clayborg wrote:

So we have a function in SBDebugger:
  static const char *GetProgressFromEvent(const lldb::SBEvent &event,
                                          uint64_t &progress_id,
                                          uint64_t &completed, uint64_t &total,
                                          bool &is_debugger_specific);
Do we need an overload to allow access to the Progress::ProgressReportType? If 
so, then we need to move the Progress::ProgressReportType enum into 
lldb-enumerations. In our public API we can never remove or change the 
arguments in a function call, so we would need to add another overload if we 
want this.

We also have:
  static lldb::SBStructuredData 
lldb::SBDebugger::GetProgressDataFromEvent(const lldb::SBEvent &event);
I am guessing that the report type shows up in here?
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