
I've got a problem with lldb deadlocking upon a call to lldb::SBDebugger::Terminate().

I am currently using svn revision 247535 of llvm and lldb, and I know that my code was working with svn revision 229496.

In short, I am doing the following steps:

  lldb_debugger = lldb::SBDebugger::Create()
  lldb_target = lldb_debugger.CreateTarget()
  lldb_process = lldb_target.AttachToProcessWithID()
  ... (doing stuff with modules)

The last call results in a deadlock.

I enabled the DEBUG_LOG and ENABLE_MUTEX_ERROR_CHECKING macros within Mutex.cpp and found out that a mutex is getting locked whose ID never came up in the log before. This mutex has no owner, so it should be lockable - but it isn't...

A gdb backtrace with the last few debug messages can be found here:

Does anyone have an idea what is going on here? Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance!

Stefan Kratochwil
lldb-dev mailing list

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