@@ -2001,8 +2225,6 @@ define i16 @test_umax_16(ptr nocapture %ptr, i16 signext 
%val) {
 ; MIPSELR6-NEXT:  $BB6_1: # %entry
 ; MIPSELR6-NEXT:    # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
 ; MIPSELR6-NEXT:    ll $2, 0($6)
-; MIPSELR6-NEXT:    and $2, $2, $8
topperc wrote:

@yingopq I'm not really a Mips expert so I'm not sure. But my understanding is 
that the and was clearing the upper and lower bits so that the unsigned min/max 
would only consider the byte or half word that it should and not any other 
values around it in memory.

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