Jlalond wrote:

> > None of the SB API methods return any STL types/containers, like the 
> > std::optionals returned in this PR. I worry if this will make the bridging 
> > to other languages more complicated, but it's never something I've thought 
> > about before. @jimingham @bulbazord @clayborg @JDevlieghere may have a more 
> > informed opinion on whether this is important or not.
> Yeah, we've been discussing introducing an `SBOptional` type at some point to 
> be easier to bridge it with python but we should refrain from using the STL 
> as return types / arguments for now.
> Besides that, I've also noticed that your classes are named `CoreDumpOption`. 
> On Apple platform, we call these "corefiles" so to be consistent accros 
> various platform, lets just drop the "Dump" part from the class / method 
> names and call it `CoreOption`

@clayborg actually mentioned this when I started work originally that we should 
avoid STL types. It seems I forgot while figuring out SWIG. 

As for `CoreOptions` vs `CoreDumpOptions`, the primary flavors I know of are 
Window's Kernel/Minidump and the ELF Coredumps. I think `CoreDumpOptions` is 
less ambiguous for that reason

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