
I am trying to run lldb testsuite on arm hardware with lldb and
lldbserver binaries cross compiled on x86_64 builder.

I have lldb-server running on my arm hardware. Also i have lldb source
tree checkout and liblldb and lldb binaries places in lib and bin
folders respectively.

I am ablle to connect to my server by manualy running lldb and issuing
a platform connect command. However I am getting a python lldb module
import error like the one given below:

importerror: no module named lldb

I think i have some path issue or i am missing something while copying
lldb stuff from my builder.

Can someone track what I am doing wrong here?

Any help would be much appreciated.

here's how i am runing testsuite:

DOTEST_OPTS="--executable /home/omair/lldb/host/build/host/bin/lldb -A
arm -C gcc -s /home/omair/lldb/host/test/raspberryPi3-xenial
--skip-category lldb-mi -u CXXFLAGS -u CFLAGS --platform-name
remote-linux --platform-url connect://localhost:5432
--platform-working-dir /home/omair/lldb/armhf/tmp --env OS=Linux"
./dotest.py `echo $DOTEST_OPTS`

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