jimingham wrote:

> Hi @jimingham ,
> I have updated the code. Now we have `Add` and `Remove` (with tokens as you 
> suggested). `Set` clears everything then add the given one (also returns a 
> token).
> Thread-safety is done through a `std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex>`. This 
> is consistent with some of the other functions/fields.
> Didn't understand one of your comment about "one destroy callback can 
> add/remove others" and how that relates to the code. See my reply in the 
> above.
> Another thing I am not sure is, in python API test, how do I make concurrent 
> calls to these APIs. Do you know if this should be tested (e.g. if other 
> existing functions has similar tests)? If the answer is "yes", do you happen 
> to know what existing test I can see as examples?
> Thanks for your reviews so far. Hope this PR is getting better as we converse.
> Best, Roy

I don't think it's necessary to try to test concurrency.  That tends to be very 
hard to write a stable test that you know actually tests concurrent access.  
Those end up being more trouble than they are worth.

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