Hi all,

At Kalray we are designing a manycore processor for packet processing, and we are currently developing our SDK. We really like the ODP approach and we want to implement ODP on our architecture.

We know the API and architecture is still a work-in-progress, but we are ok with that and would like to participate. What is the best way to get involved?

A concrete problem we are facing right now with ODP is that our architecture has separate address spaces (up to 20). I won't discuss the merits or drawbacks of this approach here (if some of you are interested I could go in more details later), but it means our packet buffers are not allocated per interface (because the same interfaces can target different address spaces), but rather per queue.
Basically what we are currently thinking about is:
- allocate 1 queue per destination (where a destination is basically an address space)
 - regroup all those queues in a queue group
 - associate this queue group to CoS
Then when the dispatch/queueing/scheduling engine match this CoS for a flow, it will dispatch those flow packets to a queue in the queue group. So we would like to be able to associate packet pools to queues rather than per interface.

Any feedback appreciated :)


Benoît GANNE
Field Application Engineer, Kalray
+33 (0)648 125 843
lng-odp mailing list

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