llvmbot wrote:



Author: Jonas Devlieghere (JDevlieghere)


This PR extends Dwarf.def to include the number of operands and the arity (the 
number of entries on the DWARF stack) and use it from the LLDB DWARF expression 


Patch is 42.88 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: 

5 Files Affected:

- (modified) lldb/source/Expression/DWARFExpression.cpp (+126-249) 
- (modified) llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.def (+182-182) 
- (modified) llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h (+10-1) 
- (modified) llvm/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/DWARFYAML.h (+1-1) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.cpp (+30-4) 

diff --git a/lldb/source/Expression/DWARFExpression.cpp 
index 4681dbafb6f9c..b10c3d4ac5ad9 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Expression/DWARFExpression.cpp
+++ b/lldb/source/Expression/DWARFExpression.cpp
@@ -912,6 +912,14 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
+    if (std::optional<unsigned> arity =
+            llvm::dwarf::OperationArity(static_cast<LocationAtom>(op))) {
+      if (stack.size() < *arity)
+        return llvm::createStringError(
+            "%s needs at least %d stack entries (stack has %d entries)",
+            DW_OP_value_to_name(op), *arity, stack.size());
+    }
     switch (op) {
     // The DW_OP_addr operation has a single operand that encodes a machine
     // address and whose size is the size of an address on the target machine.
@@ -1280,11 +1288,7 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // DESCRIPTION: Duplicates the entry currently second in the stack at
     // the top of the stack.
     case DW_OP_over:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_over");
-      } else
-        stack.push_back(stack[stack.size() - 2]);
+      stack.push_back(stack[stack.size() - 2]);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_pick
@@ -1307,14 +1311,9 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // of the stack becomes the second stack entry, and the second entry
     // becomes the top of the stack
     case DW_OP_swap:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_swap");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.back() = stack[stack.size() - 2];
-        stack[stack.size() - 2] = tmp;
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.back() = stack[stack.size() - 2];
+      stack[stack.size() - 2] = tmp;
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_rot
@@ -1323,18 +1322,13 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // the top of the stack becomes the third stack entry, the second entry
     // becomes the top of the stack, and the third entry becomes the second
     // entry.
-    case DW_OP_rot:
-      if (stack.size() < 3) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 3 items for DW_OP_rot");
-      } else {
-        size_t last_idx = stack.size() - 1;
-        Value old_top = stack[last_idx];
-        stack[last_idx] = stack[last_idx - 1];
-        stack[last_idx - 1] = stack[last_idx - 2];
-        stack[last_idx - 2] = old_top;
-      }
-      break;
+    case DW_OP_rot: {
+      size_t last_idx = stack.size() - 1;
+      Value old_top = stack[last_idx];
+      stack[last_idx] = stack[last_idx - 1];
+      stack[last_idx - 1] = stack[last_idx - 2];
+      stack[last_idx - 2] = old_top;
+    } break;
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_abs
     // OPERANDS: none
@@ -1342,10 +1336,7 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // value and pushes its absolute value. If the absolute value can not be
     // represented, the result is undefined.
     case DW_OP_abs:
-      if (stack.empty()) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 1 item for DW_OP_abs");
-      } else if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).AbsoluteValue()) {
+      if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).AbsoluteValue()) {
         return llvm::createStringError(
             "failed to take the absolute value of the first stack item");
@@ -1356,15 +1347,10 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top two stack values, performs a bitwise and
     // operation on the two, and pushes the result.
     case DW_OP_and:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_and");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) & tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) & tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_div
@@ -1372,42 +1358,32 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top two stack values, divides the former second
     // entry by the former top of the stack using signed division, and pushes
     // the result.
-    case DW_OP_div:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_div");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        if (tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx).IsZero())
-          return llvm::createStringError("divide by zero");
-        stack.pop_back();
-        Scalar divisor, dividend;
-        divisor = tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-        dividend = stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-        divisor.MakeSigned();
-        dividend.MakeSigned();
-        stack.back() = dividend / divisor;
-        if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).IsValid())
-          return llvm::createStringError("divide failed");
-      }
-      break;
+    case DW_OP_div: {
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      if (tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx).IsZero())
+        return llvm::createStringError("divide by zero");
+      stack.pop_back();
+      Scalar divisor, dividend;
+      divisor = tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
+      dividend = stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
+      divisor.MakeSigned();
+      dividend.MakeSigned();
+      stack.back() = dividend / divisor;
+      if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).IsValid())
+        return llvm::createStringError("divide failed");
+    } break;
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_minus
     // OPERANDS: none
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top two stack values, subtracts the former top
     // of the stack from the former second entry, and pushes the result.
     case DW_OP_minus:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_minus");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) - tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) - tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_mod
@@ -1416,15 +1392,10 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // the calculation: former second stack entry modulo the former top of the
     // stack.
     case DW_OP_mod:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_mod");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) % tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) % tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_mul
@@ -1432,28 +1403,18 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top two stack entries, multiplies them
     // together, and pushes the result.
     case DW_OP_mul:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_mul");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) * tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) * tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_neg
     // OPERANDS: none
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top stack entry, and pushes its negation.
     case DW_OP_neg:
-      if (stack.empty()) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 1 item for DW_OP_neg");
-      } else {
-        if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).UnaryNegate())
-          return llvm::createStringError("unary negate failed");
-      }
+      if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).UnaryNegate())
+        return llvm::createStringError("unary negate failed");
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_not
@@ -1461,14 +1422,8 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top stack entry, and pushes its bitwise
     // complement
     case DW_OP_not:
-      if (stack.empty()) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 1 item for DW_OP_not");
-      } else {
-        if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).OnesComplement()) {
-          return llvm::createStringError("logical NOT failed");
-        }
-      }
+      if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).OnesComplement())
+        return llvm::createStringError("logical NOT failed");
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_or
@@ -1476,15 +1431,10 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top two stack entries, performs a bitwise or
     // operation on the two, and pushes the result.
     case DW_OP_or:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_or");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) | tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) | tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_plus
@@ -1492,32 +1442,22 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top two stack entries, adds them together, and
     // pushes the result.
     case DW_OP_plus:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_plus");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().GetScalar() += tmp.GetScalar();
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().GetScalar() += tmp.GetScalar();
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_plus_uconst
     // OPERANDS: none
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top stack entry, adds it to the unsigned LEB128
     // constant operand and pushes the result.
-    case DW_OP_plus_uconst:
-      if (stack.empty()) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 1 item for DW_OP_plus_uconst");
-      } else {
-        const uint64_t uconst_value = opcodes.GetULEB128(&offset);
-        // Implicit conversion from a UINT to a Scalar...
-        stack.back().GetScalar() += uconst_value;
-        if (!stack.back().GetScalar().IsValid())
-          return llvm::createStringError("DW_OP_plus_uconst failed");
-      }
-      break;
+    case DW_OP_plus_uconst: {
+      const uint64_t uconst_value = opcodes.GetULEB128(&offset);
+      // Implicit conversion from a UINT to a Scalar...
+      stack.back().GetScalar() += uconst_value;
+      if (!stack.back().GetScalar().IsValid())
+        return llvm::createStringError("DW_OP_plus_uconst failed");
+    } break;
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_shl
     // OPERANDS: none
@@ -1525,14 +1465,9 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // second entry left by the number of bits specified by the former top of
     // the stack, and pushes the result.
     case DW_OP_shl:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_shl");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) <<= tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) <<= tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_shr
@@ -1541,17 +1476,11 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // entry right logically (filling with zero bits) by the number of bits
     // specified by the former top of the stack, and pushes the result.
     case DW_OP_shr:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_shr");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).ShiftRightLogical(
-                tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx))) {
-          return llvm::createStringError("DW_OP_shr failed");
-        }
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      if (!stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx).ShiftRightLogical(
+              tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx)))
+        return llvm::createStringError("DW_OP_shr failed");
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_shra
@@ -1561,14 +1490,9 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // sign for the result) by the number of bits specified by the former top
     // of the stack, and pushes the result.
     case DW_OP_shra:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_shra");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) >>= tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) >>= tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_xor
@@ -1576,15 +1500,10 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // DESCRIPTION: pops the top two stack entries, performs the bitwise
     // exclusive-or operation on the two, and pushes the result.
     case DW_OP_xor:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_xor");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) ^ tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) ^ tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_skip
@@ -1615,30 +1534,25 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // value popped is not the constant 0, the 2-byte constant operand is the
     // number of bytes of the DWARF expression to skip forward or backward from
     // the current operation, beginning after the 2-byte constant.
-    case DW_OP_bra:
-      if (stack.empty()) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 1 item for DW_OP_bra");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        int16_t bra_offset = (int16_t)opcodes.GetU16(&offset);
-        Scalar zero(0);
-        if (tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx) != zero) {
-          lldb::offset_t new_offset = offset + bra_offset;
-          // New offset can point at the end of the data, in this case we 
-          // terminate the DWARF expression evaluation (will happen in the loop
-          // condition).
-          if (new_offset <= opcodes.GetByteSize())
-            offset = new_offset;
-          else {
-            return llvm::createStringError(llvm::formatv(
-                "Invalid opcode offset in DW_OP_bra: {0}+({1}) > {2}", offset,
-                bra_offset, opcodes.GetByteSize()));
-          }
+    case DW_OP_bra: {
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      int16_t bra_offset = (int16_t)opcodes.GetU16(&offset);
+      Scalar zero(0);
+      if (tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx) != zero) {
+        lldb::offset_t new_offset = offset + bra_offset;
+        // New offset can point at the end of the data, in this case we should
+        // terminate the DWARF expression evaluation (will happen in the loop
+        // condition).
+        if (new_offset <= opcodes.GetByteSize())
+          offset = new_offset;
+        else {
+          return llvm::createStringError(llvm::formatv(
+              "Invalid opcode offset in DW_OP_bra: {0}+({1}) > {2}", offset,
+              bra_offset, opcodes.GetByteSize()));
-      break;
+    } break;
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_eq
     // OPERANDS: none
@@ -1648,15 +1562,10 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // of the operation is true or the constant value 0 if the result of the
     // operation is false.
     case DW_OP_eq:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_eq");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) == tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) == tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_ge
@@ -1667,15 +1576,10 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // of the operation is true or the constant value 0 if the result of the
     // operation is false.
     case DW_OP_ge:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_ge");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) >= tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) >= tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_gt
@@ -1686,15 +1590,10 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // of the operation is true or the constant value 0 if the result of the
     // operation is false.
     case DW_OP_gt:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_gt");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) > tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) > tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_le
@@ -1705,15 +1604,10 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // of the operation is true or the constant value 0 if the result of the
     // operation is false.
     case DW_OP_le:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_le");
-      } else {
-        tmp = stack.back();
-        stack.pop_back();
-        stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
-            stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) <= tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
-      }
+      tmp = stack.back();
+      stack.pop_back();
+      stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) =
+          stack.back().ResolveValue(exe_ctx) <= tmp.ResolveValue(exe_ctx);
     // OPCODE: DW_OP_lt
@@ -1724,15 +1618,10 @@ llvm::Expected<Value> DWARFExpression::Evaluate(
     // of the operation is true or the constant value 0 if the result of the
     // operation is false.
     case DW_OP_lt:
-      if (stack.size() < 2) {
-        return llvm::createStringError(
-            "expression stack needs at least 2 items for DW_OP_lt");
-      } else {
-        t...



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