MaskRay wrote:

> I like the idea, but I'm not sure this should be always enabled. This sounds 
> like a lot of debugging fun when a seed-dependent case is not caught in 
> testing.
> Can we have this part of LLVM_REVERSE_ITERATION instead, which is used to 
> detect similar hash iteration stability issues? We have a build bot for it.

I have fixed a lot of non-determinism bugs in the past few years.
In my experience, non-determinism caused by `DenseMap<A *, X>` is a more 
frequent issue than overuse of `DenseMap<StringRef, X>`.
`DenseMap<A *, X>` non-determinism issues could have a low failure rate with 
certain malloc implementations, especially when the bucket count is small.

Potential non-determinism concerns are outweighed by the benefits.
The argument in might be useful:

> Part of Abseil's philosophy is engineering at scale. In addition to making it 
> harder to execute a hash flooding attack, another reason we randomize 
> iteration order is that is makes it easier for use to change the underlying 
> implementation if we need to. When we wanted to change our hash function (for 
> example), we found thousands of unit tests that depended on iteration order. 
> We could not just break these tests and say "sorry, you are violating Hyrum's 
> Law" since we would have thousands of angry Google developers. So instead, we 
> fixed the tests and implemented randomization so that next time we wanted to 
> change something in the implementation, this would not be an issue. The need 
> for iteration order determinism is relatively rare compared to the potential 
> wins we get by being free to change the implementation (maybe to make the 
> hash table faster, which could save millions of cycles at scale, for 
> example). By giving users a knob to disable the randomness, we'd be in the 
> same situation all over again.

While -DLLVM_ENABLE_REVERSE_ITERATION=on helps, it adds complexity for bot 
maintainers and configurations.
This PR allows easier detection of `DenseMap<StringRef, X>` overuse by all 
Eventually, perhaps we can extend this to all `DenseMap<Key, X>` for 
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