In lldb/include/lldb/lldb-enumerations.h we have:
eScriptLanguageDefault = eScriptLanguagePython

I'd like to do something like:
eScriptLanguageDefault = eScriptLanguagePython
eScriptLanguageDefault = eScriptLanguageLua
eScriptLanguageDefault = eScriptLanguageNone

if we could include Config.h, or achieve the same effect in some other
way if we cannot. Does this seem reasonable?

I'm interested in this for lldb in the FreeBSD base system. We have
lua available already (and no python) and I've integrated our liblua
it into lldb, but it required "--script-language lua" on the command
line. For now I'll just change the default to be eScriptLanguageLua in
our tree, but would like to have this "just work" upstream.
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