GetX(), GetY());
+    const char *text = m_content.c_str() + m_first_visibile_char;
+    window.PutCStringTruncated(0, text, GetEffectiveWidth());
+    // Highlight the cursor.
+    window.MoveCursor(GetCursorWindowXPosition(), GetY());
+    if (is_active)
+      window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
+    if (m_cursor_position == GetContentLength())
+      // Cursor is past the last character. Highlight an empty space.
+      window.PutChar(' ');
+    else
+      window.PutChar(m_content[m_cursor_position]);
+    if (is_active)
+      window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
+  }
+  // The cursor is allowed to move one character past the string.
+  // m_cursor_position is in range [0, GetContentLength()].
+  void MoveCursorRight() {
+    if (m_cursor_position < GetContentLength())
+      m_cursor_position++;
+  }
+  void MoveCursorLeft() {
+    if (m_cursor_position > 0)
+      m_cursor_position--;
+  }
+  // If the cursor moved past the last visible character, scroll right by one
+  // character.
+  void ScrollRightIfNeeded() {
+    if (m_cursor_position - m_first_visibile_char == GetEffectiveWidth())
+      m_first_visibile_char++;
+  }
+  // If the cursor moved past the first visible character, scroll left by one
+  // character.
+  void ScrollLeftIfNeeded() {
+    if (m_cursor_position < m_first_visibile_char)
+      m_first_visibile_char--;
+  }
+  // Insert a character at the current cursor position, advance the cursor
+  // position, and make sure to scroll right if needed.
+  void InsertChar(char character) {
+    m_content.insert(m_cursor_position, 1, character);
+    m_cursor_position++;
+    ScrollRightIfNeeded();
+  }
+  // Remove the character before the cursor position, retreat the cursor
+  // position, and make sure to scroll left if needed.
+  void RemoveChar() {
+    if (m_cursor_position == 0)
+      return;
+    m_content.erase(m_cursor_position - 1, 1);
+    m_cursor_position--;
+    ScrollLeftIfNeeded();
+  }
+  // True if the key represents a char that can be inserted in the field
+  // content, false otherwise.
+  virtual bool IsAcceptableChar(int key) { return isprint(key); }
+  HandleCharResult FieldDelegateHandleChar(int key) override {
+    if (IsAcceptableChar(key)) {
+      InsertChar((char)key);
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    }
+    switch (key) {
+    case KEY_RIGHT:
+      MoveCursorRight();
+      ScrollRightIfNeeded();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_LEFT:
+      MoveCursorLeft();
+      ScrollLeftIfNeeded();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_BACKSPACE:
+      RemoveChar();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  // Returns the text content of the field.
+  std::string GetText() { return m_content; }
+  std::string m_label;
+  // The total width of the field, including the two border characters. So the
+  // effective width is two characters less.
+  int m_width;
+  // The position of the top left corner character of the border.
+  Point m_origin;
+  std::string m_content;
+  // The cursor position in the content string itself. Can be in the range
+  // [0, GetContentLength()].
+  int m_cursor_position;
+  // The index of the first visible character in the content.
+  int m_first_visibile_char;
+class IntegerFieldDelegate : public TextFieldDelegate {
+  IntegerFieldDelegate(const char *label, int width, Point origin, int content)
+      : TextFieldDelegate(label, width, origin,
+                          std::to_string(content).c_str()) {}
+  // Only accept digits.
+  bool IsAcceptableChar(int key) override { return isdigit(key); }
+  // Returns the integer content of the field.
+  int GetInteger() { return std::stoi(m_content); }
+class BooleanFieldDelegate : public FieldDelegate {
+  BooleanFieldDelegate(const char *label, Point origin, bool content)
+      : m_label(label), m_origin(origin), m_content(content) {}
+  // Get the bounding box of the field. The boolean field is drawn as follows:
+  // [X] Label  or [ ] Label
+  // So 4 characters plus the length of the label. And only a single line.
+  Rect FieldDelegateGetBounds() override {
+    return Rect(m_origin, Size(4 + m_label.length(), 1));
+  }
+  // [X] Label  or [ ] Label
+  void FieldDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool is_active) override {
+    window.MoveCursor(m_origin.x, m_origin.y);
+    window.PutChar('[');
+    if (is_active)
+      window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
+    window.PutChar(m_content ? 'X' : ' ');
+    if (is_active)
+      window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
+    window.PutChar(']');
+    window.PutChar(' ');
+    window.PutCString(m_label.c_str());
+  }
+  void ToggleContent() { m_content = !m_content; }
+  HandleCharResult FieldDelegateHandleChar(int key) override {
+    switch (key) {
+    case ' ':
+      ToggleContent();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  // Returns the boolean content of the field.
+  bool GetBoolean() { return m_content; }
+  std::string m_label;
+  // The window space position of the first character.
+  Point m_origin;
+  bool m_content;
+class ChoicesFieldDelegate : public FieldDelegate {
+  ChoicesFieldDelegate(const char *label, int width, int height, Point origin,
+                       std::vector<std::string> choices)
+      : m_label(label), m_width(width), m_height(height), m_origin(origin),
+        m_choices(choices), m_choice(0), m_first_visibile_choice(0) {
+    assert(m_width > 3);
+    assert(m_height > 2);
+  }
+  // Get the bounding box of the field. The height is 2 border characters with
+  // one or more space to show choices in a list.
+  Rect FieldDelegateGetBounds() override {
+    return Rect(m_origin, Size(m_width, m_height));
+  }
+  // Get the X position of the choices in window space, without the borders.
+  int GetX() { return m_origin.x + 1; }
+  // Get the Y position of the first visible choice in window space.
+  int GetY() { return m_origin.y + 1; }
+  // Get the effective width of the field, without the borders.
+  int GetEffectiveWidth() { return m_width - 2; }
+  //
+  // Get the effective height of the field, without the borders.
+  int GetEffectiveHeight() { return m_height - 2; }
+  int GetNumberOfChoices() { return m_choices.size(); }
+  // Get the index of the last visible choice.
+  int GetLastVisibleChoice() {
+    return std::min(m_first_visibile_choice + GetEffectiveHeight() - 1,
+                    GetNumberOfChoices() - 1);
+  }
+  void FieldDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool is_active) override {
+    // Draw label box.
+    window.DrawTitledBox(FieldDelegateGetBounds(), m_label.c_str());
+    // Draw content.
+    int choices_to_draw = GetLastVisibleChoice() - m_first_visibile_choice + 1;
+    for (int i = 0; i < choices_to_draw; i++) {
+      window.MoveCursor(GetX(), GetY() + i);
+      int current_choice = m_first_visibile_choice + i;
+      const char *text = m_choices[current_choice].c_str();
+      bool highlight = is_active && current_choice == m_choice;
+      if (highlight)
+        window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
+      window.PutChar(current_choice == m_choice ? ACS_DIAMOND : ' ');
+      window.PutCString(text);
+      if (highlight)
+        window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
+    }
+  }
+  void SelectPrevious() {
+    if (m_choice > 0)
+      m_choice--;
+  }
+  void SelectNext() {
+    if (m_choice < GetNumberOfChoices() - 1)
+      m_choice++;
+  }
+  // If the cursor moved past the first visible choice, scroll up by one
+  // choice.
+  void ScrollUpIfNeeded() {
+    if (m_choice < m_first_visibile_choice)
+      m_first_visibile_choice--;
+  }
+  // If the cursor moved past the last visible choice, scroll down by one
+  // choice.
+  void ScrollDownIfNeeded() {
+    if (m_choice > GetLastVisibleChoice())
+      m_first_visibile_choice++;
+  }
+  HandleCharResult FieldDelegateHandleChar(int key) override {
+    switch (key) {
+    case KEY_UP:
+      SelectPrevious();
+      ScrollUpIfNeeded();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_DOWN:
+      SelectNext();
+      ScrollDownIfNeeded();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  // Returns the content of the choice as a string.
+  std::string GetChoiceContent() { return m_choices[m_choice]; }
+  // Returns the index of the choice.
+  int GetChoice() { return m_choice; }
+  std::string m_label;
+  // The total width of the field, including the two border characters. So the
+  // effective width is two characters less.
+  int m_width;
+  // The total height of the field, including the two border characters. So the
+  // effective width is two characters less.
+  int m_height;
+  // The position of the top left corner character of the border.
+  Point m_origin;
+  std::vector<std::string> m_choices;
+  // The index of the selected choice.
+  int m_choice;
+  // The index of the first visible choice in the field.
+  int m_first_visibile_choice;
+class Field {
+  Field(FieldDelegateSP &delegate_sp) : m_delegate_sp(delegate_sp) {}
+  void Draw(Window &window, bool is_active) {
+    m_delegate_sp->FieldDelegateDraw(window, is_active);
+  }
+  HandleCharResult HandleChar(int key) {
+    return m_delegate_sp->FieldDelegateHandleChar(key);
+  }
+  FieldDelegateSP m_delegate_sp;
+class FormDelegate {
+  FormDelegate() : m_has_error(false) {}
+  virtual ~FormDelegate() = default;
+  virtual HandleCharResult FormDelegateHandleChar(int selected_field_index,
+                                                  int key) {
+    return m_fields[selected_field_index].HandleChar(key);
+  }
+  virtual void FormDelegateDraw(Window &window, int selected_field_index) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < FormDelegateGetNumberOfFields(); i++) {
+      bool is_field_selected = selected_field_index == i;
+      m_fields[i].Draw(window, is_field_selected);
+    }
+  }
+  // Return true if submission was successful, false otherwise. If false, the
+  // method should set the m_error member to an appropriate error message.
+  virtual bool FormDelegateSubmit() = 0;
+  int FormDelegateGetNumberOfFields() { return m_fields.size(); }
+  bool HasError() { return m_has_error; }
+  std::string &GetError() { return m_error; }
+  // Factory methods to create and add fields of specific types.
+  TextFieldDelegate *AddTextField(const char *label, int width, Point origin,
+                                  const char *content) {
+    TextFieldDelegate *delegate =
+        new TextFieldDelegate(label, width, origin, content);
+    FieldDelegateSP delegate_sp = FieldDelegateSP(delegate);
+    m_fields.push_back(Field(delegate_sp));
+    return delegate;
+  }
+  IntegerFieldDelegate *AddIntegerField(const char *label, int width,
+                                        Point origin, int content) {
+    IntegerFieldDelegate *delegate =
+        new IntegerFieldDelegate(label, width, origin, content);
+    FieldDelegateSP delegate_sp = FieldDelegateSP(delegate);
+    m_fields.push_back(Field(delegate_sp));
+    return delegate;
+  }
+  BooleanFieldDelegate *AddBooleanField(const char *label, Point origin,
+                                        bool content) {
+    BooleanFieldDelegate *delegate =
+        new BooleanFieldDelegate(label, origin, content);
+    FieldDelegateSP delegate_sp = FieldDelegateSP(delegate);
+    m_fields.push_back(Field(delegate_sp));
+    return delegate;
+  }
+  ChoicesFieldDelegate *AddChoicesField(const char *label, int width,
+                                        int height, Point origin,
+                                        std::vector<std::string> choices) {
+    ChoicesFieldDelegate *delegate =
+        new ChoicesFieldDelegate(label, width, height, origin, choices);
+    FieldDelegateSP delegate_sp = FieldDelegateSP(delegate);
+    m_fields.push_back(Field(delegate_sp));
+    return delegate;
+  }
+  bool m_has_error;
+  std::string m_error;
+  std::vector<Field> m_fields;
+typedef std::shared_ptr<FormDelegate> FormDelegateSP;
+class FormWindowDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
+  FormWindowDelegate(FormDelegateSP &delegate_sp)
+      : m_delegate_sp(delegate_sp), m_selected_field_index(0) {}
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
+    window.Erase();
+    window.DrawTitleBox(window.GetName(), "Press Esc to cancel");
+    // Draw field elements.
+    m_delegate_sp->FormDelegateDraw(window, m_selected_field_index);
+    // Draw a horizontal line separating the fields and the button.
+    window.MoveCursor(1, window.GetHeight() - 4);
+    window.HorizontalLine(window.GetWidth() - 2);
+    // Draw the centered submit button.
+    const char *button_text = "[Submit]";
+    int x = (window.GetWidth() - sizeof(button_text) - 1) / 2;
+    window.MoveCursor(x, window.GetHeight() - 3);
+    if (IsButtonActive())
+      window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
+    window.PutCString(button_text);
+    if (IsButtonActive())
+      window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
+    // Draw the error if it exists.
+    if (m_delegate_sp->HasError()) {
+      window.MoveCursor(2, window.GetHeight() - 2);
+      window.AttributeOn(COLOR_PAIR(RedOnBlack));
+      window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
+      window.PutChar(' ');
+      window.PutCStringTruncated(1, m_delegate_sp->GetError().c_str());
+      window.AttributeOff(COLOR_PAIR(RedOnBlack));
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  // The index can be equal to the number of fields, hence the plus one. See
+  // IsButtonActive().
+  void SelectedNextField() {
+    m_selected_field_index++;
+    int number_of_fields = m_delegate_sp->FormDelegateGetNumberOfFields();
+    m_selected_field_index %= number_of_fields + 1;
+  }
+  void SubmitForm(Window &window) {
+    bool is_successful = m_delegate_sp->FormDelegateSubmit();
+    if (is_successful)
+      window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
+  }
+  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) override {
+    switch (key) {
+    case '\r':
+    case '\n':
+    case KEY_ENTER:
+      if (IsButtonActive()) {
+        SubmitForm(window);
+        return eKeyHandled;
+      }
+      break;
+    case '\t':
+      SelectedNextField();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_ESCAPE:
+      window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    // If the key wasn't handled and one of the fields is active, pass the key
+    // to that field.
+    if (!IsButtonActive()) {
+      return m_delegate_sp->FormDelegateHandleChar(m_selected_field_index, key);
+    }
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  // When the selected field index is equal to the number of selected fields,
+  // this denotes that the button is selected.
+  bool IsButtonActive() {
+    int number_of_fields = m_delegate_sp->FormDelegateGetNumberOfFields();
+    return m_selected_field_index == number_of_fields;
+  }
+  FormDelegateSP m_delegate_sp;
+  // The index of the selected field. This can be equal to the number of fields,
+  // in which case, it denotes that the button is selected.
+  int m_selected_field_index;
 class MenuDelegate {
   virtual ~MenuDelegate() = default;
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