Definitely a bug.  ValueObjectSynthetic overrides both GetChildMemberWithName 
and GetIndexOfChildWithName so that if you have a synthetic value, it will look 
in the synthetic children to match the name, not in the underlying value's 
type.  Not sure why this isn’t working.


> On Apr 7, 2020, at 5:34 PM, Greg Clayton via lldb-dev 
> <> wrote:
>   3           int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
>   4             std::atomic<int> ai;
>   5             ai = argc;
> -> 6            ai = argc + 1;
>   7             return 0;
>   8           }
> (lldb) fr var ai
> (std::atomic<int>) ai = {
>  Value = 1
> }
> (lldb) frame var --raw ai
> (std::__1::atomic<int>) ai = {
>  std::__1::__atomic_base<int, true> = {
>    std::__1::__atomic_base<int, false> = {
>      __a_ = 1
>    }
>  }
> }
> So we have a synthetic child provider. But if we do:
> (lldb) script
>>>> v = lldb.frame.FindVariable('ai')
>>>> print(v.GetNumChildren())
> 1
>>>> print(v.GetChildAtIndex(0))
> (int) Value = 1
> But if we ask for it by name it doesn't work:
>>>> print(v.GetChildMemberWithName('Value'))
> No value
> Bug? Intentional?
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