Issue 97943
Summary [Hexagon]Enhance the handling of addrspacecast conversions.
Labels new issue
Reporter DigOrDog
    # Description
The below IR code compiles successfully on various architectures including AArch64, x86_64, ARM, Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), NVIDIA Parallel Thread Execution (NVPTX64), PowerPC, and RISC-V64. However, it encounters compilation issues specifically on the Hexagon architecture. There is a consideration of whether it is essential to strengthen the handling of such cases to ensure compatibility and robustness across all targeted architectures.
# IR
llc in.ll -mtriple=hexagon -mcpu=generic -mattr=+nvs
define double @f(ptr %G, ptr %x) {
  %Castaddrspacecast = addrspacecast ptr %x to ptr addrspace(1)
  store ptr addrspace(1) %Castaddrspacecast, ptr %G, align 8
  ret double 0.000000e+00

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