Issue 90801
Summary [HLSL][DirectX] Clang has all features required for DirectML to adopt it
Labels HLSL
Reporter damyanp
    This is a milestone on the way to getting full HLSL support in Clang.

For this milestone we need to have enough features working in Clang that it could be used to compile the shaders used by DirectML, and enough testing infrastructure in place that we can convince ourselves that we've achieved this goal.

# Work

The work items listed here are expected to be _fully_ completed - even if that means doing more than the bare minimum required to pass this milestone.

> For now, just filling this in with notes, later turn into links to the real issues

- [ ] All resource types used by DML supported
- [ ] All intrinsics used by DML implemented from HLSL to DXIL
- [ ] All DXIL ops required by DML implemented
- [ ] RootSignature support
- [ ] Inliner enabled
- [ ] Library interface has functionality required by DML
- [ ] All DML shaders included in test suite, and pass!
- [ ] Locally modified version of DML that build successfully using Clang

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