By the way: "swift" ends up executing:

--repl=-enable-objc-interop -sdk 

> On Aug 29, 2017, at 12:03 PM, Greg Clayton <> wrote:
>> On Aug 29, 2017, at 11:41 AM, meister <> wrote:
>> Greg,
>> We are developing a compiler for Common Lisp that uses LLVM as the backend 
>> and interoperates with C++ - it has its own REPL and built in compiler.   
>> Our compiler generates llvm-ir that we link directly with llvm-ir generated 
>> from the C++ code using LTO.
>> I’ve exposed much of the LLVM C++ API and Clang ASTMatcher C++ API for 
>> automatic analysis and refactoring of our C++ code.
>> The Python API’s are not that useful to us.   
>> Although - maybe launching lldb as a separate process to get the backtrace 
>> with a python script may be a reasonable thing to do - if that’s all that I 
>> want to do.
>> I’d also like to explore accessing lexical variables and setting breakpoints 
>> and watchpoints using the C++ API.
>> The C++ API’s - they are much more straightforward to work with for us.
>> I am already using ‘backtrace’ - but I don’t get function arguments with 
>> that sadly.
> You might think about integrating your REPL directly into LLDB? That is how 
> we did it with Swift. Then you get everything for free:
> - debug your REPL code by setting breakpoints
> - when a REPL code snippet crashes, see the backtrace!
> You might search for a Swift REPL demo and see what you think. 
> Below is an example of the Swift REPL that is built into LLDB:
> $ swift
> Welcome to Apple Swift version 3.1 (swiftlang-802.0.53 clang-802.0.42). Type 
> :help for assistance.
>  1> func foo() -> Int {
>  2.     return 12; 
>  3. } 
>  4. 
>  4> foo()
> $R0: Int = 12
> Any line that starts with ':' is a LLDB command. Below we set a breakpoint on 
> line 2 of our REPL code:
>  5> :b 2
> Breakpoint 1: where = $__lldb_expr3` () -> Swift.Int + 4 at 
> repl.swift:2, address = 0x00000001000c5014
> Now we can call foo() and hit our breakpoint:
>  5> foo()
> Execution stopped at breakpoint.  Enter LLDB commands to investigate (type 
> help for assistance.)
> Process 40238 stopped
> * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
>    frame #0: 0x00000001000c5014 $__lldb_expr3`foo() -> Int at repl.swift:2
>   1           func foo() -> Int {
> -> 2              return 12;
>   3           }
>   4           foo()
>   5           foo()
> Note we drop into the LLDB command prompt. We can view variables, backtrace, 
> etc. Here we just continue:
> (lldb) c
> Process 40238 resuming
> Now we are back in the REPL:
>  6> func bar() -> Int { 
>  7.     return foo() + 23; 
>  8. } 
>  9> bar()
> We are going to call "bar()" which will call "foo()" so we will hit the 
> breakpoint again...
> Execution stopped at breakpoint.  Enter LLDB commands to investigate (type 
> help for assistance.)
> Process 40238 stopped
> * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
>    frame #0: 0x00000001000c5014 $__lldb_expr3`foo() -> Int at repl.swift:2
>   1           func foo() -> Int {
> -> 2              return 12;
>   3           }
>   4           foo()
>   5           foo()
>   6           func bar() -> Int {
>   7               return foo() + 23;
> (lldb) c
> Process 40238 resuming
> 10>  

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