Author: Anastasia Stulova
Date: 2021-01-08T13:45:59Z
New Revision: 0ef2b68ff063164a83a37a2a363196d51b76ed8d


LOG: [OpenCL] Documentation for experimental C++ libs

Started a new doc section about the OpenCL experimental
features and described ongoing work on C++ libraries
e.g. type traits.

Tags: #clang

Differential Revision:




diff  --git a/clang/docs/OpenCLSupport.rst b/clang/docs/OpenCLSupport.rst
index 62ba890c3a95..b00a9ef41064 100644
--- a/clang/docs/OpenCLSupport.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/OpenCLSupport.rst
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ OpenCL Support
 Clang fully supports all OpenCL C versions from 1.1 to 2.0.
 Please refer to `Bugzilla
 for the most up to date bug reports.
@@ -45,3 +45,57 @@ Missing features or with limited support
 - Initialization of objects in `__constant` address spaces is not guaranteed 
to work.
 - `addrspace_cast` operator is not supported.
+Experimental features
+Clang provides the following new WIP features for the developers to experiment
+and provide early feedback or contribute with further improvements.
+Feel free to contact us on `cfe-dev
+<>`_ or via `Bugzilla
+C++ libraries for OpenCL
+There is ongoing work to support C++ standard libraries from `LLVM's libcxx
+<>`_ in OpenCL kernel code using C++ for OpenCL mode.
+It is currently possible to include `type_traits` from C++17 in the kernel
+sources when the following clang extensions are enabled
+``__cl_clang_function_pointers`` and ``__cl_clang_variadic_functions``,
+see :doc:`LanguageExtensions` for more details. The use of non-conformant
+features enabled by the extensions does not expose non-conformant behavior
+beyond the compilation i.e. does not get generated in IR or binary.
+The extension only appear in metaprogramming
+mechanism to identify or verify the properties of types. This allows to provide
+the full C++ functionality without a loss of portability. To avoid unsafe use
+of the extensions it is recommended that the extensions are disabled directly
+after the header include.
+**Example of Use**:
+The example of kernel code with `type_traits` is illustrated here.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION __cl_clang_function_pointers : enable
+  #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION __cl_clang_variadic_functions : enable
+  #include <type_traits>
+  #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION __cl_clang_function_pointers : disable
+  #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION __cl_clang_variadic_functions : disable
+  using sint_type = std::make_signed<unsigned int>::type;
+  __kernel void foo() {
+    static_assert(!std::is_same<sint_type, unsigned int>::value);
+  }
+The possible clang invocation to compile the example is as follows:
+   .. code-block:: console
+     $ clang -cl-std=clc++  -I<path to libcxx checkout or 
+Note that `type_traits` is a header only library and therefore no extra
+linking step against the standard libraries is required.

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