
I'm considering deleting the lldb/utils/test/ directory as a cleanup. Does 
anyone has a reason to keep these scripts around?

Here are the files in the directory:

% ls lldb/utils/test
README-disasm                   README-run-until-faulted        lldb-disasm.py  
                main.c                          run-dis.py
README-lldb-disasm              disasm.py                       
llvm-mc-shell.py                ras.py                          


- disasm.py would've been helpful before lldb gained a 'disassemble' command, 
but it doesn't seem useful anymore
- ditto for lldb-disasm.py; this one also seems quite Darwin-specific (I'm 
pretty sure it doesn't work anymore)
- llvm-mc-shell.py might be useful if you want to type bytes by hand and see 
the disassembly, but even then, seems better to just do `echo "<bytes>" | 
- ras.py isn't running the test suite properly, also (imo) seems like an ersatz 
Jenkins replacement
- main.c is just an example program
- run-dis.py looks like a driver for stress-testing lldb's disassembly command, 
but it looks very iOS/Darwin specific and has likely outlived its usefulness
- run-until-faulted.py runs a program up to 100 times to see if any of the runs 
fail; I suspect most users would reach for a shell one-liner before looking for 
something like this script


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