@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ include(${LLVM_COMMON_CMAKE_UTILS}/Modules/CMakePolicy.cmake
 project(Runtimes C CXX ASM)
Meinersbur wrote:

Since LLVM is usually the top-level project everything is sorted under "LLVM" 
be default. I added a `LLVM_SUBPROJECT_TITLE` to all potential subprojects that 
are either included via `add_subdirectory` or as a stand-alone build, including 
this one.

I just checked to see if it is actually used, and the answer is yes: At least 
`check-runtimes` is put into this folder when loading the solution from the 
`runtimes-bins` directory.

I did not go through all runtime targets to ensure they are put into some 
folder name that makes sense like I did for the LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS 
subprojects since opening a project in the IDE from the runtimes-bin would be 
done only if there is a concrete problem. However, I wanted to at least make a 
minimal effort that allows puts targets other than `add_custom_target` into a 
subtproject folder.

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