Here I have patches from api-next needed to be merged to master:

There are 4 commits:
5f9b8df example: classifier: remove odp_pmr_create_range() support
dab82ac validation: remove test case for odp_pmr_create_range() function
3bd420c api: classification: remove odp_pmr_create_range() function definition. 088cea5 linux-generic: classification: remove odp_pmr_create_range() function implementation.

Which breaks git bisect. So I'm thinking what is better to do here merge them to one commit or
leave as is.

pros for not squash to 1 patch:
+ logic split patches from api, validation and example easy for post merge review.

cons for not squash to 1 patch:
- not git bisect command friendly, but commits grouped and followed one by one.
So that git bisect --skip can avoid this block;

pros to squash to 1 patch:
+ git bisect friendly;

cons to squash to 1 patch:
-  one monster patch.

For now I think it's better to not squash that commits to single commit. Any ideas what is better to do in that case? I think we should define somewhere that such separation for api patches & tests are acceptable.


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