Author: Sam McCall
Date: 2020-06-10T14:21:44+02:00
New Revision: 41c5efc3f2f22475bf3290309c90e84713511711


LOG: [Syntax] Simplify TokenCollector::Builder, use captured expansion bounds. 

The motivation here is fixing, see
D77507. The fundamental problem is that a "top-level" expansion wasn't precisely
defined. Repairing this concept means that TokenBuffer's "top-level expansion"
may not correspond to a single macro expansion. Example:

M(2); // expands to 1+2

The expansions overlap, but neither expansion alone yields all the tokens.
We need a TokenBuffer::Mapping that corresponds to their union.

This is fairly easy to fix in CollectPPExpansions, but the current design of
TokenCollector::Builder needs a fix too as it relies on the macro's expansion
range rather than the captured expansion bounds. This fix is hard to make due
to the way code is reused within Builder. And honestly, I found that code pretty
hard to reason about too.

The new approach doesn't use the expansion range, but only the expansion
location: it assumes an expansion is the contiguous set of expanded tokens with
the same expansion location, which seems like a reasonable formalization of
the "top-level" notion.

And hopefully the control flow is easier to follow too, it's considerably
shorter even with more documentation.

Reviewers: kadircet

Subscribers: cfe-commits

Tags: #clang

Differential Revision:

(cherry picked from commit ec0b9908952a9f4a19c3eb92ba0fc01cffcb8614)




diff  --git a/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp 
index 3df1c064923a..77cc9295757b 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp
@@ -399,197 +399,167 @@ class TokenCollector::Builder {
   TokenBuffer build() && {
-    buildSpelledTokens();
-    // Walk over expanded tokens and spelled tokens in parallel, building the
-    // mappings between those using source locations.
-    // To correctly recover empty macro expansions, we also take locations
-    // reported to PPCallbacks::MacroExpands into account as we do not have any
-    // expanded tokens with source locations to guide us.
-    // The 'eof' token is special, it is not part of spelled token stream. We
-    // handle it separately at the end.
     assert(Result.ExpandedTokens.back().kind() == tok::eof);
-    for (unsigned I = 0; I < Result.ExpandedTokens.size() - 1; ++I) {
-      // (!) I might be updated by the following call.
-      processExpandedToken(I);
-    }
-    // 'eof' not handled in the loop, do it here.
-    assert(SM.getMainFileID() ==
-           SM.getFileID(Result.ExpandedTokens.back().location()));
-    fillGapUntil(Result.Files[SM.getMainFileID()],
-                 Result.ExpandedTokens.back().location(),
-                 Result.ExpandedTokens.size() - 1);
-    Result.Files[SM.getMainFileID()].EndExpanded = 
+    // Tokenize every file that contributed tokens to the expanded stream.
+    buildSpelledTokens();
-    // Some files might have unaccounted spelled tokens at the end, add an 
-    // mapping for those as they did not have expanded counterparts.
-    fillGapsAtEndOfFiles();
+    // The expanded token stream consists of runs of tokens that came from
+    // the same source (a macro expansion, part of a file etc).
+    // Between these runs are the logical positions of spelled tokens that
+    // didn't expand to anything.
+    while (NextExpanded < Result.ExpandedTokens.size() - 1 /* eof */) {
+      // Create empty mappings for spelled tokens that expanded to nothing 
+      // May advance NextSpelled, but NextExpanded is unchanged.
+      discard();
+      // Create mapping for a contiguous run of expanded tokens.
+      // Advances NextExpanded past the run, and NextSpelled accordingly.
+      unsigned OldPosition = NextExpanded;
+      advance();
+      if (NextExpanded == OldPosition)
+        diagnoseAdvanceFailure();
+    }
+    // If any tokens remain in any of the files, they didn't expand to 
+    // Create empty mappings up until the end of the file.
+    for (const auto &File : Result.Files)
+      discard(File.first);
     return std::move(Result);
-  /// Process the next token in an expanded stream and move corresponding
-  /// spelled tokens, record any mapping if needed.
-  /// (!) \p I will be updated if this had to skip tokens, e.g. for macros.
-  void processExpandedToken(unsigned &I) {
-    auto L = Result.ExpandedTokens[I].location();
-    if (L.isMacroID()) {
-      processMacroExpansion(SM.getExpansionRange(L), I);
-      return;
+  // Consume a sequence of spelled tokens that didn't expand to anything.
+  // In the simplest case, skips spelled tokens until finding one that produced
+  // the NextExpanded token, and creates an empty mapping for them.
+  // If Drain is provided, skips remaining tokens from that file instead.
+  void discard(llvm::Optional<FileID> Drain = llvm::None) {
+    SourceLocation Target =
+        Drain ? SM.getLocForEndOfFile(*Drain)
+              : SM.getExpansionLoc(
+                    Result.ExpandedTokens[NextExpanded].location());
+    FileID File = SM.getFileID(Target);
+    const auto &SpelledTokens = Result.Files[File].SpelledTokens;
+    auto &NextSpelled = this->NextSpelled[File];
+    TokenBuffer::Mapping Mapping;
+    Mapping.BeginSpelled = NextSpelled;
+    // When dropping trailing tokens from a file, the empty mapping should
+    // be positioned within the file's expanded-token range (at the end).
+    Mapping.BeginExpanded = Mapping.EndExpanded =
+        Drain ? Result.Files[*Drain].EndExpanded : NextExpanded;
+    // We may want to split into several adjacent empty mappings.
+    // FlushMapping() emits the current mapping and starts a new one.
+    auto FlushMapping = [&, this] {
+      Mapping.EndSpelled = NextSpelled;
+      if (Mapping.BeginSpelled != Mapping.EndSpelled)
+        Result.Files[File].Mappings.push_back(Mapping);
+      Mapping.BeginSpelled = NextSpelled;
+    };
+    while (NextSpelled < SpelledTokens.size() &&
+           SpelledTokens[NextSpelled].location() < Target) {
+      // If we know mapping bounds at [NextSpelled, KnownEnd] (macro expansion)
+      // then we want to partition our (empty) mapping.
+      //   [Start, NextSpelled) [NextSpelled, KnownEnd] (KnownEnd, Target)
+      SourceLocation KnownEnd = CollectedExpansions.lookup(
+          SpelledTokens[NextSpelled].location().getRawEncoding());
+      if (KnownEnd.isValid()) {
+        FlushMapping(); // Emits [Start, NextSpelled)
+        while (NextSpelled < SpelledTokens.size() &&
+               SpelledTokens[NextSpelled].location() <= KnownEnd)
+          ++NextSpelled;
+        FlushMapping(); // Emits [NextSpelled, KnownEnd]
+        // Now the loop contitues and will emit (KnownEnd, Target).
+      } else {
+        ++NextSpelled;
+      }
-    if (L.isFileID()) {
-      auto FID = SM.getFileID(L);
-      TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File = Result.Files[FID];
-      fillGapUntil(File, L, I);
+    FlushMapping();
+  }
-      // Skip the token.
-      assert(File.SpelledTokens[NextSpelled[FID]].location() == L &&
-             "no corresponding token in the spelled stream");
-      ++NextSpelled[FID];
-      return;
+  // Consumes the NextExpanded token and others that are part of the same run.
+  // Increases NextExpanded and NextSpelled by at least one, and adds a mapping
+  // (unless this is a run of file tokens, which we represent with no mapping).
+  void advance() {
+    const syntax::Token &Tok = Result.ExpandedTokens[NextExpanded];
+    SourceLocation Expansion = SM.getExpansionLoc(Tok.location());
+    FileID File = SM.getFileID(Expansion);
+    const auto &SpelledTokens = Result.Files[File].SpelledTokens;
+    auto &NextSpelled = this->NextSpelled[File];
+    if (Tok.location().isFileID()) {
+      // A run of file tokens continues while the expanded/spelled tokens 
+      while (NextSpelled < SpelledTokens.size() &&
+             NextExpanded < Result.ExpandedTokens.size() &&
+             SpelledTokens[NextSpelled].location() ==
+                 Result.ExpandedTokens[NextExpanded].location()) {
+        ++NextSpelled;
+        ++NextExpanded;
+      }
+      // We need no mapping for file tokens copied to the expanded stream.
+    } else {
+      // We found a new macro expansion. We should have its spelling bounds.
+      auto End = CollectedExpansions.lookup(Expansion.getRawEncoding());
+      assert(End.isValid() && "Macro expansion wasn't captured?");
+      // Mapping starts here...
+      TokenBuffer::Mapping Mapping;
+      Mapping.BeginExpanded = NextExpanded;
+      Mapping.BeginSpelled = NextSpelled;
+      // ... consumes spelled tokens within bounds we captured ...
+      while (NextSpelled < SpelledTokens.size() &&
+             SpelledTokens[NextSpelled].location() <= End)
+        ++NextSpelled;
+      // ... consumes expanded tokens rooted at the same expansion ...
+      while (NextExpanded < Result.ExpandedTokens.size() &&
+             SM.getExpansionLoc(
+                 Result.ExpandedTokens[NextExpanded].location()) == Expansion)
+        ++NextExpanded;
+      // ... and ends here.
+      Mapping.EndExpanded = NextExpanded;
+      Mapping.EndSpelled = NextSpelled;
+      Result.Files[File].Mappings.push_back(Mapping);
-  /// Skipped expanded and spelled tokens of a macro expansion that covers \p
-  /// SpelledRange. Add a corresponding mapping.
-  /// (!) \p I will be the index of the last token in an expansion after this
-  /// function returns.
-  void processMacroExpansion(CharSourceRange SpelledRange, unsigned &I) {
-    auto FID = SM.getFileID(SpelledRange.getBegin());
-    assert(FID == SM.getFileID(SpelledRange.getEnd()));
-    TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File = Result.Files[FID];
-    fillGapUntil(File, SpelledRange.getBegin(), I);
-    // Skip all expanded tokens from the same macro expansion.
-    unsigned BeginExpanded = I;
-    for (; I + 1 < Result.ExpandedTokens.size(); ++I) {
-      auto NextL = Result.ExpandedTokens[I + 1].location();
-      if (!NextL.isMacroID() ||
-          SM.getExpansionLoc(NextL) != SpelledRange.getBegin())
-        break;
+  // advance() is supposed to consume at least one token - if not, we crash.
+  void diagnoseAdvanceFailure() {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    // Show the failed-to-map token in context.
+    for (unsigned I = (NextExpanded < 10) ? 0 : NextExpanded - 10;
+         I < NextExpanded + 5 && I < Result.ExpandedTokens.size(); ++I) {
+      const char *L =
+          (I == NextExpanded) ? "!! " : (I < NextExpanded) ? "ok " : "   ";
+      llvm::errs() << L << Result.ExpandedTokens[I].dumpForTests(SM) << "\n";
-    unsigned EndExpanded = I + 1;
-    consumeMapping(File, SM.getFileOffset(SpelledRange.getEnd()), 
-                   EndExpanded, NextSpelled[FID]);
+    llvm_unreachable("Couldn't map expanded token to spelled tokens!");
   /// Initializes TokenBuffer::Files and fills spelled tokens and expanded
   /// ranges for each of the files.
   void buildSpelledTokens() {
     for (unsigned I = 0; I < Result.ExpandedTokens.size(); ++I) {
-      auto FID =
+      const auto &Tok = Result.ExpandedTokens[I];
+      auto FID = SM.getFileID(SM.getExpansionLoc(Tok.location()));
       auto It = Result.Files.try_emplace(FID);
       TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File = It.first->second;
-      File.EndExpanded = I + 1;
+      // The eof token should not be considered part of the main-file's range.
+      File.EndExpanded = Tok.kind() == tok::eof ? I : I + 1;
       if (!It.second)
         continue; // we have seen this file before.
       // This is the first time we see this file.
       File.BeginExpanded = I;
       File.SpelledTokens = tokenize(FID, SM, LangOpts);
-  void consumeEmptyMapping(TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File, unsigned EndOffset,
-                           unsigned ExpandedIndex, unsigned &SpelledIndex) {
-    consumeMapping(File, EndOffset, ExpandedIndex, ExpandedIndex, 
-  }
-  /// Consumes spelled tokens that form a macro expansion and adds a entry to
-  /// the resulting token buffer.
-  /// (!) SpelledIndex is updated in-place.
-  void consumeMapping(TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File, unsigned EndOffset,
-                      unsigned BeginExpanded, unsigned EndExpanded,
-                      unsigned &SpelledIndex) {
-    // We need to record this mapping before continuing.
-    unsigned MappingBegin = SpelledIndex;
-    ++SpelledIndex;
-    bool HitMapping =
-        tryConsumeSpelledUntil(File, EndOffset + 1, SpelledIndex).hasValue();
-    (void)HitMapping;
-    assert(!HitMapping && "recursive macro expansion?");
-    TokenBuffer::Mapping M;
-    M.BeginExpanded = BeginExpanded;
-    M.EndExpanded = EndExpanded;
-    M.BeginSpelled = MappingBegin;
-    M.EndSpelled = SpelledIndex;
-    File.Mappings.push_back(M);
-  }
-  /// Consumes spelled tokens until location \p L is reached and adds a mapping
-  /// covering the consumed tokens. The mapping will point to an empty expanded
-  /// range at position \p ExpandedIndex.
-  void fillGapUntil(TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File, SourceLocation L,
-                    unsigned ExpandedIndex) {
-    assert(L.isFileID());
-    FileID FID;
-    unsigned Offset;
-    std::tie(FID, Offset) = SM.getDecomposedLoc(L);
-    unsigned &SpelledIndex = NextSpelled[FID];
-    unsigned MappingBegin = SpelledIndex;
-    while (true) {
-      auto EndLoc = tryConsumeSpelledUntil(File, Offset, SpelledIndex);
-      if (SpelledIndex != MappingBegin) {
-        TokenBuffer::Mapping M;
-        M.BeginSpelled = MappingBegin;
-        M.EndSpelled = SpelledIndex;
-        M.BeginExpanded = M.EndExpanded = ExpandedIndex;
-        File.Mappings.push_back(M);
-      }
-      if (!EndLoc)
-        break;
-      consumeEmptyMapping(File, SM.getFileOffset(*EndLoc), ExpandedIndex,
-                          SpelledIndex);
-      MappingBegin = SpelledIndex;
-    }
-  };
-  /// Consumes spelled tokens until it reaches Offset or a mapping boundary,
-  /// i.e. a name of a macro expansion or the start '#' token of a PP 
-  /// (!) NextSpelled is updated in place.
-  ///
-  /// returns None if \p Offset was reached, otherwise returns the end location
-  /// of a mapping that starts at \p NextSpelled.
-  llvm::Optional<SourceLocation>
-  tryConsumeSpelledUntil(TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File, unsigned Offset,
-                         unsigned &NextSpelled) {
-    for (; NextSpelled < File.SpelledTokens.size(); ++NextSpelled) {
-      auto L = File.SpelledTokens[NextSpelled].location();
-      if (Offset <= SM.getFileOffset(L))
-        return llvm::None; // reached the offset we are looking for.
-      auto Mapping = CollectedExpansions.find(L.getRawEncoding());
-      if (Mapping != CollectedExpansions.end())
-        return Mapping->second; // found a mapping before the offset.
-    }
-    return llvm::None; // no more tokens, we "reached" the offset.
-  }
-  /// Adds empty mappings for unconsumed spelled tokens at the end of each 
-  void fillGapsAtEndOfFiles() {
-    for (auto &F : Result.Files) {
-      if (F.second.SpelledTokens.empty())
-        continue;
-      fillGapUntil(F.second, F.second.SpelledTokens.back().endLocation(),
-                   F.second.EndExpanded);
-    }
-  }
   TokenBuffer Result;
-  /// For each file, a position of the next spelled token we will consume.
-  llvm::DenseMap<FileID, unsigned> NextSpelled;
+  unsigned NextExpanded = 0;                    // cursor in ExpandedTokens
+  llvm::DenseMap<FileID, unsigned> NextSpelled; // cursor in SpelledTokens
   PPExpansions CollectedExpansions;
   const SourceManager &SM;
   const LangOptions &LangOpts;

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