Author: River Riddle
Date: 2021-01-11T12:06:22-08:00
New Revision: d79642b3db1d74524f41d37f78385950158787a4


LOG: [mlir][IR][NFC] Move the definitions of 
Complex/Function/Integer/Opaque/TupleType to ODS

The type tablegen backend now has enough support to represent these types well 
enough, so we can now move them to be declaratively defined.

Differential Revision:




diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h 
index d9d1a6e4e68c..835f46dc2295 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h
@@ -29,119 +29,15 @@ class TypeRange;
 namespace detail {
 struct BaseMemRefTypeStorage;
-struct ComplexTypeStorage;
-struct FunctionTypeStorage;
-struct IntegerTypeStorage;
 struct MemRefTypeStorage;
-struct OpaqueTypeStorage;
 struct RankedTensorTypeStorage;
 struct ShapedTypeStorage;
-struct TupleTypeStorage;
 struct UnrankedMemRefTypeStorage;
 struct UnrankedTensorTypeStorage;
 struct VectorTypeStorage;
 } // namespace detail
-// ComplexType
-/// The 'complex' type represents a complex number with a parameterized element
-/// type, which is composed of a real and imaginary value of that element type.
-/// The element must be a floating point or integer scalar type.
-class ComplexType
-    : public Type::TypeBase<ComplexType, Type, detail::ComplexTypeStorage> {
-  using Base::Base;
-  /// Get or create a ComplexType with the provided element type.
-  static ComplexType get(Type elementType);
-  /// Get or create a ComplexType with the provided element type.  This emits
-  /// and error at the specified location and returns null if the element type
-  /// isn't supported.
-  static ComplexType getChecked(Location location, Type elementType);
-  /// Verify the construction of an integer type.
-  static LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(Location loc,
-                                                    Type elementType);
-  Type getElementType();
-// IntegerType
-/// Integer types can have arbitrary bitwidth up to a large fixed limit.
-class IntegerType
-    : public Type::TypeBase<IntegerType, Type, detail::IntegerTypeStorage> {
-  using Base::Base;
-  /// Signedness semantics.
-  enum SignednessSemantics : uint32_t {
-    Signless, /// No signedness semantics
-    Signed,   /// Signed integer
-    Unsigned, /// Unsigned integer
-  };
-  /// Get or create a new IntegerType of the given width within the context.
-  /// The created IntegerType is signless (i.e., no signedness semantics).
-  /// Assume the width is within the allowed range and assert on failures. Use
-  /// getChecked to handle failures gracefully.
-  static IntegerType get(MLIRContext *context, unsigned width);
-  /// Get or create a new IntegerType of the given width within the context.
-  /// The created IntegerType has signedness semantics as indicated via
-  /// `signedness`. Assume the width is within the allowed range and assert on
-  /// failures. Use getChecked to handle failures gracefully.
-  static IntegerType get(MLIRContext *context, unsigned width,
-                         SignednessSemantics signedness);
-  /// Get or create a new IntegerType of the given width within the context,
-  /// defined at the given, potentially unknown, location.  The created
-  /// IntegerType is signless (i.e., no signedness semantics). If the width is
-  /// outside the allowed range, emit errors and return a null type.
-  static IntegerType getChecked(Location location, unsigned width);
-  /// Get or create a new IntegerType of the given width within the context,
-  /// defined at the given, potentially unknown, location. The created
-  /// IntegerType has signedness semantics as indicated via `signedness`. If 
-  /// width is outside the allowed range, emit errors and return a null type.
-  static IntegerType getChecked(Location location, unsigned width,
-                                SignednessSemantics signedness);
-  /// Verify the construction of an integer type.
-  static LogicalResult
-  verifyConstructionInvariants(Location loc, unsigned width,
-                               SignednessSemantics signedness);
-  /// Return the bitwidth of this integer type.
-  unsigned getWidth() const;
-  /// Return the signedness semantics of this integer type.
-  SignednessSemantics getSignedness() const;
-  /// Return true if this is a signless integer type.
-  bool isSignless() const { return getSignedness() == Signless; }
-  /// Return true if this is a signed integer type.
-  bool isSigned() const { return getSignedness() == Signed; }
-  /// Return true if this is an unsigned integer type.
-  bool isUnsigned() const { return getSignedness() == Unsigned; }
-  /// Get or create a new IntegerType with the same signedness as `this` and a
-  /// bitwidth scaled by `scale`.
-  /// Return null if the scaled element type cannot be represented.
-  IntegerType scaleElementBitwidth(unsigned scale);
-  /// Integer representation maximal bitwidth.
-  static constexpr unsigned kMaxWidth = (1 << 24) - 1; // Aligned with LLVM
 // FloatType
@@ -170,68 +66,6 @@ class FloatType : public Type {
   const llvm::fltSemantics &getFloatSemantics();
-// FunctionType
-/// Function types map from a list of inputs to a list of results.
-class FunctionType
-    : public Type::TypeBase<FunctionType, Type, detail::FunctionTypeStorage> {
-  using Base::Base;
-  static FunctionType get(MLIRContext *context, TypeRange inputs,
-                          TypeRange results);
-  /// Input types.
-  unsigned getNumInputs() const;
-  Type getInput(unsigned i) const { return getInputs()[i]; }
-  ArrayRef<Type> getInputs() const;
-  /// Result types.
-  unsigned getNumResults() const;
-  Type getResult(unsigned i) const { return getResults()[i]; }
-  ArrayRef<Type> getResults() const;
-  /// Returns a new function type without the specified arguments and results.
-  FunctionType getWithoutArgsAndResults(ArrayRef<unsigned> argIndices,
-                                        ArrayRef<unsigned> resultIndices);
-// OpaqueType
-/// Opaque types represent types of non-registered dialects. These are types
-/// represented in their raw string form, and can only usefully be tested for
-/// type equality.
-class OpaqueType
-    : public Type::TypeBase<OpaqueType, Type, detail::OpaqueTypeStorage> {
-  using Base::Base;
-  /// Get or create a new OpaqueType with the provided dialect and string data.
-  static OpaqueType get(MLIRContext *context, Identifier dialect,
-                        StringRef typeData);
-  /// Get or create a new OpaqueType with the provided dialect and string data.
-  /// If the given identifier is not a valid namespace for a dialect, then a
-  /// null type is returned.
-  static OpaqueType getChecked(Location location, Identifier dialect,
-                               StringRef typeData);
-  /// Returns the dialect namespace of the opaque type.
-  Identifier getDialectNamespace() const;
-  /// Returns the raw type data of the opaque type.
-  StringRef getTypeData() const;
-  /// Verify the construction of an opaque type.
-  static LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(Location loc,
-                                                    Identifier dialect,
-                                                    StringRef typeData);
 // ShapedType
@@ -444,9 +278,7 @@ class BaseMemRefType : public ShapedType {
   using ShapedType::ShapedType;
   /// Return true if the specified element type is ok in a memref.
-  static bool isValidElementType(Type type) {
-    return type.isIntOrIndexOrFloat() || type.isa<VectorType, ComplexType>();
-  }
+  static bool isValidElementType(Type type);
   /// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
   static bool classof(Type type);
@@ -584,51 +416,6 @@ class UnrankedMemRefType
   ArrayRef<int64_t> getShape() const { return llvm::None; }
-// TupleType
-/// Tuple types represent a collection of other types. Note: This type merely
-/// provides a common mechanism for representing tuples in MLIR. It is up to
-/// dialect authors to provides operations for manipulating them, e.g.
-/// extract_tuple_element. When possible, users should prefer multi-result
-/// operations in the place of tuples.
-class TupleType
-    : public Type::TypeBase<TupleType, Type, detail::TupleTypeStorage> {
-  using Base::Base;
-  /// Get or create a new TupleType with the provided element types. Assumes 
-  /// arguments define a well-formed type.
-  static TupleType get(MLIRContext *context, TypeRange elementTypes);
-  /// Get or create an empty tuple type.
-  static TupleType get(MLIRContext *context);
-  /// Return the elements types for this tuple.
-  ArrayRef<Type> getTypes() const;
-  /// Accumulate the types contained in this tuple and tuples nested within it.
-  /// Note that this only flattens nested tuples, not any other container type,
-  /// e.g. a tuple<i32, tensor<i32>, tuple<f32, tuple<i64>>> is flattened to
-  /// (i32, tensor<i32>, f32, i64)
-  void getFlattenedTypes(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &types);
-  /// Return the number of held types.
-  size_t size() const;
-  /// Iterate over the held elements.
-  using iterator = ArrayRef<Type>::iterator;
-  iterator begin() const { return getTypes().begin(); }
-  iterator end() const { return getTypes().end(); }
-  /// Return the element type at index 'index'.
-  Type getType(size_t index) const {
-    assert(index < size() && "invalid index for tuple type");
-    return getTypes()[index];
-  }
 } // end namespace mlir
@@ -647,6 +434,10 @@ inline bool BaseMemRefType::classof(Type type) {
   return type.isa<MemRefType, UnrankedMemRefType>();
+inline bool BaseMemRefType::isValidElementType(Type type) {
+  return type.isIntOrIndexOrFloat() || type.isa<ComplexType, VectorType>();
 inline bool FloatType::classof(Type type) {
   return type.isa<BFloat16Type, Float16Type, Float32Type, Float64Type>();

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/ 
index b540554fb11e..1c225b9b405b 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/
@@ -25,6 +25,42 @@ class Builtin_Type<string name> : TypeDef<Builtin_Dialect, 
name> {
   let mnemonic = ?;
+// ComplexType
+def Builtin_Complex : Builtin_Type<"Complex"> {
+  let summary = "Complex number with a parameterized element type";
+  let description = [{
+    Syntax:
+    ```
+    complex-type ::= `complex` `<` type `>`
+    ```
+    The value of `complex` type represents a complex number with a 
+    element type, which is composed of a real and imaginary value of that
+    element type. The element must be a floating point or integer scalar type.
+    Examples:
+    ```mlir
+    complex<f32>
+    complex<i32>
+    ```
+  }];
+  let parameters = (ins "Type":$elementType);
+  let builders = [
+    TypeBuilderWithInferredContext<(ins "Type":$elementType), [{
+      return Base::get(elementType.getContext(), elementType);
+    }], [{
+      return Base::getChecked($_loc, elementType);
+    }]>
+  ];
+  let skipDefaultBuilders = 1;
+  let genVerifyInvariantsDecl = 1;
 // FloatType
@@ -65,6 +101,48 @@ def Builtin_Float64 : Builtin_FloatType<"Float64"> {
   let summary = "64-bit floating-point type";
+// FunctionType
+def Builtin_Function : Builtin_Type<"Function"> {
+  let summary = "Map from a list of inputs to a list of results";
+  let description = [{
+    Syntax:
+    ```
+    // Function types may have multiple results.
+    function-result-type ::= type-list-parens | non-function-type
+    function-type ::= type-list-parens `->` function-result-type
+    ```
+    The function type can be thought of as a function signature. It consists of
+    a list of formal parameter types and a list of formal result types.
+    ```
+  }];
+  let parameters = (ins "ArrayRef<Type>":$inputs, "ArrayRef<Type>":$results);
+  let builders = [
+    TypeBuilder<(ins CArg<"TypeRange">:$inputs, CArg<"TypeRange">:$results), [{
+      return Base::get($_ctxt, inputs, results);
+    }]>
+  ];
+  let skipDefaultBuilders = 1;
+  let genStorageClass = 0;
+  let extraClassDeclaration = [{
+    /// Input types.
+    unsigned getNumInputs() const;
+    Type getInput(unsigned i) const { return getInputs()[i]; }
+    /// Result types.
+    unsigned getNumResults() const;
+    Type getResult(unsigned i) const { return getResults()[i]; }
+    /// Returns a new function type without the specified arguments and 
+    FunctionType getWithoutArgsAndResults(ArrayRef<unsigned> argIndices,
+                                          ArrayRef<unsigned> resultIndices);
+  }];
 // IndexType
@@ -96,6 +174,70 @@ def Builtin_Index : Builtin_Type<"Index"> {
+// IntegerType
+def Builtin_Integer : Builtin_Type<"Integer"> {
+  let summary = "Integer type with arbitrary precision up to a fixed limit";
+  let description = [{
+    Syntax:
+    ```
+    // Sized integers like i1, i4, i8, i16, i32.
+    signed-integer-type ::= `si` [1-9][0-9]*
+    unsigned-integer-type ::= `ui` [1-9][0-9]*
+    signless-integer-type ::= `i` [1-9][0-9]*
+    integer-type ::= signed-integer-type |
+                     unsigned-integer-type |
+                     signless-integer-type
+    ```
+    Integer types have a designated bit width and may optionally have 
+    semantics.
+    **Rationale:** low precision integers (like `i2`, `i4` etc) are useful for
+    low-precision inference chips, and arbitrary precision integers are useful
+    for hardware synthesis (where a 13 bit multiplier is a lot cheaper/smaller
+    than a 16 bit one).
+  }];
+  let parameters = (ins "unsigned":$width, "SignednessSemantics":$signedness);
+  let builders = [
+    TypeBuilder<(ins "unsigned":$width,
+                     CArg<"SignednessSemantics", "Signless">:$signedness)>
+  ];
+  // IntegerType uses a special storage class that compacts parameters to save
+  // memory.
+  let genStorageClass = 0;
+  let skipDefaultBuilders = 1;
+  let genVerifyInvariantsDecl = 1;
+  let extraClassDeclaration = [{
+    /// Signedness semantics.
+    enum SignednessSemantics : uint32_t {
+      Signless, /// No signedness semantics
+      Signed,   /// Signed integer
+      Unsigned, /// Unsigned integer
+    };
+    /// Return true if this is a signless integer type.
+    bool isSignless() const { return getSignedness() == Signless; }
+    /// Return true if this is a signed integer type.
+    bool isSigned() const { return getSignedness() == Signed; }
+    /// Return true if this is an unsigned integer type.
+    bool isUnsigned() const { return getSignedness() == Unsigned; }
+    /// Get or create a new IntegerType with the same signedness as `this` and 
+    /// bitwidth scaled by `scale`.
+    /// Return null if the scaled element type cannot be represented.
+    IntegerType scaleElementBitwidth(unsigned scale);
+    /// Integer representation maximal bitwidth.
+    /// Note: This is aligned with the maximum width of llvm::IntegerType.
+    static constexpr unsigned kMaxWidth = (1 << 24) - 1;
+  }];
 // NoneType
@@ -111,4 +253,102 @@ def Builtin_None : Builtin_Type<"None"> {
+// OpaqueType
+def Builtin_Opaque : Builtin_Type<"Opaque"> {
+  let summary = "Type of a non-registered dialect";
+  let description = [{
+    Syntax:
+    ```
+    opaque-type ::= `opaque` `<` type `>`
+    ```
+    Opaque types represent types of non-registered dialects. These are types
+    represented in their raw string form, and can only usefully be tested for
+    type equality.
+    Examples:
+    ```mlir
+    opaque<"llvm", "struct<(i32, float)>">
+    opaque<"pdl", "value">
+    ```
+  }];
+  let parameters = (ins
+    "Identifier":$dialectNamespace,
+    StringRefParameter<"">:$typeData
+  );
+  let genVerifyInvariantsDecl = 1;
+// TupleType
+def Builtin_Tuple : Builtin_Type<"Tuple"> {
+  let summary = "Fixed-sized collection of other types";
+  let description = [{
+    Syntax:
+    ```
+    tuple-type ::= `tuple` `<` (type ( `,` type)*)? `>`
+    ```
+    The value of `tuple` type represents a fixed-size collection of elements,
+    where each element may be of a 
diff erent type.
+    **Rationale:** Though this type is first class in the type system, MLIR
+    provides no standard operations for operating on `tuple` types
+    ([rationale](Rationale/
+    Examples:
+    ```mlir
+    // Empty tuple.
+    tuple<>
+    // Single element
+    tuple<f32>
+    // Many elements.
+    tuple<i32, f32, tensor<i1>, i5>
+    ```
+  }];
+  let parameters = (ins "ArrayRef<Type>":$types);
+  let builders = [
+    TypeBuilder<(ins "TypeRange":$elementTypes), [{
+      return Base::get($_ctxt, elementTypes);
+    }]>,
+    TypeBuilder<(ins), [{
+      return Base::get($_ctxt, TypeRange());
+    }]>
+  ];
+  let skipDefaultBuilders = 1;
+  let genStorageClass = 0;
+  let extraClassDeclaration = [{
+    /// Accumulate the types contained in this tuple and tuples nested within
+    /// it. Note that this only flattens nested tuples, not any other container
+    /// type, e.g. a tuple<i32, tensor<i32>, tuple<f32, tuple<i64>>> is
+    /// flattened to (i32, tensor<i32>, f32, i64)
+    void getFlattenedTypes(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &types);
+    /// Return the number of held types.
+    size_t size() const;
+    /// Iterate over the held elements.
+    using iterator = ArrayRef<Type>::iterator;
+    iterator begin() const { return getTypes().begin(); }
+    iterator end() const { return getTypes().end(); }
+    /// Return the element type at index 'index'.
+    Type getType(size_t index) const {
+      assert(index < size() && "invalid index for tuple type");
+      return getTypes()[index];
+    }
+  }];
 #endif // BUILTIN_TYPES

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/IR/BuiltinTypes.cpp b/mlir/lib/IR/BuiltinTypes.cpp
index b4fc53d9f097..af8fdf381442 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/IR/BuiltinTypes.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/IR/BuiltinTypes.cpp
@@ -31,14 +31,6 @@ using namespace mlir::detail;
 /// ComplexType
-ComplexType ComplexType::get(Type elementType) {
-  return Base::get(elementType.getContext(), elementType);
-ComplexType ComplexType::getChecked(Location location, Type elementType) {
-  return Base::getChecked(location, elementType);
 /// Verify the construction of an integer type.
 LogicalResult ComplexType::verifyConstructionInvariants(Location loc,
                                                         Type elementType) {
@@ -47,8 +39,6 @@ LogicalResult 
ComplexType::verifyConstructionInvariants(Location loc,
   return success();
-Type ComplexType::getElementType() { return getImpl()->elementType; }
 // Integer Type
@@ -126,11 +116,6 @@ FloatType FloatType::scaleElementBitwidth(unsigned scale) {
 // FunctionType
-FunctionType FunctionType::get(MLIRContext *context, TypeRange inputs,
-                               TypeRange results) {
-  return Base::get(context, inputs, results);
 unsigned FunctionType::getNumInputs() const { return getImpl()->numInputs; }
 ArrayRef<Type> FunctionType::getInputs() const {
@@ -189,24 +174,6 @@ FunctionType::getWithoutArgsAndResults(ArrayRef<unsigned> 
 // OpaqueType
-OpaqueType OpaqueType::get(MLIRContext *context, Identifier dialect,
-                           StringRef typeData) {
-  return Base::get(context, dialect, typeData);
-OpaqueType OpaqueType::getChecked(Location location, Identifier dialect,
-                                  StringRef typeData) {
-  return Base::getChecked(location, dialect, typeData);
-/// Returns the dialect namespace of the opaque type.
-Identifier OpaqueType::getDialectNamespace() const {
-  return getImpl()->dialectNamespace;
-/// Returns the raw type data of the opaque type.
-StringRef OpaqueType::getTypeData() const { return getImpl()->typeData; }
 /// Verify the construction of an opaque type.
 LogicalResult OpaqueType::verifyConstructionInvariants(Location loc,
                                                        Identifier dialect,
@@ -693,15 +660,6 @@ LogicalResult mlir::getStridesAndOffset(MemRefType t,
 /// TupleType
-/// Get or create a new TupleType with the provided element types. Assumes the
-/// arguments define a well-formed type.
-TupleType TupleType::get(MLIRContext *context, TypeRange elementTypes) {
-  return Base::get(context, elementTypes);
-/// Get or create an empty tuple type.
-TupleType TupleType::get(MLIRContext *context) { return get(context, {}); }
 /// Return the elements types for this tuple.
 ArrayRef<Type> TupleType::getTypes() const { return getImpl()->getTypes(); }
@@ -721,6 +679,10 @@ void TupleType::getFlattenedTypes(SmallVectorImpl<Type> 
&types) {
 /// Return the number of element types.
 size_t TupleType::size() const { return getImpl()->size(); }
+// Type Utilities
 AffineMap mlir::makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(ArrayRef<int64_t> strides,
                                            int64_t offset,
                                            MLIRContext *context) {

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/IR/MLIRContext.cpp b/mlir/lib/IR/MLIRContext.cpp
index 0837a6511669..3afc10876c73 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/IR/MLIRContext.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/IR/MLIRContext.cpp
@@ -772,10 +772,6 @@ getCachedIntegerType(unsigned width,
-IntegerType IntegerType::get(MLIRContext *context, unsigned width) {
-  return get(context, width, IntegerType::Signless);
 IntegerType IntegerType::get(MLIRContext *context, unsigned width,
                              IntegerType::SignednessSemantics signedness) {
   if (auto cached = getCachedIntegerType(width, signedness, context))
@@ -783,10 +779,6 @@ IntegerType IntegerType::get(MLIRContext *context, 
unsigned width,
   return Base::get(context, width, signedness);
-IntegerType IntegerType::getChecked(Location location, unsigned width) {
-  return getChecked(location, width, IntegerType::Signless);
 IntegerType IntegerType::getChecked(Location location, unsigned width,
                                     SignednessSemantics signedness) {
   if (auto cached =

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/IR/TypeDetail.h b/mlir/lib/IR/TypeDetail.h
index cd027cde722b..1973fdd60f00 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/IR/TypeDetail.h
+++ b/mlir/lib/IR/TypeDetail.h
@@ -27,31 +27,6 @@ class MLIRContext;
 namespace detail {
-/// Opaque Type Storage and Uniquing.
-struct OpaqueTypeStorage : public TypeStorage {
-  OpaqueTypeStorage(Identifier dialectNamespace, StringRef typeData)
-      : dialectNamespace(dialectNamespace), typeData(typeData) {}
-  /// The hash key used for uniquing.
-  using KeyTy = std::pair<Identifier, StringRef>;
-  bool operator==(const KeyTy &key) const {
-    return key == KeyTy(dialectNamespace, typeData);
-  }
-  static OpaqueTypeStorage *construct(TypeStorageAllocator &allocator,
-                                      const KeyTy &key) {
-    StringRef tyData = allocator.copyInto(key.second);
-    return new (allocator.allocate<OpaqueTypeStorage>())
-        OpaqueTypeStorage(key.first, tyData);
-  }
-  // The dialect namespace.
-  Identifier dialectNamespace;
-  // The parser type data for this opaque type.
-  StringRef typeData;
 /// Integer Type Storage and Uniquing.
 struct IntegerTypeStorage : public TypeStorage {
   IntegerTypeStorage(unsigned width,
@@ -290,24 +265,6 @@ struct UnrankedMemRefTypeStorage : public 
BaseMemRefTypeStorage {
-/// Complex Type Storage.
-struct ComplexTypeStorage : public TypeStorage {
-  ComplexTypeStorage(Type elementType) : elementType(elementType) {}
-  /// The hash key used for uniquing.
-  using KeyTy = Type;
-  bool operator==(const KeyTy &key) const { return key == elementType; }
-  /// Construction.
-  static ComplexTypeStorage *construct(TypeStorageAllocator &allocator,
-                                       Type elementType) {
-    return new (allocator.allocate<ComplexTypeStorage>())
-        ComplexTypeStorage(elementType);
-  }
-  Type elementType;
 /// A type representing a collection of other types.
 struct TupleTypeStorage final
     : public TypeStorage,

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