slydiman wrote:

> The way this would work is by letting the platform instance 
> delegate/upgrate/convert the platform connection into a gdbserver one. The 
> way this would work would be something like this:
> 1. `lldb-server platform` would advertise (say in `qSupported`) its support 
> for this new mode.
> 2. Before asking the platform to launch a new gdb server, lldb would query 
> this feature. If present, instead of the usual action (`qLaunchGDBServer`), 
> it would create _another_ platform connection, using the same port as the 
> original one. As we're using the same port, we'd go through all the nats just 
> like the original connection.
> 3. On this new connection it would send a new special packet (let's call it 
> `qUpgradeToGdbConnection`)
> 4. `lldb server platform` would launch an gdbserver instance and everything 
> else would proceed as before.
> On non-darwin platform (darwin uses `debugserver`) we could optimize to avoid 
> spawning a new process, and just call the relevant gdb-server code directly.

But debugserver on darwin will not support this feauture. It will still require 
the port map or disabling firewall.
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