Issue 91311
Summary clang::SourceRange of clang::RawComment
Labels clang
Reporter T-Gruber
    While working with the LibTooling library (llvm-project release 17.x), I noticed a strange behaviour of the SourceRange related to RawComments. I have written a small clang-based tool that essentially has the task of detecting all comments in a given C file and removing them. For this I get the SourceRange of all RawComments and remove them using the rewriter.

inline void removeAllComments(clang::ASTContext &Context, clang::Rewriter &R) {
 const clang::SourceManager &SrcMgr = Context.getSourceManager();

  if (const std::map<unsigned int, clang::RawComment *> *CommentMap =
    for (auto [LineInfo, Comment] : *CommentMap) {
      std::cout << "SourceRange via Lexer: "
                << clang::Lexer::getSourceText(
 SrcMgr, Context.getLangOpts(), 0).str()
                << "\nRawTest: " << Comment->getRawText(SrcMgr).str() << "\n\n";
To run the standalone tool I use the following command:
~/llvm-project/build$ bin/comment_tool test.c --extra-arg=-fparse-all-comments  --

I tested a short code snippet:
int a = 1 /*comment*/;
extern int /*comment*/ b;

And got the following rewritten result:
int a = 1 
extern int  b;

As you can see, all comments are removed, but the semicolon is also deleted in the first VarDecl. If you take a closer look at the output in the terminal, you can see that the SourceRange of the first comment includes the semicolon. However, the RawTest corresponds to my expectation:
SourceRange via Lexer: /*comment*/;
RawTest: /*comment*/

SourceRange via Lexer: /*comment*/
RawTest: /*comment*/

Is this intentional behaviour? I would be grateful for any advice!

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