bulbazord added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/include/lldb/Core/Debugger.h:455-456
+    InterruptionReport(std::string function_name, std::string description) :
+        m_function_name(function_name), 
+        m_description(description),
+        m_interrupt_time(std::chrono::system_clock::now()),
jingham wrote:
> bulbazord wrote:
> > jingham wrote:
> > > bulbazord wrote:
> > > > To avoid some unnecessary copies
> > > > 
> > > > Could also do what Ismail is suggesting.
> > > This is a local that is copied to an ivar and never used again.  Do I 
> > > really have to put move in there explicitly for the optimizer to know it 
> > > can reuse the value?
> > Yes. I created a simple example on Godbolt: https://godbolt.org/z/G4ej76Enn
> > 
> > Observe that the constructor in the example invokes the `std::string` copy 
> > constructor. Add a `std::move` and it then invokes the move constructor.
> Thanks for the example, that was interesting.  
> Note however that in your example, you the flags you specified were 
> `-std=c++17` so that was an unoptimized build.  That's expected, unoptimized 
> builds are supposed to be as literal as they can be.  If you instead use the 
> same example with `-std=c++17 -O3` you won't see any copy constructors.  I 
> don't 100% mind putting this std::move in, but it seems noisy to decorate up 
> your code with hints that the optimizer can figure out on its own.
You're right that I did not consider higher optimization levels there. That 
being said, I believe this is a matter of language semantics and not 
optimization level. I've created a slightly more complex example to illustrate: 

In this other example, I have passed `-O3`. You'll notice that in the emitted 
constructor code there are 2 calls to `operator new`. If you add `std::move` 
for both of the parameters of the constructor, both of these allocations go 
away and the generated code becomes ~60% smaller. Even with optimization 
involved, the compiler can only optimize so much without breaking semantics.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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