bulbazord added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/source/Expression/LLVMUserExpression.cpp:340-348
+        Process *process_sp;
+        ABISP abi_sp;
+        if ((process_sp = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr()) &&
+            (abi_sp = process_sp->GetABI())) {
+          stack_frame_size = abi_sp->GetStackFrameSize();
+        } else {
+          stack_frame_size = 512 * 1024;
kuilpd wrote:
> bulbazord wrote:
> > A few things:
> > - I don't think you need to re-extract process from `exe_ctx`, the variable 
> > `process` at the beginning of this function should have a valid Process 
> > pointer in it already (see: `LockAndCheckContext` at the beginning of this 
> > function). We already assume `target` is valid and use it in the same way.
> > - If we can't get an ABI from the Process, do we want to assume a stack 
> > frame size of `512 * 1024`? Maybe there is a use case I'm missing, but if 
> > we don't have an ABI I'm not convinced that `PrepareToExecuteJITExpression` 
> > should succeed. LLDB will need some kind of ABI information to correctly 
> > set up the register context to call the JITed code anyway.
> - I tried that, but a lot of tests fail on `GetABI()` after that, so had to 
> re-extract it. Not sure why.
> - `512 * 1024` is what was hardcoded there by default. It makes sense that 
> ABI has to exist, but leaving no default value in case if it's not retreived 
> is weird as well. Or should we return an error in that case?
How do the tests fail? If the process is wrong that sounds like a pretty bad 
bug :(

I would think that we could return `false` with some logging or an error would 
be appropriate if we don't have an ABI. I may be misunderstanding something but 
I would think that the tests should still pass when we `return false` there... 
I hope.



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