d-millar updated this revision to Diff 378237.
d-millar added a comment.

supplying a better patch file





Index: patch
--- patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2403 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/lldb/CMakeLists.txt b/lldb/CMakeLists.txt
-index 594c769141b4..faf3846a0a16 100644
---- a/lldb/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/lldb/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13.4)
- # Add path for custom modules.
-   "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules"
-   )
- # If we are not building as part of LLVM, build LLDB as a standalone project,
- # using LLVM as an external library.
-   project(lldb)
-   include(LLDBStandalone)
-   set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14 CACHE STRING "C++ standard to conform to")
- endif()
- include(LLDBConfig)
- include(AddLLDB)
- # Define the LLDB_CONFIGURATION_xxx matching the build type.
-   add_definitions(-DLLDB_CONFIGURATION_DEBUG)
- endif()
- if (WIN32)
- endif()
-     execute_process(
-       COMMAND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}
-           -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(True, False, ''))"
-   else ()
-       message(FATAL_ERROR
-         "Crosscompiling LLDB with Python requires manually setting
-     endif ()
-   endif ()
-     CACHE STRING "Path where Python modules are installed, relative to install prefix")
- endif ()
-   add_subdirectory(bindings)
- endif ()
- # We need the headers generated by instrinsics_gen before we can compile
- # any source file in LLDB as the imported Clang modules might include
- # some of these generated headers. This approach is copied from Clang's main
- # CMakeLists.txt, so it should kept in sync the code in Clang which was added
- # in llvm-svn 308844.
-   list(APPEND LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS intrinsics_gen)
- endif()
-   include(CrossCompile)
-     message(FATAL_ERROR
-       "Crosscompiling standalone requires the variables NATIVE_{CLANG,LLVM}_DIR
-       for building the native lldb-tblgen used during the build process.")
-   endif()
-   llvm_create_cross_target(lldb NATIVE "" Release
-     -DClang_DIR=${NATIVE_Clang_DIR})
- endif()
- # TableGen
- add_subdirectory(utils/TableGen)
- add_subdirectory(source)
- add_subdirectory(tools)
- add_subdirectory(docs)
-     set(lldb_python_target_dir "${LLDB_FRAMEWORK_ABSOLUTE_BUILD_DIR}/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python/lldb")
-   else()
-     set(lldb_python_target_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${LLDB_PYTHON_RELATIVE_PATH}/lldb")
-   endif()
-   get_target_property(lldb_python_bindings_dir swig_wrapper_python BINARY_DIR)
-   finish_swig_python("lldb-python" "${lldb_python_bindings_dir}" "${lldb_python_target_dir}")
- endif()
- option(LLDB_INCLUDE_TESTS "Generate build targets for the LLDB unit tests." ${LLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS})
-   add_subdirectory(test)
-   add_subdirectory(unittests)
-   add_subdirectory(utils)
- endif()
-   llvm_distribution_add_targets()
- endif()
-diff --git a/lldb/bindings/CMakeLists.txt b/lldb/bindings/CMakeLists.txt
-index 9759b069fdc4..780413104d7f 100644
---- a/lldb/bindings/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/lldb/bindings/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -1,40 +1,45 @@
- file(GLOB SWIG_INTERFACES interface/*.i)
-   ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/include/lldb/API/*.h
-   ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/include/lldb/*.h
- )
-   ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/include/lldb/lldb-private*.h
- )
- foreach(private_header ${SWIG_PRIVATE_HEADERS})
-   list(REMOVE_ITEM SWIG_HEADERS ${private_header})
- endforeach()
-   set(framework_arg --framework --target-platform Darwin)
- endif()
- if(APPLE)
-   set(DARWIN_EXTRAS "-D__APPLE__")
- else()
-   set(DARWIN_EXTRAS "")
- endif()
-   -c++
-   -features autodoc
-   -I${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/include
- )
-   add_subdirectory(python)
- endif()
-   add_subdirectory(lua)
- endif()
-+  add_subdirectory(java)
-diff --git a/lldb/include/lldb/Host/Config.h.cmake b/lldb/include/lldb/Host/Config.h.cmake
-index 777a6d1be541..d5bf522e7e97 100644
---- a/lldb/include/lldb/Host/Config.h.cmake
-+++ b/lldb/include/lldb/Host/Config.h.cmake
-@@ -1,54 +1,56 @@
- //===-- Config.h -----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
- //
- // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
- // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
- //
- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_EDITLINE_USE_WCHAR
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_HAVE_EL_RFUNC_T
- #cmakedefine01 HAVE_SYS_EVENT_H
- #cmakedefine01 HAVE_PPOLL
- #cmakedefine01 HAVE_PTSNAME_R
- #cmakedefine01 HAVE_PROCESS_VM_READV
- #cmakedefine01 HAVE_NR_PROCESS_VM_READV
- #endif
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_ENABLE_POSIX
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_ENABLE_TERMIOS
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_ENABLE_LZMA
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_ENABLE_CURSES
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_ENABLE_LIBEDIT
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_ENABLE_LIBXML2
-+#cmakedefine01 LLDB_ENABLE_JAVA
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_ENABLE_LUA
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_ENABLE_PYTHON
- #cmakedefine01 LLDB_EMBED_PYTHON_HOME
- #endif // #ifndef LLDB_HOST_CONFIG_H
-diff --git a/lldb/source/API/CMakeLists.txt b/lldb/source/API/CMakeLists.txt
-index 2e33f5c05c1a..014ae8b240f1 100644
---- a/lldb/source/API/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/lldb/source/API/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -1,216 +1,244 @@
-   add_definitions( -DEXPORT_LIBLLDB )
- endif()
-   set(option_install_prefix INSTALL_PREFIX ${LLDB_FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR})
-   set(option_framework FRAMEWORK)
- endif()
-   get_target_property(python_bindings_dir swig_wrapper_python BINARY_DIR)
-   set(lldb_python_wrapper ${python_bindings_dir}/LLDBWrapPython.cpp)
- endif()
-   get_target_property(lua_bindings_dir swig_wrapper_lua BINARY_DIR)
-   set(lldb_lua_wrapper ${lua_bindings_dir}/LLDBWrapLua.cpp)
- endif()
-+  get_target_property(java_bindings_dir swig_wrapper_java BINARY_DIR)
-+  set(lldb_java_wrapper ${java_bindings_dir}/LLDBWrapJava.cpp)
- add_lldb_library(liblldb SHARED ${option_framework}
-   SBAddress.cpp
-   SBAttachInfo.cpp
-   SBBlock.cpp
-   SBBreakpoint.cpp
-   SBBreakpointLocation.cpp
-   SBBreakpointName.cpp
-   SBBreakpointOptionCommon.cpp
-   SBBroadcaster.cpp
-   SBCommandInterpreter.cpp
-   SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions.cpp
-   SBCommandReturnObject.cpp
-   SBCommunication.cpp
-   SBCompileUnit.cpp
-   SBData.cpp
-   SBDebugger.cpp
-   SBDeclaration.cpp
-   SBEnvironment.cpp
-   SBError.cpp
-   SBEvent.cpp
-   SBExecutionContext.cpp
-   SBExpressionOptions.cpp
-   SBFileSpec.cpp
-   SBFile.cpp
-   SBFileSpecList.cpp
-   SBFrame.cpp
-   SBFunction.cpp
-   SBHostOS.cpp
-   SBInstruction.cpp
-   SBInstructionList.cpp
-   SBLanguageRuntime.cpp
-   SBLaunchInfo.cpp
-   SBLineEntry.cpp
-   SBListener.cpp
-   SBMemoryRegionInfo.cpp
-   SBMemoryRegionInfoList.cpp
-   SBModule.cpp
-   SBModuleSpec.cpp
-   SBPlatform.cpp
-   SBProcess.cpp
-   SBProcessInfo.cpp
-   SBQueue.cpp
-   SBQueueItem.cpp
-   SBReproducer.cpp
-   SBSection.cpp
-   SBSourceManager.cpp
-   SBStream.cpp
-   SBStringList.cpp
-   SBStructuredData.cpp
-   SBSymbol.cpp
-   SBSymbolContext.cpp
-   SBSymbolContextList.cpp
-   SBTarget.cpp
-   SBThread.cpp
-   SBThreadCollection.cpp
-   SBThreadPlan.cpp
-   SBTrace.cpp
-+  SBTraceOptions.cpp
-   SBType.cpp
-   SBTypeCategory.cpp
-   SBTypeEnumMember.cpp
-   SBTypeFilter.cpp
-   SBTypeFormat.cpp
-   SBTypeNameSpecifier.cpp
-   SBTypeSummary.cpp
-   SBTypeSynthetic.cpp
-   SBValue.cpp
-   SBValueList.cpp
-   SBVariablesOptions.cpp
-   SBWatchpoint.cpp
-   SBUnixSignals.cpp
-   SystemInitializerFull.cpp
-   ${lldb_python_wrapper}
-   ${lldb_lua_wrapper}
-+  ${lldb_java_wrapper}
-     lldbBase
-     lldbBreakpoint
-     lldbCore
-     lldbDataFormatters
-     lldbExpression
-     lldbHost
-     lldbInitialization
-     lldbInterpreter
-     lldbSymbol
-     lldbTarget
-     lldbUtility
-     Support
-   ${option_install_prefix}
- )
- # lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages/lldb/_lldb.so is a symlink to lib/liblldb.so,
- # which depends on lib/libLLVM*.so (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) or lib/libLLVM-10git.so
- # (LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB). Add an additional rpath $ORIGIN/../../../../lib so
- # that _lldb.so can be loaded from Python.
-   set_property(TARGET liblldb APPEND PROPERTY INSTALL_RPATH "\$ORIGIN/../../../../lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}")
- endif()
- if(Python3_RPATH)
-   set_property(TARGET liblldb APPEND PROPERTY INSTALL_RPATH "${Python3_RPATH}")
-   set_property(TARGET liblldb APPEND PROPERTY BUILD_RPATH   "${Python3_RPATH}")
- endif()
-   add_dependencies(liblldb swig_wrapper_python)
-   if (MSVC)
-     set_property(SOURCE ${lldb_python_wrapper} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " /W0")
-   else()
-     set_property(SOURCE ${lldb_python_wrapper} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " -w")
-   endif()
-   set_source_files_properties(${lldb_python_wrapper} PROPERTIES GENERATED ON)
-   if (CLANG_CL)
-     set_property(SOURCE ${lldb_python_wrapper} APPEND_STRING
-       PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " -Wno-unused-function")
-   endif()
-       NOT "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Darwin")
-     set_property(SOURCE ${lldb_python_wrapper} APPEND_STRING
-       PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " -Wno-sequence-point -Wno-cast-qual")
-   endif ()
- endif()
-   add_dependencies(liblldb swig_wrapper_lua)
-   target_include_directories(liblldb PRIVATE ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR})
-   if (MSVC)
-     set_property(SOURCE ${lldb_lua_wrapper} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " /W0")
-   else()
-     set_property(SOURCE ${lldb_lua_wrapper} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " -w")
-   endif()
-   set_source_files_properties(${lldb_lua_wrapper} PROPERTIES GENERATED ON)
- endif()
-+  add_dependencies(liblldb swig_wrapper_java)
-+  target_include_directories(liblldb PRIVATE ${JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR})
-+  target_include_directories(liblldb PRIVATE ${JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR}/darwin)
-+  if (MSVC)
-+    set_property(SOURCE ${lldb_java_wrapper} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " /W0")
-+  else()
-+    set_property(SOURCE ${lldb_java_wrapper} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " ")
-+  endif()
-+  set_source_files_properties(${lldb_java_wrapper} PROPERTIES GENERATED ON)
- set_target_properties(liblldb
- )
-     # If we're not exporting all symbols, we'll want to explicitly set
-     # the exported symbols here.  This prevents 'log enable --stack ...'
-     # from working on some systems but limits the liblldb size.
-     MESSAGE("-- Symbols (liblldb): exporting all symbols from the lldb namespace")
-     add_llvm_symbol_exports(liblldb ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/liblldb.exports)
-   else()
-     # Don't use an explicit export.  Instead, tell the linker to
-     # export all symbols.
-     MESSAGE("-- Symbols (liblldb): exporting all symbols from the lldb and lldb_private namespaces")
-     add_llvm_symbol_exports(liblldb ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/liblldb-private.exports)
-   endif()
-   set_target_properties(liblldb_exports PROPERTIES FOLDER "lldb misc")
- endif()
--if (NOT MSVC)
-+if (MSVC)
-+  # Only MSVC has the ABI compatibility problem and avoids using FindPythonLibs,
-+  # so only it needs to explicitly link against ${Python3_LIBRARIES}
-+    target_link_libraries(liblldb PRIVATE ${Python3_LIBRARIES})
-+  endif()
-   set_target_properties(liblldb
-     OUTPUT_NAME lldb
-   )
- endif()
- # The Clang expression parser in LLDB requires the Clang resource directory to function.
- if (TARGET clang-resource-headers)
-   # If building alongside Clang, just add a dependency to ensure it is build together with liblldb.
-   add_dependencies(liblldb clang-resource-headers)
- else()
-   # In a standalone build create a symlink from the LLDB library directory that points to the
-   # resource directory in the Clang library directory. LLDB searches relative to its install path,
-   # and the symlink is created in the same relative path as the resource directory of Clang when
-   # building alongside Clang.
-   # When building the LLDB framework, this isn't necessary as there we copy everything we need into
-   # the framework (including the Clang resourece directory).
-     add_custom_command(TARGET liblldb POST_BUILD
-       COMMENT "Linking Clang resource dir into LLDB build directory: ${LLDB_CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR_PARENT}"
-     )
-   endif()
- endif()
-   include(LLDBFramework)
- endif()
-diff --git a/lldb/source/API/SBDebugger.cpp b/lldb/source/API/SBDebugger.cpp
-index a854c22bb214..01fbfd6beeaa 100644
---- a/lldb/source/API/SBDebugger.cpp
-+++ b/lldb/source/API/SBDebugger.cpp
-@@ -1,1898 +1,1901 @@
- //===-- SBDebugger.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
- // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
- //
- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- #include "SBReproducerPrivate.h"
- #include "SystemInitializerFull.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBDebugger.h"
- #include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBBroadcaster.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBCommandInterpreter.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBCommandReturnObject.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBError.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBEvent.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBFile.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBFrame.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBListener.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBProcess.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBSourceManager.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBStream.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBStringList.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBStructuredData.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBTarget.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBThread.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBTypeCategory.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBTypeFilter.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBTypeFormat.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBTypeNameSpecifier.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBTypeSummary.h"
- #include "lldb/API/SBTypeSynthetic.h"
- #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
- #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
- #include "lldb/Core/Progress.h"
- #include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
- #include "lldb/Core/StructuredDataImpl.h"
- #include "lldb/DataFormatters/DataVisualization.h"
- #include "lldb/Host/Config.h"
- #include "lldb/Host/XML.h"
- #include "lldb/Initialization/SystemLifetimeManager.h"
- #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
- #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionArgParser.h"
- #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupPlatform.h"
- #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
- #include "lldb/Target/TargetList.h"
- #include "lldb/Utility/Args.h"
- #include "lldb/Utility/State.h"
- #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
- #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
- #include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h"
- #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
- using namespace lldb;
- using namespace lldb_private;
- static llvm::sys::DynamicLibrary LoadPlugin(const lldb::DebuggerSP &debugger_sp,
-                                             const FileSpec &spec,
-                                             Status &error) {
-   llvm::sys::DynamicLibrary dynlib =
-       llvm::sys::DynamicLibrary::getPermanentLibrary(spec.GetPath().c_str());
-   if (dynlib.isValid()) {
-     typedef bool (*LLDBCommandPluginInit)(lldb::SBDebugger & debugger);
-     lldb::SBDebugger debugger_sb(debugger_sp);
-     // This calls the bool lldb::PluginInitialize(lldb::SBDebugger debugger)
-     // function.
-     // TODO: mangle this differently for your system - on OSX, the first
-     // underscore needs to be removed and the second one stays
-     LLDBCommandPluginInit init_func =
-         (LLDBCommandPluginInit)(uintptr_t)dynlib.getAddressOfSymbol(
-             "_ZN4lldb16PluginInitializeENS_10SBDebuggerE");
-     if (init_func) {
-       if (init_func(debugger_sb))
-         return dynlib;
-       else
-         error.SetErrorString("plug-in refused to load "
-                              "(lldb::PluginInitialize(lldb::SBDebugger) "
-                              "returned false)");
-     } else {
-       error.SetErrorString("plug-in is missing the required initialization: "
-                            "lldb::PluginInitialize(lldb::SBDebugger)");
-     }
-   } else {
-     if (FileSystem::Instance().Exists(spec))
-       error.SetErrorString("this file does not represent a loadable dylib");
-     else
-       error.SetErrorString("no such file");
-   }
-   return llvm::sys::DynamicLibrary();
- }
- static llvm::ManagedStatic<SystemLifetimeManager> g_debugger_lifetime;
- SBError SBInputReader::Initialize(
-     lldb::SBDebugger &sb_debugger,
-     unsigned long (*callback)(void *, lldb::SBInputReader *,
-                               lldb::InputReaderAction, char const *,
-                               unsigned long),
-     void *a, lldb::InputReaderGranularity b, char const *c, char const *d,
-     bool e) {
-       lldb::SBError, SBInputReader, Initialize,
-       (lldb::SBDebugger &,
-        unsigned long (*)(void *, lldb::SBInputReader *, lldb::InputReaderAction,
-                          const char *, unsigned long),
-        void *, lldb::InputReaderGranularity, const char *, const char *, bool),
-       sb_debugger, callback, a, b, c, d, e);
-   return SBError();
- }
- void SBInputReader::SetIsDone(bool b) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBInputReader, SetIsDone, (bool), b);
- }
- bool SBInputReader::IsActive() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(bool, SBInputReader, IsActive);
-   return false;
- }
- SBDebugger::SBDebugger() { LLDB_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR_NO_ARGS(SBDebugger); }
- SBDebugger::SBDebugger(const lldb::DebuggerSP &debugger_sp)
-     : m_opaque_sp(debugger_sp) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR(SBDebugger, (const lldb::DebuggerSP &), debugger_sp);
- }
- SBDebugger::SBDebugger(const SBDebugger &rhs) : m_opaque_sp(rhs.m_opaque_sp) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR(SBDebugger, (const lldb::SBDebugger &), rhs);
- }
- SBDebugger::~SBDebugger() = default;
- SBDebugger &SBDebugger::operator=(const SBDebugger &rhs) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBDebugger &,
-                      SBDebugger, operator=,(const lldb::SBDebugger &), rhs);
-   if (this != &rhs) {
-     m_opaque_sp = rhs.m_opaque_sp;
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(*this);
- }
- const char *SBDebugger::GetBroadcasterClass() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD_NO_ARGS(const char *, SBDebugger,
-                                     GetBroadcasterClass);
-   return Debugger::GetStaticBroadcasterClass().AsCString();
- }
- const char *SBDebugger::GetProgressFromEvent(const lldb::SBEvent &event,
-                                              uint64_t &progress_id,
-                                              uint64_t &completed,
-                                              uint64_t &total,
-                                              bool &is_debugger_specific) {
-   const Debugger::ProgressEventData *progress_data =
-       Debugger::ProgressEventData::GetEventDataFromEvent(event.get());
-   if (progress_data == nullptr)
-     return nullptr;
-   progress_id = progress_data->GetID();
-   completed = progress_data->GetCompleted();
-   total = progress_data->GetTotal();
-   is_debugger_specific = progress_data->IsDebuggerSpecific();
-   // We must record the static method _after_ the out parameters have been
-   // filled in.
-       const char *, SBDebugger, GetProgressFromEvent,
-       (const lldb::SBEvent &, uint64_t &, uint64_t &, uint64_t &, bool &),
-       event, progress_id, completed, total, is_debugger_specific);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(progress_data->GetMessage().c_str())
- }
- SBBroadcaster SBDebugger::GetBroadcaster() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBBroadcaster, SBDebugger, GetBroadcaster);
-   SBBroadcaster broadcaster(&m_opaque_sp->GetBroadcaster(), false);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(broadcaster);
- }
- void SBDebugger::Initialize() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD_NO_ARGS(void, SBDebugger, Initialize);
-   SBError ignored = SBDebugger::InitializeWithErrorHandling();
- }
- lldb::SBError SBDebugger::InitializeWithErrorHandling() {
-                                     InitializeWithErrorHandling);
-   SBError error;
-   if (auto e = g_debugger_lifetime->Initialize(
-           std::make_unique<SystemInitializerFull>(), LoadPlugin)) {
-     error.SetError(Status(std::move(e)));
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
- }
- void SBDebugger::Terminate() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD_NO_ARGS(void, SBDebugger, Terminate);
-   g_debugger_lifetime->Terminate();
- }
- void SBDebugger::Clear() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(void, SBDebugger, Clear);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->ClearIOHandlers();
-   m_opaque_sp.reset();
- }
- SBDebugger SBDebugger::Create() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBDebugger, SBDebugger, Create);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBDebugger::Create(false, nullptr, nullptr));
- }
- SBDebugger SBDebugger::Create(bool source_init_files) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD(lldb::SBDebugger, SBDebugger, Create, (bool),
-                             source_init_files);
-       SBDebugger::Create(source_init_files, nullptr, nullptr));
- }
- SBDebugger SBDebugger::Create(bool source_init_files,
-                               lldb::LogOutputCallback callback, void *baton)
- {
-   LLDB_RECORD_DUMMY(lldb::SBDebugger, SBDebugger, Create,
-                     (bool, lldb::LogOutputCallback, void *), source_init_files,
-                     callback, baton);
-   SBDebugger debugger;
-   // Currently we have issues if this function is called simultaneously on two
-   // different threads. The issues mainly revolve around the fact that the
-   // lldb_private::FormatManager uses global collections and having two threads
-   // parsing the .lldbinit files can cause mayhem. So to get around this for
-   // now we need to use a mutex to prevent bad things from happening.
-   static std::recursive_mutex g_mutex;
-   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(g_mutex);
-   debugger.reset(Debugger::CreateInstance(callback, baton));
-   SBCommandInterpreter interp = debugger.GetCommandInterpreter();
-   if (source_init_files) {
-     interp.get()->SkipLLDBInitFiles(false);
-     interp.get()->SkipAppInitFiles(false);
-     SBCommandReturnObject result;
-     interp.SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory(result, false);
-   } else {
-     interp.get()->SkipLLDBInitFiles(true);
-     interp.get()->SkipAppInitFiles(true);
-   }
-   return debugger;
- }
- void SBDebugger::Destroy(SBDebugger &debugger) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, Destroy, (lldb::SBDebugger &),
-                             debugger);
-   Debugger::Destroy(debugger.m_opaque_sp);
-   if (debugger.m_opaque_sp.get() != nullptr)
-     debugger.m_opaque_sp.reset();
- }
- void SBDebugger::MemoryPressureDetected() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD_NO_ARGS(void, SBDebugger, MemoryPressureDetected);
-   // Since this function can be call asynchronously, we allow it to be non-
-   // mandatory. We have seen deadlocks with this function when called so we
-   // need to safeguard against this until we can determine what is causing the
-   // deadlocks.
-   const bool mandatory = false;
-   ModuleList::RemoveOrphanSharedModules(mandatory);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::IsValid() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(bool, SBDebugger, IsValid);
-   return this->operator bool();
- }
- SBDebugger::operator bool() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(bool, SBDebugger, operator bool);
-   return m_opaque_sp.get() != nullptr;
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetAsync(bool b) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetAsync, (bool), b);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->SetAsyncExecution(b);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::GetAsync() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(bool, SBDebugger, GetAsync);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetAsyncExecution() : false);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SkipLLDBInitFiles(bool b) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SkipLLDBInitFiles, (bool), b);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->GetCommandInterpreter().SkipLLDBInitFiles(b);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SkipAppInitFiles(bool b) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SkipAppInitFiles, (bool), b);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->GetCommandInterpreter().SkipAppInitFiles(b);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetInputFileHandle(FILE *fh, bool transfer_ownership) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetInputFileHandle, (FILE *, bool), fh,
-                      transfer_ownership);
-   SetInputFile((FileSP)std::make_shared<NativeFile>(fh, transfer_ownership));
- }
- SBError SBDebugger::SetInputFile(FileSP file_sp) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(SBError, SBDebugger, SetInputFile, (FileSP), file_sp);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SetInputFile(SBFile(file_sp)));
- }
- // Shouldn't really be settable after initialization as this could cause lots
- // of problems; don't want users trying to switch modes in the middle of a
- // debugging session.
- SBError SBDebugger::SetInputFile(SBFile file) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(SBError, SBDebugger, SetInputFile, (SBFile), file);
-   SBError error;
-   if (!m_opaque_sp) {
-     error.ref().SetErrorString("invalid debugger");
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
-   }
-   repro::DataRecorder *recorder = nullptr;
-   if (repro::Generator *g = repro::Reproducer::Instance().GetGenerator())
-     recorder = g->GetOrCreate<repro::CommandProvider>().GetNewRecorder();
-   FileSP file_sp = file.m_opaque_sp;
-   static std::unique_ptr<repro::MultiLoader<repro::CommandProvider>> loader =
-       repro::MultiLoader<repro::CommandProvider>::Create(
-           repro::Reproducer::Instance().GetLoader());
-   if (loader) {
-     llvm::Optional<std::string> nextfile = loader->GetNextFile();
-     FILE *fh = nextfile ? FileSystem::Instance().Fopen(nextfile->c_str(), "r")
-                         : nullptr;
-     // FIXME Jonas Devlieghere: shouldn't this error be propagated out to the
-     // reproducer somehow if fh is NULL?
-     if (fh) {
-       file_sp = std::make_shared<NativeFile>(fh, true);
-     }
-   }
-   if (!file_sp || !file_sp->IsValid()) {
-     error.ref().SetErrorString("invalid file");
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
-   }
-   m_opaque_sp->SetInputFile(file_sp, recorder);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
- }
- SBError SBDebugger::SetOutputFile(FileSP file_sp) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(SBError, SBDebugger, SetOutputFile, (FileSP), file_sp);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SetOutputFile(SBFile(file_sp)));
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetOutputFileHandle(FILE *fh, bool transfer_ownership) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetOutputFileHandle, (FILE *, bool), fh,
-                      transfer_ownership);
-   SetOutputFile((FileSP)std::make_shared<NativeFile>(fh, transfer_ownership));
- }
- SBError SBDebugger::SetOutputFile(SBFile file) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(SBError, SBDebugger, SetOutputFile, (SBFile file), file);
-   SBError error;
-   if (!m_opaque_sp) {
-     error.ref().SetErrorString("invalid debugger");
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
-   }
-   if (!file) {
-     error.ref().SetErrorString("invalid file");
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
-   }
-   m_opaque_sp->SetOutputFile(file.m_opaque_sp);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetErrorFileHandle(FILE *fh, bool transfer_ownership) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetErrorFileHandle, (FILE *, bool), fh,
-                      transfer_ownership);
-   SetErrorFile((FileSP)std::make_shared<NativeFile>(fh, transfer_ownership));
- }
- SBError SBDebugger::SetErrorFile(FileSP file_sp) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(SBError, SBDebugger, SetErrorFile, (FileSP), file_sp);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SetErrorFile(SBFile(file_sp)));
- }
- SBError SBDebugger::SetErrorFile(SBFile file) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(SBError, SBDebugger, SetErrorFile, (SBFile file), file);
-   SBError error;
-   if (!m_opaque_sp) {
-     error.ref().SetErrorString("invalid debugger");
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
-   }
-   if (!file) {
-     error.ref().SetErrorString("invalid file");
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
-   }
-   m_opaque_sp->SetErrorFile(file.m_opaque_sp);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
- }
- FILE *SBDebugger::GetInputFileHandle() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(FILE *, SBDebugger, GetInputFileHandle);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     File &file_sp = m_opaque_sp->GetInputFile();
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(file_sp.GetStream());
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(nullptr);
- }
- SBFile SBDebugger::GetInputFile() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(SBFile, SBDebugger, GetInputFile);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBFile(m_opaque_sp->GetInputFileSP()));
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBFile());
- }
- FILE *SBDebugger::GetOutputFileHandle() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(FILE *, SBDebugger, GetOutputFileHandle);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     StreamFile &stream_file = m_opaque_sp->GetOutputStream();
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(stream_file.GetFile().GetStream());
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(nullptr);
- }
- SBFile SBDebugger::GetOutputFile() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(SBFile, SBDebugger, GetOutputFile);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     SBFile file(m_opaque_sp->GetOutputStream().GetFileSP());
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(file);
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBFile());
- }
- FILE *SBDebugger::GetErrorFileHandle() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(FILE *, SBDebugger, GetErrorFileHandle);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     StreamFile &stream_file = m_opaque_sp->GetErrorStream();
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(stream_file.GetFile().GetStream());
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(nullptr);
- }
- SBFile SBDebugger::GetErrorFile() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(SBFile, SBDebugger, GetErrorFile);
-   SBFile file;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     SBFile file(m_opaque_sp->GetErrorStream().GetFileSP());
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(file);
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBFile());
- }
- void SBDebugger::SaveInputTerminalState() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_DUMMY_NO_ARGS(void, SBDebugger, SaveInputTerminalState);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->SaveInputTerminalState();
- }
- void SBDebugger::RestoreInputTerminalState() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_DUMMY_NO_ARGS(void, SBDebugger, RestoreInputTerminalState);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->RestoreInputTerminalState();
- }
- SBCommandInterpreter SBDebugger::GetCommandInterpreter() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBCommandInterpreter, SBDebugger,
-                              GetCommandInterpreter);
-   SBCommandInterpreter sb_interpreter;
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     sb_interpreter.reset(&m_opaque_sp->GetCommandInterpreter());
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_interpreter);
- }
- void SBDebugger::HandleCommand(const char *command) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, HandleCommand, (const char *), command);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     TargetSP target_sp(m_opaque_sp->GetSelectedTarget());
-     std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock;
-     if (target_sp)
-       lock = std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex>(target_sp->GetAPIMutex());
-     SBCommandInterpreter sb_interpreter(GetCommandInterpreter());
-     SBCommandReturnObject result;
-     sb_interpreter.HandleCommand(command, result, false);
-     result.PutError(m_opaque_sp->GetErrorStream().GetFileSP());
-     result.PutOutput(m_opaque_sp->GetOutputStream().GetFileSP());
-     if (!m_opaque_sp->GetAsyncExecution()) {
-       SBProcess process(GetCommandInterpreter().GetProcess());
-       ProcessSP process_sp(process.GetSP());
-       if (process_sp) {
-         EventSP event_sp;
-         ListenerSP lldb_listener_sp = m_opaque_sp->GetListener();
-         while (lldb_listener_sp->GetEventForBroadcaster(
-             process_sp.get(), event_sp, std::chrono::seconds(0))) {
-           SBEvent event(event_sp);
-           HandleProcessEvent(process, event, GetOutputFile(), GetErrorFile());
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   }
- }
- SBListener SBDebugger::GetListener() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBListener, SBDebugger, GetListener);
-   SBListener sb_listener;
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     sb_listener.reset(m_opaque_sp->GetListener());
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_listener);
- }
- void SBDebugger::HandleProcessEvent(const SBProcess &process,
-                                     const SBEvent &event, SBFile out,
-                                     SBFile err) {
-       void, SBDebugger, HandleProcessEvent,
-       (const lldb::SBProcess &, const lldb::SBEvent &, SBFile, SBFile), process,
-       event, out, err);
-   return HandleProcessEvent(process, event, out.m_opaque_sp, err.m_opaque_sp);
- }
- void SBDebugger::HandleProcessEvent(const SBProcess &process,
-                                     const SBEvent &event, FILE *out,
-                                     FILE *err) {
-       void, SBDebugger, HandleProcessEvent,
-       (const lldb::SBProcess &, const lldb::SBEvent &, FILE *, FILE *), process,
-       event, out, err);
-   FileSP outfile = std::make_shared<NativeFile>(out, false);
-   FileSP errfile = std::make_shared<NativeFile>(err, false);
-   return HandleProcessEvent(process, event, outfile, errfile);
- }
- void SBDebugger::HandleProcessEvent(const SBProcess &process,
-                                     const SBEvent &event, FileSP out_sp,
-                                     FileSP err_sp) {
-       void, SBDebugger, HandleProcessEvent,
-       (const lldb::SBProcess &, const lldb::SBEvent &, FileSP, FileSP), process,
-       event, out_sp, err_sp);
-   if (!process.IsValid())
-     return;
-   TargetSP target_sp(process.GetTarget().GetSP());
-   if (!target_sp)
-     return;
-   const uint32_t event_type = event.GetType();
-   char stdio_buffer[1024];
-   size_t len;
-   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(target_sp->GetAPIMutex());
-   if (event_type &
-       (Process::eBroadcastBitSTDOUT | Process::eBroadcastBitStateChanged)) {
-     // Drain stdout when we stop just in case we have any bytes
-     while ((len = process.GetSTDOUT(stdio_buffer, sizeof(stdio_buffer))) > 0)
-       if (out_sp)
-         out_sp->Write(stdio_buffer, len);
-   }
-   if (event_type &
-       (Process::eBroadcastBitSTDERR | Process::eBroadcastBitStateChanged)) {
-     // Drain stderr when we stop just in case we have any bytes
-     while ((len = process.GetSTDERR(stdio_buffer, sizeof(stdio_buffer))) > 0)
-       if (err_sp)
-         err_sp->Write(stdio_buffer, len);
-   }
-   if (event_type & Process::eBroadcastBitStateChanged) {
-     StateType event_state = SBProcess::GetStateFromEvent(event);
-     if (event_state == eStateInvalid)
-       return;
-     bool is_stopped = StateIsStoppedState(event_state);
-     if (!is_stopped)
-       process.ReportEventState(event, out_sp);
-   }
- }
- SBSourceManager SBDebugger::GetSourceManager() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBSourceManager, SBDebugger,
-                              GetSourceManager);
-   SBSourceManager sb_source_manager(*this);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_source_manager);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::GetDefaultArchitecture(char *arch_name, size_t arch_name_len) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_CHAR_PTR_STATIC_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, GetDefaultArchitecture,
-                                      (char *, size_t), arch_name, "",
-                                      arch_name_len);
-   if (arch_name && arch_name_len) {
-     ArchSpec default_arch = Target::GetDefaultArchitecture();
-     if (default_arch.IsValid()) {
-       const std::string &triple_str = default_arch.GetTriple().str();
-       if (!triple_str.empty())
-         ::snprintf(arch_name, arch_name_len, "%s", triple_str.c_str());
-       else
-         ::snprintf(arch_name, arch_name_len, "%s",
-                    default_arch.GetArchitectureName());
-       return true;
-     }
-   }
-   if (arch_name && arch_name_len)
-     arch_name[0] = '\0';
-   return false;
- }
- bool SBDebugger::SetDefaultArchitecture(const char *arch_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, SetDefaultArchitecture,
-                             (const char *), arch_name);
-   if (arch_name) {
-     ArchSpec arch(arch_name);
-     if (arch.IsValid()) {
-       Target::SetDefaultArchitecture(arch);
-       return true;
-     }
-   }
-   return false;
- }
- ScriptLanguage
- SBDebugger::GetScriptingLanguage(const char *script_language_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::ScriptLanguage, SBDebugger, GetScriptingLanguage,
-                      (const char *), script_language_name);
-   if (!script_language_name)
-     return eScriptLanguageDefault;
-   return OptionArgParser::ToScriptLanguage(
-       llvm::StringRef(script_language_name), eScriptLanguageDefault, nullptr);
- }
- const char *SBDebugger::GetVersionString() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD_NO_ARGS(const char *, SBDebugger, GetVersionString);
-   return lldb_private::GetVersion();
- }
- const char *SBDebugger::StateAsCString(StateType state) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD(const char *, SBDebugger, StateAsCString,
-                             (lldb::StateType), state);
-   return lldb_private::StateAsCString(state);
- }
- static void AddBoolConfigEntry(StructuredData::Dictionary &dict,
-                                llvm::StringRef name, bool value,
-                                llvm::StringRef description) {
-   auto entry_up = std::make_unique<StructuredData::Dictionary>();
-   entry_up->AddBooleanItem("value", value);
-   entry_up->AddStringItem("description", description);
-   dict.AddItem(name, std::move(entry_up));
- }
- static void AddLLVMTargets(StructuredData::Dictionary &dict) {
-   auto array_up = std::make_unique<StructuredData::Array>();
- #define LLVM_TARGET(target)                                                    \
-   array_up->AddItem(std::make_unique<StructuredData::String>(#target));
- #include "llvm/Config/Targets.def"
-   auto entry_up = std::make_unique<StructuredData::Dictionary>();
-   entry_up->AddItem("value", std::move(array_up));
-   entry_up->AddStringItem("description", "A list of configured LLVM targets.");
-   dict.AddItem("targets", std::move(entry_up));
- }
- SBStructuredData SBDebugger::GetBuildConfiguration() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBStructuredData, SBDebugger,
-                                     GetBuildConfiguration);
-   auto config_up = std::make_unique<StructuredData::Dictionary>();
-   AddBoolConfigEntry(
-       *config_up, "xml", XMLDocument::XMLEnabled(),
-       "A boolean value that indicates if XML support is enabled in LLDB");
-   AddBoolConfigEntry(
-       *config_up, "curses", LLDB_ENABLE_CURSES,
-       "A boolean value that indicates if curses support is enabled in LLDB");
-   AddBoolConfigEntry(
-       *config_up, "editline", LLDB_ENABLE_LIBEDIT,
-       "A boolean value that indicates if editline support is enabled in LLDB");
-   AddBoolConfigEntry(
-       *config_up, "lzma", LLDB_ENABLE_LZMA,
-       "A boolean value that indicates if lzma support is enabled in LLDB");
-   AddBoolConfigEntry(
-       *config_up, "python", LLDB_ENABLE_PYTHON,
-       "A boolean value that indicates if python support is enabled in LLDB");
-   AddBoolConfigEntry(
-       *config_up, "lua", LLDB_ENABLE_LUA,
-       "A boolean value that indicates if lua support is enabled in LLDB");
-+  AddBoolConfigEntry(
-+      *config_up, "java", LLDB_ENABLE_JAVA,
-+      "A boolean value that indicates if java support is enabled in LLDB");
-   AddLLVMTargets(*config_up);
-   SBStructuredData data;
-   data.m_impl_up->SetObjectSP(std::move(config_up));
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(data);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::StateIsRunningState(StateType state) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, StateIsRunningState,
-                             (lldb::StateType), state);
-   const bool result = lldb_private::StateIsRunningState(state);
-   return result;
- }
- bool SBDebugger::StateIsStoppedState(StateType state) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, StateIsStoppedState,
-                             (lldb::StateType), state);
-   const bool result = lldb_private::StateIsStoppedState(state, false);
-   return result;
- }
- lldb::SBTarget SBDebugger::CreateTarget(const char *filename,
-                                         const char *target_triple,
-                                         const char *platform_name,
-                                         bool add_dependent_modules,
-                                         lldb::SBError &sb_error) {
-       lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, CreateTarget,
-       (const char *, const char *, const char *, bool, lldb::SBError &),
-       filename, target_triple, platform_name, add_dependent_modules, sb_error);
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   TargetSP target_sp;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     sb_error.Clear();
-     OptionGroupPlatform platform_options(false);
-     platform_options.SetPlatformName(platform_name);
-     sb_error.ref() = m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().CreateTarget(
-         *m_opaque_sp, filename, target_triple,
-         add_dependent_modules ? eLoadDependentsYes : eLoadDependentsNo,
-         &platform_options, target_sp);
-     if (sb_error.Success())
-       sb_target.SetSP(target_sp);
-   } else {
-     sb_error.SetErrorString("invalid debugger");
-   }
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   LLDB_LOGF(log,
-             "SBDebugger(%p)::CreateTarget (filename=\"%s\", triple=%s, "
-             "platform_name=%s, add_dependent_modules=%u, error=%s) => "
-             "SBTarget(%p)",
-             static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()), filename, target_triple,
-             platform_name, add_dependent_modules, sb_error.GetCString(),
-             static_cast<void *>(target_sp.get()));
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_target);
- }
- SBTarget
- SBDebugger::CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple(const char *filename,
-                                                 const char *target_triple) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger,
-                      CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple,
-                      (const char *, const char *), filename, target_triple);
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   TargetSP target_sp;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     const bool add_dependent_modules = true;
-     Status error(m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().CreateTarget(
-         *m_opaque_sp, filename, target_triple,
-         add_dependent_modules ? eLoadDependentsYes : eLoadDependentsNo, nullptr,
-         target_sp));
-     sb_target.SetSP(target_sp);
-   }
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   LLDB_LOGF(log,
-             "SBDebugger(%p)::CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple "
-             "(filename=\"%s\", triple=%s) => SBTarget(%p)",
-             static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()), filename, target_triple,
-             static_cast<void *>(target_sp.get()));
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_target);
- }
- SBTarget SBDebugger::CreateTargetWithFileAndArch(const char *filename,
-                                                  const char *arch_cstr) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, CreateTargetWithFileAndArch,
-                      (const char *, const char *), filename, arch_cstr);
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   TargetSP target_sp;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     Status error;
-     if (arch_cstr == nullptr) {
-       // The version of CreateTarget that takes an ArchSpec won't accept an
-       // empty ArchSpec, so when the arch hasn't been specified, we need to
-       // call the target triple version.
-       error = m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().CreateTarget(*m_opaque_sp, filename, 
-           arch_cstr, eLoadDependentsYes, nullptr, target_sp);
-     } else {
-       PlatformSP platform_sp = m_opaque_sp->GetPlatformList()
-           .GetSelectedPlatform();
-       ArchSpec arch = Platform::GetAugmentedArchSpec(platform_sp.get(), 
-           arch_cstr);
-       if (arch.IsValid())
-         error = m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().CreateTarget(*m_opaque_sp, filename, 
-             arch, eLoadDependentsYes, platform_sp, target_sp);
-       else
-         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid arch_cstr: %s", arch_cstr);
-     }
-     if (error.Success())
-       sb_target.SetSP(target_sp);
-   }
-   LLDB_LOGF(log,
-             "SBDebugger(%p)::CreateTargetWithFileAndArch (filename=\"%s\", "
-             "arch=%s) => SBTarget(%p)",
-             static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()),
-             filename ? filename : "<unspecified>",
-             arch_cstr ? arch_cstr : "<unspecified>",
-             static_cast<void *>(target_sp.get()));
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_target);
- }
- SBTarget SBDebugger::CreateTarget(const char *filename) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, CreateTarget, (const char *),
-                      filename);
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   TargetSP target_sp;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     Status error;
-     const bool add_dependent_modules = true;
-     error = m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().CreateTarget(
-         *m_opaque_sp, filename, "",
-         add_dependent_modules ? eLoadDependentsYes : eLoadDependentsNo, nullptr,
-         target_sp);
-     if (error.Success())
-       sb_target.SetSP(target_sp);
-   }
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   LLDB_LOGF(log,
-             "SBDebugger(%p)::CreateTarget (filename=\"%s\") => SBTarget(%p)",
-             static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()), filename,
-             static_cast<void *>(target_sp.get()));
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_target);
- }
- SBTarget SBDebugger::GetDummyTarget() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, GetDummyTarget);
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     sb_target.SetSP(m_opaque_sp->GetDummyTarget().shared_from_this());
-   }
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   LLDB_LOGF(log, "SBDebugger(%p)::GetDummyTarget() => SBTarget(%p)",
-             static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()),
-             static_cast<void *>(sb_target.GetSP().get()));
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_target);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::DeleteTarget(lldb::SBTarget &target) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, DeleteTarget, (lldb::SBTarget &),
-                      target);
-   bool result = false;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     TargetSP target_sp(target.GetSP());
-     if (target_sp) {
-       // No need to lock, the target list is thread safe
-       result = m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().DeleteTarget(target_sp);
-       target_sp->Destroy();
-       target.Clear();
-     }
-   }
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   LLDB_LOGF(log, "SBDebugger(%p)::DeleteTarget (SBTarget(%p)) => %i",
-             static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()),
-             static_cast<void *>(target.m_opaque_sp.get()), result);
-   return result;
- }
- SBTarget SBDebugger::GetTargetAtIndex(uint32_t idx) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, GetTargetAtIndex, (uint32_t),
-                      idx);
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     // No need to lock, the target list is thread safe
-     sb_target.SetSP(m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().GetTargetAtIndex(idx));
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_target);
- }
- uint32_t SBDebugger::GetIndexOfTarget(lldb::SBTarget target) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetIndexOfTarget, (lldb::SBTarget),
-                      target);
-   lldb::TargetSP target_sp = target.GetSP();
-   if (!target_sp)
-     return UINT32_MAX;
-   if (!m_opaque_sp)
-     return UINT32_MAX;
-   return m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().GetIndexOfTarget(target.GetSP());
- }
- SBTarget SBDebugger::FindTargetWithProcessID(lldb::pid_t pid) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, FindTargetWithProcessID,
-                      (lldb::pid_t), pid);
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     // No need to lock, the target list is thread safe
-     sb_target.SetSP(m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().FindTargetWithProcessID(pid));
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_target);
- }
- SBTarget SBDebugger::FindTargetWithFileAndArch(const char *filename,
-                                                const char *arch_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, FindTargetWithFileAndArch,
-                      (const char *, const char *), filename, arch_name);
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   if (m_opaque_sp && filename && filename[0]) {
-     // No need to lock, the target list is thread safe
-     ArchSpec arch = Platform::GetAugmentedArchSpec(
-         m_opaque_sp->GetPlatformList().GetSelectedPlatform().get(), arch_name);
-     TargetSP target_sp(
-         m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().FindTargetWithExecutableAndArchitecture(
-             FileSpec(filename), arch_name ? &arch : nullptr));
-     sb_target.SetSP(target_sp);
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_target);
- }
- SBTarget SBDebugger::FindTargetWithLLDBProcess(const ProcessSP &process_sp) {
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     // No need to lock, the target list is thread safe
-     sb_target.SetSP(
-         m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().FindTargetWithProcess(process_sp.get()));
-   }
-   return sb_target;
- }
- uint32_t SBDebugger::GetNumTargets() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetNumTargets);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     // No need to lock, the target list is thread safe
-     return m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().GetNumTargets();
-   }
-   return 0;
- }
- SBTarget SBDebugger::GetSelectedTarget() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, GetSelectedTarget);
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   SBTarget sb_target;
-   TargetSP target_sp;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     // No need to lock, the target list is thread safe
-     target_sp = m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().GetSelectedTarget();
-     sb_target.SetSP(target_sp);
-   }
-   if (log) {
-     SBStream sstr;
-     sb_target.GetDescription(sstr, eDescriptionLevelBrief);
-     LLDB_LOGF(log, "SBDebugger(%p)::GetSelectedTarget () => SBTarget(%p): %s",
-               static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()),
-               static_cast<void *>(target_sp.get()), sstr.GetData());
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_target);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetSelectedTarget(SBTarget &sb_target) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetSelectedTarget, (lldb::SBTarget &),
-                      sb_target);
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   TargetSP target_sp(sb_target.GetSP());
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     m_opaque_sp->GetTargetList().SetSelectedTarget(target_sp);
-   }
-   if (log) {
-     SBStream sstr;
-     sb_target.GetDescription(sstr, eDescriptionLevelBrief);
-     LLDB_LOGF(log, "SBDebugger(%p)::SetSelectedTarget () => SBTarget(%p): %s",
-               static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()),
-               static_cast<void *>(target_sp.get()), sstr.GetData());
-   }
- }
- SBPlatform SBDebugger::GetSelectedPlatform() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBPlatform, SBDebugger, GetSelectedPlatform);
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   SBPlatform sb_platform;
-   DebuggerSP debugger_sp(m_opaque_sp);
-   if (debugger_sp) {
-     sb_platform.SetSP(debugger_sp->GetPlatformList().GetSelectedPlatform());
-   }
-   LLDB_LOGF(log, "SBDebugger(%p)::GetSelectedPlatform () => SBPlatform(%p): %s",
-             static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()),
-             static_cast<void *>(sb_platform.GetSP().get()),
-             sb_platform.GetName());
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_platform);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetSelectedPlatform(SBPlatform &sb_platform) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetSelectedPlatform,
-                      (lldb::SBPlatform &), sb_platform);
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   DebuggerSP debugger_sp(m_opaque_sp);
-   if (debugger_sp) {
-     debugger_sp->GetPlatformList().SetSelectedPlatform(sb_platform.GetSP());
-   }
-   LLDB_LOGF(log, "SBDebugger(%p)::SetSelectedPlatform (SBPlatform(%p) %s)",
-             static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()),
-             static_cast<void *>(sb_platform.GetSP().get()),
-             sb_platform.GetName());
- }
- uint32_t SBDebugger::GetNumPlatforms() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetNumPlatforms);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     // No need to lock, the platform list is thread safe
-     return m_opaque_sp->GetPlatformList().GetSize();
-   }
-   return 0;
- }
- SBPlatform SBDebugger::GetPlatformAtIndex(uint32_t idx) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBPlatform, SBDebugger, GetPlatformAtIndex,
-                      (uint32_t), idx);
-   SBPlatform sb_platform;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     // No need to lock, the platform list is thread safe
-     sb_platform.SetSP(m_opaque_sp->GetPlatformList().GetAtIndex(idx));
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_platform);
- }
- uint32_t SBDebugger::GetNumAvailablePlatforms() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetNumAvailablePlatforms);
-   uint32_t idx = 0;
-   while (true) {
-     if (!PluginManager::GetPlatformPluginNameAtIndex(idx)) {
-       break;
-     }
-     ++idx;
-   }
-   // +1 for the host platform, which should always appear first in the list.
-   return idx + 1;
- }
- SBStructuredData SBDebugger::GetAvailablePlatformInfoAtIndex(uint32_t idx) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBStructuredData, SBDebugger,
-                      GetAvailablePlatformInfoAtIndex, (uint32_t), idx);
-   SBStructuredData data;
-   auto platform_dict = std::make_unique<StructuredData::Dictionary>();
-   llvm::StringRef name_str("name"), desc_str("description");
-   if (idx == 0) {
-     PlatformSP host_platform_sp(Platform::GetHostPlatform());
-     platform_dict->AddStringItem(
-         name_str, host_platform_sp->GetPluginName().GetStringRef());
-     platform_dict->AddStringItem(
-         desc_str, llvm::StringRef(host_platform_sp->GetDescription()));
-   } else if (idx > 0) {
-     const char *plugin_name =
-         PluginManager::GetPlatformPluginNameAtIndex(idx - 1);
-     if (!plugin_name) {
-       return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(data);
-     }
-     platform_dict->AddStringItem(name_str, llvm::StringRef(plugin_name));
-     const char *plugin_desc =
-         PluginManager::GetPlatformPluginDescriptionAtIndex(idx - 1);
-     if (!plugin_desc) {
-       return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(data);
-     }
-     platform_dict->AddStringItem(desc_str, llvm::StringRef(plugin_desc));
-   }
-   data.m_impl_up->SetObjectSP(
-       StructuredData::ObjectSP(platform_dict.release()));
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(data);
- }
- void SBDebugger::DispatchInput(void *baton, const void *data, size_t data_len) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_DUMMY(void, SBDebugger, DispatchInput,
-                     (void *, const void *, size_t), baton, data, data_len);
-   DispatchInput(data, data_len);
- }
- void SBDebugger::DispatchInput(const void *data, size_t data_len) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_DUMMY(void, SBDebugger, DispatchInput, (const void *, size_t),
-                     data, data_len);
-   //    Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   //
-   //    if (log)
-   //        LLDB_LOGF(log, "SBDebugger(%p)::DispatchInput (data=\"%.*s\",
-   //        size_t=%" PRIu64 ")",
-   //                     m_opaque_sp.get(),
-   //                     (int) data_len,
-   //                     (const char *) data,
-   //                     (uint64_t)data_len);
-   //
-   //    if (m_opaque_sp)
-   //        m_opaque_sp->DispatchInput ((const char *) data, data_len);
- }
- void SBDebugger::DispatchInputInterrupt() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_DUMMY_NO_ARGS(void, SBDebugger, DispatchInputInterrupt);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->DispatchInputInterrupt();
- }
- void SBDebugger::DispatchInputEndOfFile() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(void, SBDebugger, DispatchInputEndOfFile);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->DispatchInputEndOfFile();
- }
- void SBDebugger::PushInputReader(SBInputReader &reader) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, PushInputReader, (lldb::SBInputReader &),
-                      reader);
- }
- void SBDebugger::RunCommandInterpreter(bool auto_handle_events,
-                                        bool spawn_thread) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, RunCommandInterpreter, (bool, bool),
-                      auto_handle_events, spawn_thread);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     CommandInterpreterRunOptions options;
-     options.SetAutoHandleEvents(auto_handle_events);
-     options.SetSpawnThread(spawn_thread);
-     m_opaque_sp->GetCommandInterpreter().RunCommandInterpreter(options);
-   }
- }
- void SBDebugger::RunCommandInterpreter(bool auto_handle_events,
-                                        bool spawn_thread,
-                                        SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &options,
-                                        int &num_errors, bool &quit_requested,
-                                        bool &stopped_for_crash)
- {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, RunCommandInterpreter,
-                      (bool, bool, lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &, int &,
-                       bool &, bool &),
-                      auto_handle_events, spawn_thread, options, num_errors,
-                      quit_requested, stopped_for_crash);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     options.SetAutoHandleEvents(auto_handle_events);
-     options.SetSpawnThread(spawn_thread);
-     CommandInterpreter &interp = m_opaque_sp->GetCommandInterpreter();
-     CommandInterpreterRunResult result =
-         interp.RunCommandInterpreter(options.ref());
-     num_errors = result.GetNumErrors();
-     quit_requested =
-         result.IsResult(lldb::eCommandInterpreterResultQuitRequested);
-     stopped_for_crash =
-         result.IsResult(lldb::eCommandInterpreterResultInferiorCrash);
-   }
- }
- SBCommandInterpreterRunResult SBDebugger::RunCommandInterpreter(
-     const SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &options) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunResult, SBDebugger,
-                      RunCommandInterpreter,
-                      (const lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &), options);
-   if (!m_opaque_sp)
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBCommandInterpreterRunResult());
-   CommandInterpreter &interp = m_opaque_sp->GetCommandInterpreter();
-   CommandInterpreterRunResult result =
-       interp.RunCommandInterpreter(options.ref());
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBCommandInterpreterRunResult(result));
- }
- SBError SBDebugger::RunREPL(lldb::LanguageType language,
-                             const char *repl_options) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBError, SBDebugger, RunREPL,
-                      (lldb::LanguageType, const char *), language,
-                      repl_options);
-   SBError error;
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     error.ref() = m_opaque_sp->RunREPL(language, repl_options);
-   else
-     error.SetErrorString("invalid debugger");
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(error);
- }
- void SBDebugger::reset(const DebuggerSP &debugger_sp) {
-   m_opaque_sp = debugger_sp;
- }
- Debugger *SBDebugger::get() const { return m_opaque_sp.get(); }
- Debugger &SBDebugger::ref() const {
-   assert(m_opaque_sp.get());
-   return *m_opaque_sp;
- }
- const lldb::DebuggerSP &SBDebugger::get_sp() const { return m_opaque_sp; }
- SBDebugger SBDebugger::FindDebuggerWithID(int id) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD(lldb::SBDebugger, SBDebugger, FindDebuggerWithID,
-                             (int), id);
-   // No need to lock, the debugger list is thread safe
-   SBDebugger sb_debugger;
-   DebuggerSP debugger_sp = Debugger::FindDebuggerWithID(id);
-   if (debugger_sp)
-     sb_debugger.reset(debugger_sp);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_debugger);
- }
- const char *SBDebugger::GetInstanceName() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(const char *, SBDebugger, GetInstanceName);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetInstanceName().AsCString() : nullptr);
- }
- SBError SBDebugger::SetInternalVariable(const char *var_name, const char *value,
-                                         const char *debugger_instance_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_STATIC_METHOD(lldb::SBError, SBDebugger, SetInternalVariable,
-                             (const char *, const char *, const char *),
-                             var_name, value, debugger_instance_name);
-   SBError sb_error;
-   DebuggerSP debugger_sp(Debugger::FindDebuggerWithInstanceName(
-       ConstString(debugger_instance_name)));
-   Status error;
-   if (debugger_sp) {
-     ExecutionContext exe_ctx(
-         debugger_sp->GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext());
-     error = debugger_sp->SetPropertyValue(&exe_ctx, eVarSetOperationAssign,
-                                           var_name, value);
-   } else {
-     error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid debugger instance name '%s'",
-                                    debugger_instance_name);
-   }
-   if (error.Fail())
-     sb_error.SetError(error);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_error);
- }
- SBStringList
- SBDebugger::GetInternalVariableValue(const char *var_name,
-                                      const char *debugger_instance_name) {
-       lldb::SBStringList, SBDebugger, GetInternalVariableValue,
-       (const char *, const char *), var_name, debugger_instance_name);
-   DebuggerSP debugger_sp(Debugger::FindDebuggerWithInstanceName(
-       ConstString(debugger_instance_name)));
-   Status error;
-   if (debugger_sp) {
-     ExecutionContext exe_ctx(
-         debugger_sp->GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext());
-     lldb::OptionValueSP value_sp(
-         debugger_sp->GetPropertyValue(&exe_ctx, var_name, false, error));
-     if (value_sp) {
-       StreamString value_strm;
-       value_sp->DumpValue(&exe_ctx, value_strm, OptionValue::eDumpOptionValue);
-       const std::string &value_str = std::string(value_strm.GetString());
-       if (!value_str.empty()) {
-         StringList string_list;
-         string_list.SplitIntoLines(value_str);
-         return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBStringList(&string_list));
-       }
-     }
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBStringList());
- }
- uint32_t SBDebugger::GetTerminalWidth() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetTerminalWidth);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetTerminalWidth() : 0);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetTerminalWidth(uint32_t term_width) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_DUMMY(void, SBDebugger, SetTerminalWidth, (uint32_t), term_width);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->SetTerminalWidth(term_width);
- }
- const char *SBDebugger::GetPrompt() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(const char *, SBDebugger, GetPrompt);
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   LLDB_LOGF(log, "SBDebugger(%p)::GetPrompt () => \"%s\"",
-             static_cast<void *>(m_opaque_sp.get()),
-             (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetPrompt().str().c_str() : ""));
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? ConstString(m_opaque_sp->GetPrompt()).GetCString()
-                       : nullptr);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetPrompt(const char *prompt) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetPrompt, (const char *), prompt);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->SetPrompt(llvm::StringRef(prompt));
- }
- const char *SBDebugger::GetReproducerPath() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(const char *, SBDebugger, GetReproducerPath);
-   return (m_opaque_sp
-               ? ConstString(m_opaque_sp->GetReproducerPath()).GetCString()
-               : nullptr);
- }
- ScriptLanguage SBDebugger::GetScriptLanguage() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(lldb::ScriptLanguage, SBDebugger,
-                                    GetScriptLanguage);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetScriptLanguage() : eScriptLanguageNone);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetScriptLanguage(ScriptLanguage script_lang) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetScriptLanguage,
-                      (lldb::ScriptLanguage), script_lang);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     m_opaque_sp->SetScriptLanguage(script_lang);
-   }
- }
- bool SBDebugger::SetUseExternalEditor(bool value) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, SetUseExternalEditor, (bool), value);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->SetUseExternalEditor(value) : false);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::GetUseExternalEditor() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(bool, SBDebugger, GetUseExternalEditor);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetUseExternalEditor() : false);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::SetUseColor(bool value) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, SetUseColor, (bool), value);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->SetUseColor(value) : false);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::GetUseColor() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(bool, SBDebugger, GetUseColor);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetUseColor() : false);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::SetUseSourceCache(bool value) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, SetUseSourceCache, (bool), value);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->SetUseSourceCache(value) : false);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::GetUseSourceCache() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(bool, SBDebugger, GetUseSourceCache);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetUseSourceCache() : false);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::GetDescription(SBStream &description) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, GetDescription, (lldb::SBStream &),
-                      description);
-   Stream &strm = description.ref();
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     const char *name = m_opaque_sp->GetInstanceName().AsCString();
-     user_id_t id = m_opaque_sp->GetID();
-     strm.Printf("Debugger (instance: \"%s\", id: %" PRIu64 ")", name, id);
-   } else
-     strm.PutCString("No value");
-   return true;
- }
- user_id_t SBDebugger::GetID() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::user_id_t, SBDebugger, GetID);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetID() : LLDB_INVALID_UID);
- }
- SBError SBDebugger::SetCurrentPlatform(const char *platform_name_cstr) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBError, SBDebugger, SetCurrentPlatform,
-                      (const char *), platform_name_cstr);
-   SBError sb_error;
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     if (platform_name_cstr && platform_name_cstr[0]) {
-       ConstString platform_name(platform_name_cstr);
-       PlatformSP platform_sp(Platform::Find(platform_name));
-       if (platform_sp) {
-         // Already have a platform with this name, just select it
-         m_opaque_sp->GetPlatformList().SetSelectedPlatform(platform_sp);
-       } else {
-         // We don't have a platform by this name yet, create one
-         platform_sp = Platform::Create(platform_name, sb_error.ref());
-         if (platform_sp) {
-           // We created the platform, now append and select it
-           bool make_selected = true;
-           m_opaque_sp->GetPlatformList().Append(platform_sp, make_selected);
-         }
-       }
-     } else {
-       sb_error.ref().SetErrorString("invalid platform name");
-     }
-   } else {
-     sb_error.ref().SetErrorString("invalid debugger");
-   }
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(sb_error);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot(const char *sysroot) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot,
-                      (const char *), sysroot);
-   Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     PlatformSP platform_sp(
-         m_opaque_sp->GetPlatformList().GetSelectedPlatform());
-     if (platform_sp) {
-       if (log && sysroot)
-         LLDB_LOGF(log, "SBDebugger::SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot (\"%s\")",
-                   sysroot);
-       platform_sp->SetSDKRootDirectory(ConstString(sysroot));
-       return true;
-     }
-   }
-   return false;
- }
- bool SBDebugger::GetCloseInputOnEOF() const {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(bool, SBDebugger, GetCloseInputOnEOF);
-   return (m_opaque_sp ? m_opaque_sp->GetCloseInputOnEOF() : false);
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetCloseInputOnEOF(bool b) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetCloseInputOnEOF, (bool), b);
-   if (m_opaque_sp)
-     m_opaque_sp->SetCloseInputOnEOF(b);
- }
- SBTypeCategory SBDebugger::GetCategory(const char *category_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger, GetCategory,
-                      (const char *), category_name);
-   if (!category_name || *category_name == 0)
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeCategory());
-   TypeCategoryImplSP category_sp;
-   if (DataVisualization::Categories::GetCategory(ConstString(category_name),
-                                                  category_sp, false)) {
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeCategory(category_sp));
-   } else {
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeCategory());
-   }
- }
- SBTypeCategory SBDebugger::GetCategory(lldb::LanguageType lang_type) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger, GetCategory,
-                      (lldb::LanguageType), lang_type);
-   TypeCategoryImplSP category_sp;
-   if (DataVisualization::Categories::GetCategory(lang_type, category_sp)) {
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeCategory(category_sp));
-   } else {
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeCategory());
-   }
- }
- SBTypeCategory SBDebugger::CreateCategory(const char *category_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger, CreateCategory,
-                      (const char *), category_name);
-   if (!category_name || *category_name == 0)
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeCategory());
-   TypeCategoryImplSP category_sp;
-   if (DataVisualization::Categories::GetCategory(ConstString(category_name),
-                                                  category_sp, true)) {
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeCategory(category_sp));
-   } else {
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeCategory());
-   }
- }
- bool SBDebugger::DeleteCategory(const char *category_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, DeleteCategory, (const char *),
-                      category_name);
-   if (!category_name || *category_name == 0)
-     return false;
-   return DataVisualization::Categories::Delete(ConstString(category_name));
- }
- uint32_t SBDebugger::GetNumCategories() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetNumCategories);
-   return DataVisualization::Categories::GetCount();
- }
- SBTypeCategory SBDebugger::GetCategoryAtIndex(uint32_t index) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger, GetCategoryAtIndex,
-                      (uint32_t), index);
-       SBTypeCategory(DataVisualization::Categories::GetCategoryAtIndex(index)));
- }
- SBTypeCategory SBDebugger::GetDefaultCategory() {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger,
-                              GetDefaultCategory);
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(GetCategory("default"));
- }
- SBTypeFormat SBDebugger::GetFormatForType(SBTypeNameSpecifier type_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeFormat, SBDebugger, GetFormatForType,
-                      (lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier), type_name);
-   SBTypeCategory default_category_sb = GetDefaultCategory();
-   if (default_category_sb.GetEnabled())
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(default_category_sb.GetFormatForType(type_name));
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeFormat());
- }
- SBTypeSummary SBDebugger::GetSummaryForType(SBTypeNameSpecifier type_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeSummary, SBDebugger, GetSummaryForType,
-                      (lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier), type_name);
-   if (!type_name.IsValid())
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeSummary());
-       SBTypeSummary(DataVisualization::GetSummaryForType(type_name.GetSP())));
- }
- SBTypeFilter SBDebugger::GetFilterForType(SBTypeNameSpecifier type_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeFilter, SBDebugger, GetFilterForType,
-                      (lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier), type_name);
-   if (!type_name.IsValid())
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeFilter());
-       SBTypeFilter(DataVisualization::GetFilterForType(type_name.GetSP())));
- }
- SBTypeSynthetic SBDebugger::GetSyntheticForType(SBTypeNameSpecifier type_name) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeSynthetic, SBDebugger, GetSyntheticForType,
-                      (lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier), type_name);
-   if (!type_name.IsValid())
-     return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeSynthetic());
-   return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(SBTypeSynthetic(
-       DataVisualization::GetSyntheticForType(type_name.GetSP())));
- }
- static llvm::ArrayRef<const char *> GetCategoryArray(const char **categories) {
-   if (categories == nullptr)
-     return {};
-   size_t len = 0;
-   while (categories[len] != nullptr)
-     ++len;
-   return llvm::makeArrayRef(categories, len);
- }
- bool SBDebugger::EnableLog(const char *channel, const char **categories) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, EnableLog, (const char *, const char **),
-                      channel, categories);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     uint32_t log_options =
-     std::string error;
-     llvm::raw_string_ostream error_stream(error);
-     return m_opaque_sp->EnableLog(channel, GetCategoryArray(categories), "",
-                                   log_options, error_stream);
-   } else
-     return false;
- }
- void SBDebugger::SetLoggingCallback(lldb::LogOutputCallback log_callback,
-                                     void *baton) {
-   LLDB_RECORD_DUMMY(void, SBDebugger, SetLoggingCallback,
-                     (lldb::LogOutputCallback, void *), log_callback, baton);
-   if (m_opaque_sp) {
-     return m_opaque_sp->SetLoggingCallback(log_callback, baton);
-   }
- }
- namespace lldb_private {
- namespace repro {
- template <> void RegisterMethods<SBInputReader>(Registry &R) {
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBInputReader, SetIsDone, (bool));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(bool, SBInputReader, IsActive, ());
- }
- static void SetFileHandleRedirect(SBDebugger *, FILE *, bool) {
-   // Do nothing.
- }
- static SBError SetFileRedirect(SBDebugger *, SBFile file) { return SBError(); }
- static SBError SetFileRedirect(SBDebugger *, FileSP file) { return SBError(); }
- template <> void RegisterMethods<SBDebugger>(Registry &R) {
-   // Custom implementation.
-   R.Register(&invoke<void (SBDebugger::*)(FILE *, bool)>::method<
-                  &SBDebugger::SetErrorFileHandle>::record,
-              &SetFileHandleRedirect);
-   R.Register(&invoke<void (SBDebugger::*)(FILE *, bool)>::method<
-                  &SBDebugger::SetOutputFileHandle>::record,
-              &SetFileHandleRedirect);
-   R.Register(&invoke<SBError (SBDebugger::*)(
-                  SBFile)>::method<&SBDebugger::SetInputFile>::record,
-              &SetFileRedirect);
-   R.Register(&invoke<SBError (SBDebugger::*)(
-                  SBFile)>::method<&SBDebugger::SetOutputFile>::record,
-              &SetFileRedirect);
-   R.Register(&invoke<SBError (SBDebugger::*)(
-                  SBFile)>::method<&SBDebugger::SetErrorFile>::record,
-              &SetFileRedirect);
-   R.Register(&invoke<SBError (SBDebugger::*)(
-                  FileSP)>::method<&SBDebugger::SetInputFile>::record,
-              &SetFileRedirect);
-   R.Register(&invoke<SBError (SBDebugger::*)(
-                  FileSP)>::method<&SBDebugger::SetOutputFile>::record,
-              &SetFileRedirect);
-   R.Register(&invoke<SBError (SBDebugger::*)(
-                  FileSP)>::method<&SBDebugger::SetErrorFile>::record,
-              &SetFileRedirect);
-                                        GetDefaultArchitecture);
-   LLDB_REGISTER_CONSTRUCTOR(SBDebugger, (const lldb::DebuggerSP &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_CONSTRUCTOR(SBDebugger, (const lldb::SBDebugger &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBDebugger &,
-                        SBDebugger, operator=,(const lldb::SBDebugger &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, Initialize, ());
-                               InitializeWithErrorHandling, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, Terminate, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, Clear, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(lldb::SBDebugger, SBDebugger, Create, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(lldb::SBDebugger, SBDebugger, Create, (bool));
-       const char *, SBDebugger, GetProgressFromEvent,
-       (const lldb::SBEvent &, uint64_t &, uint64_t &, uint64_t &, bool &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(const char *, SBDebugger, GetBroadcasterClass,
-                               ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(SBBroadcaster, SBDebugger, GetBroadcaster, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, Destroy, (lldb::SBDebugger &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, MemoryPressureDetected, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(bool, SBDebugger, IsValid, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(bool, SBDebugger, operator bool,());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetAsync, (bool));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, GetAsync, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SkipLLDBInitFiles, (bool));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SkipAppInitFiles, (bool));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetInputFileHandle, (FILE *, bool));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(FILE *, SBDebugger, GetInputFileHandle, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(FILE *, SBDebugger, GetOutputFileHandle, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(FILE *, SBDebugger, GetErrorFileHandle, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(SBFile, SBDebugger, GetInputFile, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(SBFile, SBDebugger, GetOutputFile, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(SBFile, SBDebugger, GetErrorFile, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SaveInputTerminalState, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, RestoreInputTerminalState, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBCommandInterpreter, SBDebugger,
-                        GetCommandInterpreter, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, HandleCommand, (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBListener, SBDebugger, GetListener, ());
-       void, SBDebugger, HandleProcessEvent,
-       (const lldb::SBProcess &, const lldb::SBEvent &, FILE *, FILE *));
-       void, SBDebugger, HandleProcessEvent,
-       (const lldb::SBProcess &, const lldb::SBEvent &, SBFile, SBFile));
-       void, SBDebugger, HandleProcessEvent,
-       (const lldb::SBProcess &, const lldb::SBEvent &, FileSP, FileSP));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBSourceManager, SBDebugger, GetSourceManager, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, SetDefaultArchitecture,
-                               (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::ScriptLanguage, SBDebugger, GetScriptingLanguage,
-                        (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(const char *, SBDebugger, GetVersionString, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(const char *, SBDebugger, StateAsCString,
-                               (lldb::StateType));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(lldb::SBStructuredData, SBDebugger,
-                               GetBuildConfiguration, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, StateIsRunningState,
-                               (lldb::StateType));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, StateIsStoppedState,
-                               (lldb::StateType));
-       lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, CreateTarget,
-       (const char *, const char *, const char *, bool, lldb::SBError &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger,
-                        CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple,
-                        (const char *, const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, CreateTargetWithFileAndArch,
-                        (const char *, const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, CreateTarget,
-                        (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, GetDummyTarget, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, DeleteTarget, (lldb::SBTarget &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, GetTargetAtIndex,
-                        (uint32_t));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetIndexOfTarget,
-                        (lldb::SBTarget));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, FindTargetWithProcessID,
-                        (lldb::pid_t));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, FindTargetWithFileAndArch,
-                        (const char *, const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetNumTargets, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTarget, SBDebugger, GetSelectedTarget, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetSelectedTarget, (lldb::SBTarget &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBPlatform, SBDebugger, GetSelectedPlatform, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetSelectedPlatform,
-                        (lldb::SBPlatform &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetNumPlatforms, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBPlatform, SBDebugger, GetPlatformAtIndex,
-                        (uint32_t));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetNumAvailablePlatforms, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBStructuredData, SBDebugger,
-                        GetAvailablePlatformInfoAtIndex, (uint32_t));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, DispatchInputInterrupt, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, DispatchInputEndOfFile, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, PushInputReader,
-                        (lldb::SBInputReader &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, RunCommandInterpreter, (bool, bool));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, RunCommandInterpreter,
-                        (bool, bool, lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &,
-                         int &, bool &, bool &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBError, SBDebugger, RunREPL,
-                        (lldb::LanguageType, const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(lldb::SBDebugger, SBDebugger, FindDebuggerWithID,
-                               (int));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(const char *, SBDebugger, GetInstanceName, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(lldb::SBError, SBDebugger, SetInternalVariable,
-                               (const char *, const char *, const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_STATIC_METHOD(lldb::SBStringList, SBDebugger,
-                               GetInternalVariableValue,
-                               (const char *, const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetTerminalWidth, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetTerminalWidth, (uint32_t));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(const char *, SBDebugger, GetPrompt, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetPrompt, (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(const char *, SBDebugger, GetReproducerPath, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(lldb::ScriptLanguage, SBDebugger,
-                              GetScriptLanguage, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetScriptLanguage,
-                        (lldb::ScriptLanguage));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, SetUseExternalEditor, (bool));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, GetUseExternalEditor, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, SetUseColor, (bool));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(bool, SBDebugger, GetUseColor, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, GetDescription, (lldb::SBStream &));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::user_id_t, SBDebugger, GetID, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBError, SBDebugger, SetCurrentPlatform,
-                        (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot,
-                        (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(bool, SBDebugger, GetCloseInputOnEOF, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBDebugger, SetCloseInputOnEOF, (bool));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger, GetCategory,
-                        (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger, GetCategory,
-                        (lldb::LanguageType));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger, CreateCategory,
-                        (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, DeleteCategory, (const char *));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(uint32_t, SBDebugger, GetNumCategories, ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger, GetCategoryAtIndex,
-                        (uint32_t));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeCategory, SBDebugger, GetDefaultCategory,
-                        ());
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeFormat, SBDebugger, GetFormatForType,
-                        (lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeSummary, SBDebugger, GetSummaryForType,
-                        (lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeSynthetic, SBDebugger, GetSyntheticForType,
-                        (lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBTypeFilter, SBDebugger, GetFilterForType,
-                        (lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(bool, SBDebugger, EnableLog,
-                        (const char *, const char **));
-   LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunResult, SBDebugger,
-                        RunCommandInterpreter,
-                        (const lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &));
- }
- } // namespace repro
- } // namespace lldb_private
-diff --git a/lldb/source/API/liblldb-private.exports b/lldb/source/API/liblldb-private.exports
-index 9b3d86dfc892..e6c3bd9e80b9 100644
---- a/lldb/source/API/liblldb-private.exports
-+++ b/lldb/source/API/liblldb-private.exports
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- _ZN4lldb*
- _ZNK4lldb*
- _ZN12lldb_private*
- _ZNK12lldb_private*
- init_lld*
- PyInit__lldb*
-diff --git a/lldb/source/API/liblldb.exports b/lldb/source/API/liblldb.exports
-index 3ceb562c7ed1..fcc506ff0f84 100644
---- a/lldb/source/API/liblldb.exports
-+++ b/lldb/source/API/liblldb.exports
-@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
- _ZN4lldb*
- _ZNK4lldb*
- init_lld*
- PyInit__lldb*
Index: lldb/bindings/java/CMakeLists.txt
--- lldb/bindings/java/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lldb/bindings/java/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-/* ###
- * IP: Apache License 2.0 with LLVM Exceptions
- */
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