zequanwu added a comment.

> The main thing I am wondering is if it wouldn't be better to (instead of 
> essentially duplicating the DWARFExpression interface in the 
> DWARFExpressionList class) somehow split the process of finding the 
> appropriate expression (for the given PC value or whatever), and the actual 
> evaluation. This would be particularly nice if the arguments can be split in 
> such a way that those that are used for locating the expression are not 
> repeated in the "evaluate" call. Have you considered this?

Then we need to duplicate the code that gets expression data and register kind 
before every call to `DWARFExpression::Evaluate`, making it less clean.

> Also, if I understand correctly, one of the side effects of this patch that 
> the DWARF location list is now parsed more eagerly (when the containing 
> object (e.g. variable) is constructed rather than during evaluation time). I 
> think that's probably fine, but it's definitely worth calling out.

Yes, the dwarf location list now is parsed at the time when parsing variable 
DIE. It used to be that a dwarf location list will be parsed every time when we 
try to access a dwarf expression inside.

Comment at: lldb/source/Expression/DWARFExpression.cpp:2581
-static DataExtractor ToDataExtractor(const llvm::DWARFLocationExpression &loc,
-                                     ByteOrder byte_order, uint32_t addr_size) 
-  auto buffer_sp =
-      std::make_shared<DataBufferHeap>(loc.Expr.data(), loc.Expr.size());
-  return DataExtractor(buffer_sp, byte_order, addr_size);
-bool DWARFExpression::DumpLocations(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level,
-                                    addr_t load_function_start, addr_t addr,
-                                    ABI *abi) {
-  if (!IsLocationList()) {
-    DumpLocation(s, m_data, level, abi);
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool dump_all = addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
-  llvm::ListSeparator separator;
-  auto callback = [&](llvm::DWARFLocationExpression loc) -> bool {
-    if (loc.Range &&
-        (dump_all || (loc.Range->LowPC <= addr && addr < loc.Range->HighPC))) {
-      uint32_t addr_size = m_data.GetAddressByteSize();
-      DataExtractor data = ToDataExtractor(loc, m_data.GetByteOrder(),
-                                           m_data.GetAddressByteSize());
-      s->AsRawOstream() << separator;
-      s->PutCString("[");
-      s->AsRawOstream() << llvm::format_hex(loc.Range->LowPC,
-                                            2 + 2 * addr_size);
-      s->PutCString(", ");
-      s->AsRawOstream() << llvm::format_hex(loc.Range->HighPC,
-                                            2 + 2 * addr_size);
-      s->PutCString(") -> ");
-      DumpLocation(s, data, level, abi);
-      return dump_all;
-    }
-    return true;
-  };
-  if (!GetLocationExpressions(load_function_start, callback))
-    return false;
-  return true;
-bool DWARFExpression::GetLocationExpressions(
-    addr_t load_function_start,
-    llvm::function_ref<bool(llvm::DWARFLocationExpression)> callback) const {
-  if (load_function_start == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
-    return false;
-  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Expressions);
+bool DWARFExpression::ParseDWARFLocationList(
+    const DWARFUnit *dwarf_cu, const DataExtractor &data,
labath wrote:
> Could this go into the list class?
This function calls `ReadAddressFromDebugAddrSection` that is called multiple 
places in `DWARFExpression`. If we move it to `DWARFExpressionList`, we need to 
duplicate the `ReadAddressFromDebugAddrSection`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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