JDevlieghere added a comment.

Last week I debugged this further. Here's what I believe is going on. Consider 
the following simplified example with two CUs and a type `Foo`.

  0x01: DW_TAG_compile_unit
  0x02: DW_TAG_class_type
          DW_AT_containing_type (0x11)
          DW_AT_name            ("Foo")
  0x03: DW_TAG_pointer_type
          DW_AT_type            (0x02 "Foo") 
  0x10: DW_TAG_compile_unit
  0x11: DW_TAG_class_type
         DW_AT_containing_type (0x11)
         DW_AT_name            ("Foo")

Assume that in the first compile unit, we have a relocation that causes us to 
keep the pointer to foo.

During the analysis phase, when looking for DIEs to keep, we encounter the 
definition of `Foo`. Through an ODR attribute (in this case 
`DW_AT_containing_type`) we see the same definition of `Foo` in the second CU. 
We decide to keep the definition in CU2 (0x11) and mark the decl context as 
having a canonical ODR DIE. As a result, we don't keep the definition in CU1.

During the emission phase, we encounter the pointer to foo again (0x03). As 
part of cloning, we go over its attributes and encounter 0x02 through the 
`DW_AT_type`. The canonical DIE in CU2 hasn't been cloned yet, so the 
`RefInfo.Clone` is false and so is the DeclContext's canonical DIE offset. As a 
result, we trip off the assertion because the reference (0x2) is less than the 
input DIEs offset (0x3) and therefore should already have been emitted. 
Instead, we should note the (forward) reference and fix it up later, which is 
what this patch does.

In the patch I called it a backward reference, because the original DIE comes 
before the DIE being emitted now, but as shown here, it really is a forward 
reference, so maybe it's better to keep the original naming.

This reproduces for several internal projects. The smallest one is an LTO build 
with 1.8 million lines of IR. I've been trying to reduce it with `llvm-reduce`, 
`delta` and `bugpoint` since last Thursday, but all of these tools are 
struggling with DI metadata and the size of the file. I'll give it another day 
or so but I'm not holding my breath this will generate anything that can be 
used as a test.

With the reduction running in the background, I've been trying to hand-craft a 
test that exposes the behavior I've described here, but with every DIE it 
becomes exponentially harder to trick dsymutil's algorithm into traversing the 
DIEs in the order you want.



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