bnbarham added a comment.

In D121425#3384492 <>, @dexonsmith 

> Can you be more detailed about the overall state at the time of `cat`, which 
> causes it to fail?

Sure. I think there's also some confusion with names here but I'm generally 
trying to use the names as they are used in the overlay YAML or the name of the 
members in RedirectingFS.

"external-contents" is just the path that we're mapping to, so in my example 
above (/a/foo -> bar), "bar" is what I was referring to by "external-contents". 
So let's use that again -

      /a/foo -> bar

After D121423 <>, `cd /a` will result in the 
following -

- OverlayFS: CWD set to `/a`
- RedirectingFS and RealFS: CWD unchanged, so let's assume they were `/` at the 
time of creation and that's what they are now

`cat foo` -

- OverlayFS canonicalises to `/a/foo` and passes that to `openFileForRead` in 
- RedirectingFS has a `/a/foo` -> `bar` mapping, so it now runs 
`openFileForRead` on its ExternalFS (which is the RealFS)
- RealFS is at `/` and there is no `/bar` and thus fails
- RedirectingFS also fails
- Back in OverlayFS now, and because we failed we now try RealFS with `/a/foo`
- RealFS has no `/a/foo`, it fails
- Back in OverlayFS, all FS have now failed, return a failure

How this used to work really depends on when we're talking about 😆. Prior to 
D121423 <> the FS would have looked like:

    /a/foo -> bar

Prior to Jonas' change, `setCWD` on RedirectingFS would run `setCWD` on 
`ExternalFS`. So `cd /a` would set CWD to `/a` for both RedirectingFS and 
RealFileSystem. Then `cat /a/foo` would give `bar` and `openFileForRead` on 
`ExternalFS` (RealFS) (which has `/a` CWD) would open `/a/bar`.

After Jonas' *and* Keith's change, `setCWD` no longer runs on `ExternalFS` but 
instead the path was canonicalised before sending it along. So `/a/foo` maps to 
`bar` as before, but then it would be canonicalised using `RedirectingFS` CWD 
and thus do an open for `/a/bar` on `ExternalFS`.

In D121425#3384499 <>, @dexonsmith 

> (Would this mean resolving everything in the `.yaml` file eagerly at launch? 
> That sounds a bit scary...)

Yes, depending on what you mean by "resolving". All I mean is "prefix relative 
paths with CWD". The main issue with doing this is that it prohibits 
canonicalising paths to a virtual CWD, since you wouldn't be able to set CWD to 
a virtual path before making the overlay. Perhaps that's what you mean by "a 
bit scary" though.

We currently prefix relative paths with `ExternalContentsPrefixDir` if 
`overlay-relative: true` is set. That path is a combination of CWD + the 
directory to the overlay. This is to handle overlays that have absolute paths 
that we want to remap (specifically for the crash dump use case I believe). But 
if `overlay-relative: false` is set then we just canonicalise the path on 

I just ran a few tests with the frontend though:

- By default, paths come in relative and will become absolute from the 
process-wide CWD
- If `-working-directory` *is* set then paths come in absolute from 
`FileManager` - `setCWD` is never run

I'm not sure if there's a good reason it's done this way or it's just that CWD 
was only added to FileSystem relatively recently, but it does mean that that 
we're actually canonicalising the paths with the process-wide CWD regardless at 
the moment (at least from the frontend). This isn't the case if something was 
to use the API directly, but in that case I'm not sure that using the current 
CWD makes any more sense than using the CWD when the overlay is created. The 
semantics would be less confusing if that was the case (IMO), but again would 
prohibit canonicalising to a virtual CWD.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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