@@ -3464,6 +3464,34 @@ Query for this feature with 
 ``__builtin_arm_trap`` is lowered to the ``llvm.aarch64.break`` builtin, and 
then to ``brk #payload``.
AaronBallman wrote:

> It needs to be compiler time lowered, so I think it should literals.

In that case, I think we want *constant expression* not just literal, right? 
constexpr const char *name = "name of check";
if (__builtin_allow_runtime_check(name)) {
is still able to be lowered at compile time. The reason I ask is because I'm 
thinking about template metaprogramming cases where you might want to do 
something along the lines of:
template <typename Ty>
struct S {
  void mem_fun() {
    if (__builtin_allow_runtime_check(Ty::check_name) && stuff) {
but maybe this is not a compelling use case? I don't insist on constant 
expression support, more just trying to verify that we support the expected 
usage patterns.

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