Changes in directory llvm/include/llvm: added (r1.1)
Log message:

initial checkin of the intrinsic description file

Diffs of the changes:  (+188 -0) |  188 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 188 insertions(+)

Index: llvm/include/llvm/
diff -c /dev/null llvm/include/llvm/
*** /dev/null   Thu Mar  2 20:33:25 2006
--- llvm/include/llvm/     Thu Mar  2 20:33:15 2006
*** 0 ****
--- 1,188 ----
+ //===- - Defines all LLVM intrinsics ---------*- tablegen 
+ // 
+ //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+ //
+ // This file was developed by Chris Lattner and is distributed under the
+ // University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ // 
+ //
+ // This file defines properties of all LLVM intrinsics.
+ //
+ //  Properties we keep track of for intrinsics.
+ class IntrinsicProperty;
+ // Intr*Mem - Memory properties.  An intrinsic is allowed to have exactly one 
+ // these properties set.  They are listed from the most aggressive (best to 
+ // if correct) to the least aggressive.  If no property is set, the worst 
+ // is assumed (IntrWriteMem).
+ // InstrNoMem - The intrinsic does not access memory or have any other side
+ // effects.  It may be CSE'd deleted if dead, etc.
+ def InstrNoMem : IntrinsicProperty;
+ // InstrReadArgMem - This intrinsic reads only from memory that one of its
+ // arguments points to, but may read an unspecified amount.
+ def InstrReadArgMem : IntrinsicProperty;
+ // IntrReadMem - This intrinsic reads from unspecified memory, so it cannot be
+ // moved across stores.  However, it can be reordered otherwise and can be
+ // deleted if dead.
+ def IntrReadMem : IntrinsicProperty;
+ // InstrWriteArgMem - This intrinsic reads and writes only from memory that 
+ // of its arguments points to, but may access an unspecified amount.  It has 
+ // other side effects.  This may only be used if the intrinsic doesn't 
+ // the argument pointer (e.g. storing it someplace).
+ def InstrWriteArgMem : IntrinsicProperty;
+ // IntrWriteMem - This intrinsic may read or modify unspecified memory or has 
+ // other side effects.  It cannot be modified by the optimizer.  This is the
+ // default if the intrinsic has no other Intr*Mem property.
+ def IntrWriteMem : IntrinsicProperty;
+ // Types used by intrinsics.
+ class LLVMType<string typeval> {
+   string TypeVal = typeval;
+ }
+ def llvm_void_ty       : LLVMType<"Type::VoidTyID">;
+ def llvm_bool_ty       : LLVMType<"Type::BoolTyID">;
+ def llvm_sbyte_ty      : LLVMType<"Type::SByteTyID">;
+ def llvm_short_ty      : LLVMType<"Type::ShortTyID">;
+ def llvm_int_ty        : LLVMType<"Type::IntTyID">;
+ def llvm_long_ty       : LLVMType<"Type::LongTyID">;
+ def llvm_ubyte_ty      : LLVMType<"Type::UByteTyID">;
+ def llvm_ushort_ty     : LLVMType<"Type::UShortTyID">;
+ def llvm_uint_ty       : LLVMType<"Type::UIntTyID">;
+ def llvm_ulong_ty      : LLVMType<"Type::ULongTyID">;
+ def llvm_float_ty      : LLVMType<"Type::FloatTyID">;
+ def llvm_double_ty     : LLVMType<"Type::DoubleTyID">;
+ def llvm_ptr_ty        : LLVMType<"Type::PointerTyID">;     // sbyte*
+ def llvm_ptrptr_ty     : LLVMType<"Type::PointerTyID">;     // sbyte**
+ def llvm_anchor_ty     : LLVMType<"Type::PointerTyID">;     // {}*
+ def llvm_descriptor_ty : LLVMType<"Type::PointerTyID">;     // global*
+ // Intrinsic Definitions.
+ // Intrinsic class - This is used to define one LLVM intrinsic.  The name of 
+ // intrinsic definition should start with "int_", then match the LLVM 
+ // name with the "llvm." prefix removed, and all "."s turned into "_"s.  For
+ // example, llvm.bswap.i16 -> int_bswap_i16.
+ //
+ //  * Types is a list containing the return type and the argument types
+ //    expected for the intrinsic.
+ //  * Properties can be set to describe the behavior of the intrinsic.
+ //
+ class Intrinsic<list<LLVMType> types,
+                 list<IntrinsicProperty> properties = [],
+                 string name = ""> {
+   string LLVMName = name;
+   list<LLVMType> Types = types;
+   list<IntrinsicProperty> Properties = properties;
+ }
+ //===--------------- Variable Argument Handling Intrinsics 
+ //  
+ def int_vastart : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptrptr_ty], [], 
+ def int_vacopy  : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptrptr_ty, llvm_ptrptr_ty], 
+                             "llvm.va_copy">;
+ def int_vaend   : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptrptr_ty], [], 
+ //===------------------- Garbage Collection Intrinsics 
+ //  
+ def int_gcroot  : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptrptr_ty, llvm_ptr_ty]>;
+ def int_gcread  : Intrinsic<[llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_ptrptr_ty], [InstrReadArgMem]>;
+ def int_gcwrite : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_ptrptr_ty],
+                             [InstrWriteArgMem]>;
+ //===--------------------- Code Generator Intrinsics 
+ //  
+ def int_returnaddress : Intrinsic<[llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_uint_ty], [InstrNoMem]>;
+ def int_frameaddress  : Intrinsic<[llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_uint_ty], [InstrNoMem]>;
+ def int_stacksave     : Intrinsic<[llvm_ptr_ty]>;
+ def int_stackrestore  : Intrinsic<[llvm_ptr_ty]>;
+ def int_prefetch      : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, 
+                                    llvm_uint_ty, llvm_uint_ty]>;
+ def int_pcmarker      : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_uint_ty]>;
+ def int_readcyclecounter : Intrinsic<[llvm_ulong_ty]>;
+ //===------------------- Standard C Library Intrinsics 
+ //
+ let Properties = [InstrWriteArgMem] in {
+   def int_memcpy_i32  : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_ptr_ty,
+                                    llvm_uint_ty, llvm_uint_ty]>;
+   def int_memcpy_i64  : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_ptr_ty,
+                                    llvm_ulong_ty, llvm_uint_ty]>;
+   def int_memmove_i32 : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_ptr_ty,
+                                    llvm_uint_ty, llvm_uint_ty]>;
+   def int_memmove_i64 : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_ptr_ty,
+                                    llvm_ulong_ty, llvm_uint_ty]>;
+   def int_memset_i32  : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_ubyte_ty,
+                                    llvm_uint_ty, llvm_uint_ty]>;
+   def int_memset_i64  : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_ubyte_ty,
+                                    llvm_ulong_ty, llvm_uint_ty]>;
+ }
+ let Properties = [InstrNoMem] in {
+   def int_isunordered_f32 : Intrinsic<[llvm_float_ty,  llvm_float_ty]>;
+   def int_isunordered_f64 : Intrinsic<[llvm_double_ty, llvm_double_ty]>;
+   def int_sqrt_f32 : Intrinsic<[llvm_float_ty , llvm_float_ty]>;
+   def int_sqrt_f64 : Intrinsic<[llvm_double_ty, llvm_double_ty]>;
+ }
+ // NOTE: these are internal interfaces.
+ def int_setjmp     : Intrinsic<[llvm_int_ty , llvm_ptr_ty]>;
+ def int_longjmp    : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_int_ty]>;
+ def int_sigsetjmp  : Intrinsic<[llvm_int_ty , llvm_ptr_ty]>;
+ def int_siglongjmp : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_ptr_ty, llvm_int_ty]>;
+ //===-------------------- Bit Manipulation Intrinsics 
+ //
+ // None of these intrinsics accesses memory at all.
+ let Properties = [InstrNoMem] in {
+   def int_bswap_i16 : Intrinsic<[llvm_ushort_ty, llvm_ushort_ty]>;
+   def int_bswap_i32 : Intrinsic<[llvm_uint_ty,   llvm_uint_ty]>;
+   def int_bswap_i64 : Intrinsic<[llvm_ulong_ty,  llvm_ulong_ty]>;
+   def int_ctpop_i8  : Intrinsic<[llvm_ubyte_ty,  llvm_ubyte_ty]>;
+   def int_ctpop_i16 : Intrinsic<[llvm_ushort_ty, llvm_ushort_ty]>;
+   def int_ctpop_i32 : Intrinsic<[llvm_uint_ty,   llvm_uint_ty]>;
+   def int_ctpop_i64 : Intrinsic<[llvm_ulong_ty,  llvm_ulong_ty]>;
+   def int_ctlz_i8  : Intrinsic<[llvm_ubyte_ty,  llvm_ubyte_ty]>;
+   def int_ctlz_i16 : Intrinsic<[llvm_ushort_ty, llvm_ushort_ty]>;
+   def int_ctlz_i32 : Intrinsic<[llvm_uint_ty,   llvm_uint_ty]>;
+   def int_ctlz_i64 : Intrinsic<[llvm_ulong_ty,  llvm_ulong_ty]>;
+   def int_cttz_i8  : Intrinsic<[llvm_ubyte_ty,  llvm_ubyte_ty]>;
+   def int_cttz_i16 : Intrinsic<[llvm_ushort_ty, llvm_ushort_ty]>;
+   def int_cttz_i32 : Intrinsic<[llvm_uint_ty,   llvm_uint_ty]>;
+   def int_cttz_i64 : Intrinsic<[llvm_ulong_ty,  llvm_ulong_ty]>;
+ } 
+ //===------------------------ Debugger Intrinsics 
+ //
+ def int_dbg_stoppoint    : Intrinsic<[llvm_anchor_ty, llvm_uint_ty, 
+                                       llvm_uint_ty, llvm_descriptor_ty]>;
+ def int_dbg_region_start : Intrinsic<[llvm_anchor_ty, llvm_anchor_ty]>;
+ def int_dbg_region_end   : Intrinsic<[llvm_anchor_ty, llvm_anchor_ty]>;
+ def int_dbg_func_start   : Intrinsic<[llvm_anchor_ty, llvm_descriptor_ty]>;
+ //    dbg_declare,      // Declare a local object

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