@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+(* LLDB Debug Expressions, a subset of C++ *)
+(* Insired by https://www.nongnu.org/hcb *)
+expression = cast_expression;
+cast_expression = unary_expression;
+unary_expression = postfix_expression
+                 | unary_operator cast_expression;
+unary_operator = "*" | "&" | "-" ;
+postfix_expression = primary_expression
+                   | postfix_expression "[" expression "]"
+                   | postfix_expression "." id_expression
+                   | postfix_expression "->" id_expression
+primary_expression = numeric_literal
+                   | boolean_literal
+                   | pointer_literal
+                   | id_expression
+                   | "this" ;
labath wrote:

Other languages may use a different keyword (`self` typically) to refer to 
"this" object (in which case `this` can refer to a regular variable). 
Special-casing `this` in the parser could make that difficult, so it may be 
better to treat `this` as a regular identifier, and only resolve it later, once 
we know which language we're in.

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