On 10/08/15 15:51, Zoltan Kiss wrote:

I've noticed that in ODP-DPDK "make check" runs the tests twice. I think
it's because of the Makefile.am we get from linux-generic:

#@with_platform@ works alone in subdir but not as part of a path???
SUBDIRS = @platform_with_platform@ \
       helper \
       test \
       @platform_with_platform_test@ \
       helper/test \
       doc \
       example \

So "make check" will run in @platform_with_platform@ and
@platform_with_platform_test@, and the former will also go into test to
run the tests. I think it's not necessary, can we do anything to avoid
this double run?

this bit will sort it out:

diff --git a/platform/linux-dpdk/Makefile.am b/platform/linux-dpdk/Makefile.am
index 71470fb..345c874 100644
--- a/platform/linux-dpdk/Makefile.am
+++ b/platform/linux-dpdk/Makefile.am
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ AM_CFLAGS +=  -I$(top_srcdir)/helper/include

 DPDK_LIBS="-ldpdk -ldl -lm -lpcap"
-SUBDIRS = test

 include_HEADERS = \

I've just ran make check on latest odp.git, and it doesn't seem to run
the testcases at all, am I the only one seeing that problem?
This last bit was my issue, I forgot to configure them.


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