bulbazord requested changes to this revision.
bulbazord added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

Comment at: lldb/source/Host/common/File.cpp:609
       num_bytes = bytes_written;
-  } else if (StreamIsValid()) {
+  } else if (ValueGuard stream_guard = StreamIsValid()) {
     bytes_written = ::fwrite(buf, 1, num_bytes, m_stream);
augusto2112 wrote:
> One thing that's not super obvious for people reading this is that 
> `descriptor_guard` is still in scope in the else branch (due to C++'s weird 
> scoping rules when it comes to declaring variables inside `if` statements), 
> and will keep the descriptor mutex locked which is probably not what you 
> intended. I don't think this affects the correctness of this implementation 
> at the moment, but could be dangerous with further changes on top of this one.
If that's true, then this change needs further adjustment. `GetStream` acquires 
the `ValueGuard`s in the opposite order, meaning Thread 1 can call this 
function and acquire `descriptor_guard` while Thread 2 can call `GetStream` and 
acquire `stream_guard` at the same time. Then they're both waiting on the other 
lock (deadlock).



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