Michael137 wrote:

> > To support access to such constants from LLDB we'll most likely have to 
> > have to make LLDB find the constants by looking at the containing class 
> > first.
> Tangentially related to: 
> https://discourse.llvm.org/t/rfc-improve-dwarf-5-debug-names-type-lookup-parsing-speed/74151/31?u=dblaikie
> Clang/LLVM do know the difference between type-invariant members and type 
> variant ones (type invariant members are in the `members` list of the 
> `DICompositeType` and variant members have a `scope` that refers to the type 
> but don't appear in the `members` list) - would it be reasonable to not 
> include the invariant members in the accelerator table, but only include the 
> variant ones? Invariant ones can be found by finding any instance of the type 
> in the index, then looking at its members - and for variant members it'd be 
> useful to have them in the index. (though, honestly, I'm not sure how lldb 
> and gdb handle that situation - last time I tested it with gdb, it just saw 
> two different copies of the type and didn't try to unify/aggregate all the 
> variant members... but lldb only creates one copy of the type, so don't know 
> what it does if you've got, say, two member function template instantiations 
> for different template parameters in two different translation units/compile 
> units)

I'll merge the PR for now to unblock and address this later

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