Issue 91276
Summary -Ofast partially overrides -ffp-model
Labels clang:driver
Reporter andykaylor
    When the -Ofast option is specified along with the -ffp-model=<> option, the -Ofast option partially overrides the -ffp-model option, regardless of the order of the options. I'm not sure what the original intention was, but the current state is obviously not what was intended.

For example:
float foo(float x, float y, float z) {
  return x * y + z;
Compiled with "-Ofast -ffp-model=strict" produces
define float @foo(float %x, float %y, float %z) {
  %0 = tail call float @llvm.fmuladd.f32(float %x, float %y, float %z)
  ret float %0
This is unexpected because -ffp-model=strict shouldn't allow contraction at all, and -Ofast would result in separate fmul and fadd instructions with the `fast` flag set.

Compiled with "-O3 -ffp-model=strict" the code above produces
define float @foo(float %x, float %y, float %z) {
entry:  %mul = tail call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul.f32(float %x, float %y, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
  %add = tail call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float %mul, float %z, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
  ret float %add
This is what you'd expect with -ffp-model=strict being honored.

Compiled with "-ffp-model=strict -Ofast" it produces
define float @foo(float %x, float %y, float %z) {
  %mul = fmul fast float %y, %x
  %add = fadd fast float %mul, %z
  ret float %add
This is what you'd expect with -Ofast taking precedence.

It seems to have been like this since the introduction of the -ffp-model option, but I couldn't find comments in the review where -ffp-model was introduced that would explain why it was done this way. The driver code in RenderFloatingPointOptions() sets a bunch of local variables for any -ffp-model option to more or less initialize things to the -ffp-model=precise state, then it checks for -Ofast and breaks out of the handler for anything other than "fast" with a warning saying that "-Ofast" overrides the -ffp-model option, but it has already changed a lot of things to the -ffp-model=precise state.

I'm not sure why we would have wanted -Ofast to override -ffp-model regardless of position, but we didn't achieve it.
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