Changes in directory llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/ScalarRepl:

2006-12-11-SROA-Crash.ll added (r1.1)
Log message:

new testcase for pr1045: 

Diffs of the changes:  (+24 -0)

 2006-12-11-SROA-Crash.ll |   24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+)

Index: llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/ScalarRepl/2006-12-11-SROA-Crash.ll
diff -c /dev/null 
*** /dev/null   Mon Dec 11 22:24:27 2006
--- llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/ScalarRepl/2006-12-11-SROA-Crash.ll Mon Dec 
11 22:24:17 2006
*** 0 ****
--- 1,24 ----
+ ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -scalarrepl -disable-output
+ ; PR1045
+ target datalayout = "e-p:32:32"
+ target endian = little
+ target pointersize = 32
+ target triple = "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
 = type { "struct.__gnu_cxx::bitmap_allocator<char>::_Alloc_block"* }
+       "struct.__gnu_cxx::bitmap_allocator<char>" = type { ubyte }
+       "struct.__gnu_cxx::bitmap_allocator<char>::_Alloc_block" = type { [8 x 
sbyte] }
+ implementation   ; Functions:
+ void %_ZN9__gnu_cxx16bitmap_allocatorIwE27_M_deallocate_single_objectEPw() {
+ entry:
+       %this_addr.i = alloca 
+       %tmp = alloca 
 align 4         ; 
+       store 
+       %tmp.i = load 
 %this_addr.i           ; 
+       %tmp.i = bitcast 
 %tmp.i to "struct.__gnu_cxx::bitmap_allocator<char>"*                ; 
<"struct.__gnu_cxx::bitmap_allocator<char>"*> [#uses=0]
+       %tmp1.i = load 
 %this_addr.i          ; 
+       %tmp.i = getelementptr 
 %tmp1.i, int 0, uint 0         ; 
<"struct.__gnu_cxx::bitmap_allocator<char>::_Alloc_block"**> [#uses=0]
+       unreachable
+ }

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