Issue 90946
Summary Destructors are not called during unwinding of SEH exceptions for Windows x86 binaries with /EHa
Labels new issue
Reporter momo5502
    Building sample below with cl.exe (both x64 and x86) using `cl.exe /EHa a.cpp` yields the following expected output:

Destructor called
Exception thrown

Building it with clang-cl.exe for x86 using `clang-cl.exe -m32 /EHa a.cpp` yields the following output:

Destructor NOT called
Exception thrown

As one can see, the destructor is not being called when unwinding.
Note that compiling that sample using clang-cl for x64 works completely fine. This is only an issue with x86.

Another thing worth mentioning is that taking the code from `HandleDestructorCallWithException` and putting it directly within `CatchNativeExceptions` causes the x86 binary to crash, while x64 works fine.

The sample:

#include <cstdio>

struct Destructor {
  Destructor(bool* destructorCalled) : mDestructorCalled(destructorCalled) {}
  ~Destructor() { *mDestructorCalled = true; }
  bool* mDestructorCalled;

void HandleDestructorCallWithException(bool* destructorCalled)
 Destructor x(destructorCalled);
  *reinterpret_cast<int*>(1) = 1;

void CatchNativeExceptions(bool* destructorCalled, bool* exceptionThrown)
  try {
  catch(...) {
    *exceptionThrown = true;

int main()
 bool destructorCalled = false;
  bool exceptionThrown = false;

 CatchNativeExceptions(&destructorCalled, &exceptionThrown);

 puts(destructorCalled ? "Destructor called" : "Destructor NOT called");
  puts(exceptionThrown ? "Exception thrown" : "Exception NOT thrown");

  return destructorCalled && exceptionThrown ? 0 : 1;

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