@@ -2193,80 +2197,137 @@ llvm::Value *getSizeInBytes(DataLayout &dl, const 
mlir::Type &type,
   return builder.getInt64(dl.getTypeSizeInBits(type) / 8);
-void collectMapDataFromMapVars(MapInfoData &mapData,
-                               llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Value> &mapVars,
-                               LLVM::ModuleTranslation &moduleTranslation,
-                               DataLayout &dl, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder) {
-  for (mlir::Value mapValue : mapVars) {
-    if (auto mapOp = mlir::dyn_cast_if_present<mlir::omp::MapInfoOp>(
-            mapValue.getDefiningOp())) {
-      mlir::Value offloadPtr =
+static void collectMapDataFromMapOperands(
+    MapInfoData &mapData, SmallVectorImpl<Value> &mapVars,
+    LLVM::ModuleTranslation &moduleTranslation, DataLayout &dl,
+    llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder, const ArrayRef<Value> &useDevPtrOperands = 
+    const ArrayRef<Value> &useDevAddrOperands = {}) {
+  // Process MapOperands
+  for (Value mapValue : mapVars) {
+    auto mapOp = cast<omp::MapInfoOp>(mapValue.getDefiningOp());
+    Value offloadPtr =
+        mapOp.getVarPtrPtr() ? mapOp.getVarPtrPtr() : mapOp.getVarPtr();
+    mapData.OriginalValue.push_back(moduleTranslation.lookupValue(offloadPtr));
+    mapData.Pointers.push_back(mapData.OriginalValue.back());
+    if (llvm::Value *refPtr =
+            getRefPtrIfDeclareTarget(offloadPtr,
+                                     moduleTranslation)) { // declare target
+      mapData.IsDeclareTarget.push_back(true);
+      mapData.BasePointers.push_back(refPtr);
+    } else { // regular mapped variable
+      mapData.IsDeclareTarget.push_back(false);
+      mapData.BasePointers.push_back(mapData.OriginalValue.back());
+    }
+    mapData.BaseType.push_back(
+        moduleTranslation.convertType(mapOp.getVarType()));
+    mapData.Sizes.push_back(
+        getSizeInBytes(dl, mapOp.getVarType(), mapOp, mapData.Pointers.back(),
+                       mapData.BaseType.back(), builder, moduleTranslation));
+    mapData.MapClause.push_back(mapOp.getOperation());
+    mapData.Types.push_back(
+        llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags(mapOp.getMapType().value()));
+    mapData.Names.push_back(LLVM::createMappingInformation(
+        mapOp.getLoc(), *moduleTranslation.getOpenMPBuilder()));
+    mapData.IsAMapping.push_back(true);
+    // Check if this is a member mapping and correctly assign that it is, if
+    // it is a member of a larger object.
+    // TODO: Need better handling of members, and distinguishing of members
+    // that are implicitly allocated on device vs explicitly passed in as
+    // arguments.
+    // TODO: May require some further additions to support nested record
+    // types, i.e. member maps that can have member maps.
+    mapData.IsAMember.push_back(false);
+    for (Value mapValue : mapVars) {
+      auto map = cast<omp::MapInfoOp>(mapValue.getDefiningOp());
TIFitis wrote:

I've moved the logic to a lambda, hopefully that helps readability along with 
code divergence.

I don't think we need to check for member mapOp being same as parent as that 
would be a peculiar scenario we aren't expecting.

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