I have some classification API questions:

1.    A packet that was classified on a pmr or pmr_set would finally reach a 
target cos which will be translated in a queue or
a queue group that will be scheduled by the scheduler (frame ordering being 
insured if the queue is synched ATOMIC or ORDERED).
So the queue is selected based on the classification process. What is purpose 
of flow signature and what is the relation with the pmrs/pmr sets and also with 
Can you give a calling sequence example of using flow signature in the context 
of classification?

2.    In the classification document there is a statement:

"If multiple PMRs match the implementation MAY define an inherent precedence or 
it MAY be unpredictable as to which PMR will determine the assigned CoS.".  
Suppose we have two different platforms; on both of them we set two pmrs - 
ip.src and the other udp.sport (in this order). Due to

the different support and implementation on these platforms, udp.sport could be 
applied first on one of the platforms. Does this mean that we shall have

different functionality depending on the platform(and in the same time 
different output results from platform to platform)?

3.    odp_pmr_terms_avail(void) - if this gives the number of pmrs available 
for use in the system what about pmr_sets?(There is no function for this)

4.    odp_pmr_match_count(odp_pmr_t pmr_id) - this function gives the number of 
packets that matched a pmr. What about pmr sets? (There is no function for this)

5.    odp_cos_set_drop - only configures/changes the existing action on a cos 
to drop(no matter if we have cascade pmrs, pmrs or pmr sets)?  If not, can you 
explain this in the context with the buffer pool drop policy?

6.     I see that TCP and UDP header fields such as SPORT, DPORT can be used in 
the PMR rules. Some hardware/software implementation support IP reassembly 
before PMR match can be done. Some implementation may not be able to do that. 
How does ODP reconcile to it? I did not see any text indicating the expected 
behavior if the fragmented packets are received



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