We actually have several requests for this internally, and I think that's a 
good idea.  

However, some of the format tokens can return arbitrary text, including 
newlines, for instance "thread.completed-expression", and all the "script." 
ones.  Do we want to try to support prompts with new-lines or do we want to 
restrict the format string for prompts or somehow cut off these arbitrary 
elements at the first new-line?


> On Sep 13, 2023, at 9:53 AM, Greg Clayton via lldb-commits 
> <lldb-commits@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> https://github.com/clayborg commented:
> Any interest in just allowing "settings set prompt" to use the format strings 
> approach that we support in thread-format, frame-format? I see we have a ton 
> of settings that already ansi-prefix and ansi-suffix settings, but it would 
> be easy to just do:
> ```
> (lldb) setting set prompt "${ansi.fg.red}(lldb) ${ansi.normal}"
> ```
> It we didn't just expand the above string one time, we could be able to make 
> some really powerful LLDB prompts if we used the format strings:
> ```
> (lldb) setting set prompt "{pid = ${process.id} }{tid = ${thread.id%tid}} 
> ${ansi.fg.red}(lldb) ${ansi.normal}"
> ```
> Just an idea, not a requirement for this patch
> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/66218
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