Issue 102939
Summary [flang][openmp] Bad code for "private" directive with pointers and targets
Labels bug, flang:openmp
Reporter psteinfeld
    Here's a test program:
program bug
  integer, pointer :: pvar
 integer, target :: tvar
  tvar = 2
  pvar => tvar
  !$omp parallel private (pvar, tvar)
  tvar = 1
  pvar => tvar
  !$omp end parallel
  if (pvar/=2) stop 'fail'
  print *, 'ok'
end program
I compile this program with `flang-new -fopenmp bug.f90`. When I execute it, I get the output:
Fortran STOP: fail
IEEE arithmetic exceptions signaled: INEXACT
When I compile and execute the same program with `gfortran -fopenmp bug.f90`, I get the output:
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