
I am looking for a way to identify loads, stores and any other kind of 
instruction that definitely perform memory access and extract the address 
operand(s), however I was not able to find a cross-architecture API. The 
closest I stumbled upon are "MCInstrDesc::mayLoad()" and 
"MCInstrDesc::mayStore()", but I understand that their results are just a hint, 
so I would then need to examine the instruction name or opcode in order to find 
out whether it’s actually a load or store and which operand(s) is (are) memory 
address(es) and also do so for each architecture separately, which I would 
really like to avoid.

Is there a way to identify such instructions either by examining them through 
the disassembler (e.g. "DoesLoad()" | "DoesStore()") before they execute or 
right after they perform any kind of memory access?

Thank you very much, in advance! πŸ™‚

― Vangelis

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